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Rafael Nadal

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Everything posted by Rafael Nadal

  1. [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1320455539' post='2839102'] The only failure here is this entire stupid ass idea. And I think outside of MK and VE everyone pretty much agrees with that. [/quote] I personally hope that many agree that this is ridiculous, unethical, throw more similarly colorful words here. Perhaps it will inspire somebody else to actually do something for once.
  2. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1320455112' post='2839097'] Your slip is showing. [/quote] My positions have been clear and honest since before I stepped down from gov't. I agree with the op completely, but probably for different reasons than many.
  3. [quote name='O-Dog' timestamp='1320454913' post='2839088'] You are purposefully neglecting how the failure to reach peace happens, thus enabling one party to shaft the other. You know this. [/quote] Why the failure happens is irrelevant to us in our position. It may be relevant to Legion's pride, but we couldn't care less about Legion's pride.
  4. [quote name='O-Dog' timestamp='1320454491' post='2839074'] Yup, read it. If NSO are being the only barrier to peace - exempting that you expect Legion to accept stupid terms just to get peace - your action against NSO and allies has nothingto do with Legion. But that's only on the premise that you are at least trying to be fair to both Legion and NSO and therefore would not hit Legion if they were being wholly reasonable about reaching peace. Which you aren't. [/quote] "If you remove Legion from the equation, Legion is no longer in the equation." Thanks for the lesson. Our actions against NSO and Legion are dependent upon peace being reached (or not reached). Now, in order for peace to be reached, both sides need to agree. I think you can see that Legion is, undoubtedly, a part of this process, and thus, has much to do with our actions against NSO. Again, just because you don't like it, doesn't make it not the reality of the situation.
  5. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1320453923' post='2839056'] I'll go on record as saying you won't pre-empt them. [/quote] Welp, we'll just see how the cards play out.
  6. [quote name='O-Dog' timestamp='1320453981' post='2839059'] That's up to you. Got nothing to do with Legion. [/quote] Have you not read the OP? Legion has a lot to do with this. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't reality.
  7. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1320453787' post='2839052'] One we're not crying, we're reasonably objecting as my friend Illusion pointed out. One of our objections is that your overbearing "solution" to a war that MK has no stake in and VE has an optional stake in directly interferes with the sovereignty of multiple alliances. It's been over a month since the start of the war and VE chose to stay out even though they had a link to Tetris. Why the change of heart, and why try to pull this stunt? [b]You had to know that it wouldn't be received very well from anyone other than your closest friends.[/b] [/quote] MK clearly has a stake in this situation, as evidenced by our involvement in the OP. As for the bold, you're almost on to something. Think about it...
  8. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1320453665' post='2839048'] Why would NSO's allies need to get involved when you are doing the job they were going to do anyway? [/quote] Well, with our track record, who's to say we won't pre-empt them if they try to stay out?
  9. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1320453371' post='2839036'] Do I need to join all the dots for you? In that case, punish NSO for refusing a reasonable peace and ensuring the war is not going to end. Legion have been fair and reasonable so I fail to see why they should be punished for NSO's pigheadedness. Unless, of course, ending the war is merely a ruse and rolling Legion and her allies is the real aim here. Oops, I'm getting all cynical again! [/quote] And what about rolling NSO's allies? I think we've been crystal clear with our intentions since taking the throne of CN.
  10. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1320452836' post='2839020'] I've got a catchy name for the war where (okay if) they get their come-uppance. How's MKarma? Pronounce it like the guidance counselor from South Park, Mkay. [/quote] Don't worry, we'll scare up another viceroy from somewhere. This way, we'll know you really mean it.
  11. [quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1320452334' post='2839002'] As soon as they said "We're not the New Hegemony". [/quote] Who's they?
  12. [quote name='Shodemofi' timestamp='1299756397' post='2658423'] Rafael nadal is out of gov? That can only be good news. [/quote] I resigned once I realized that I was ruining MK.
  13. Vanguard doesn't need to be on the list, because that's just LUE pluralism. Then again, we're that good, we probably deserve two spots. But seriously, at least it's a somewhat interesting topic. 1. GOONS 2. LUE 3. NAAC 4. Spot saved for NPO ( ) 5. VE? Vox? Around here, you can pick from any number of disbandments.
  14. [quote name='Weirdgus' timestamp='1297617418' post='2631221'] I'm sad to see that opportunistic meatshields such as ODN didn't disband yet [/quote] Agreed whole-heartedly.
  15. [quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1296995936' post='2622011'] [b]And can you still keep a straight face when you say you're better than the old hegemony? [/b] Must take a lot of practice to fool yourselves to such an extend. I wonder how long it will take for that attitude to bite you in the rear. [/quote] Yes, I can. Anything else?
  16. [quote name='corey rolfe' timestamp='1296411388' post='2611261'] u mad? [/quote] ...please tell me this is not serious?
  17. Rafael Nadal

    I give up

    The fact you can't "justify" our attack in the current "political climate" is the entire point it. I don't know how this happened, but TOP was actually PROGRESSIVE and ahead of it's time with their pre-empt of us. This games is choked with the guise that a war can only be started in a certain manner, that a war must unfold in a certain manner, etc. Over the years here, the more defensive you are the more ~HoNoRaBle~ you supposedly are. This has been taken to such extremes that there is a massive effort to mediate conflicts to put them out, or at least keep them from expanding. This goes hand-in-hand with the fact that, because of the narrowness of the game itself, every cb (because there are relatively few that can be generated) already has a page in the playbook. From their, it's a battle to be more defensive, and each time you have to feign a more defensive nature than the last. This is has gotten ridiculous. The game is narrow enough already, we need to break down the player imposed boundaries to open game-play back up. If you want to consider us the bad guy for being aggressive and spicing things up, then do so, we have no qualms. Ultimately, this war, singularly, won't make CN interesting again, because it's not about one war, or one period of peace. However, I do hope this war is at least the start of us attempting to reign in the expanding cycle between wars that we have seen grow from a few months, to 6 months, to where we are now where we might have one war a year. In my mind, about once every 6 months was the best balance was the best cycle for the game.
  18. [quote name='Sir Sci' timestamp='1295986685' post='2600784'] Haha, I sincerely hope that CCC shows you up. [/quote] Gonna take a lot more than hope...the jihad is strong.
  19. [quote name='m3g4tr0n' timestamp='1295977214' post='2600455'] As a former member of the Legion, I take offense. Although, I am pretty much always offended by you and your ilk. [/quote] You should be more offended at Legion for being such a weak, passive, follower alliance. Legion's entire history is littered with cowardice and disappointment.
  20. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1295555538' post='2587042'] No fun allowed. [/quote] Apparently.
  21. What a tremendously hostile world that a Moralist must endure. Yet not only does he survive, he thrives. Because our little foe has an instinct for survival and preservation second to none... And that Monsieur is what a Moralist shares with a rat.
  22. Some of you out there agree with the CB, but not the lack of diplomacy. Some of you disagree with the CB, and thus disagree with the actions taken because of it. Some of you may think you can sit this one out, for whatever reason. You hide in your corner. Some of you may say you've been asked to stay out by allies, to keep some dignity. It doesn't matter. We will hunt you down. We will find you. You think you're safe? We will bring war to your doorstep, and you will burn. EVERYTHING. MUST. DIE.
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