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Everything posted by Masterof9puppets

  1. [quote name='infinite citadel' timestamp='1283199204' post='2436045'] I nuke all my raid targets, rogue or not [/quote] Dbag
  2. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283195750' post='2435983'] He hit 3 inactives. It's pretty well known that when rogues hit alliances, the damage is done by the counters. You raided him about ten minutes after. Also, that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about the OP. [/quote] Yes, I was too. I raided him nine hours after. White Majik hit Tyga. I don't know about you, but I don't really think Tyga is the most inactive of fellows. Or the other nations that Majik hit.
  3. [quote name='Yanoplathizo' timestamp='1283194944' post='2435968'] http://www.cybernations.net/aid_information.asp?Nation_ID=410529 Feel free to post me 3 mill, 10 days later you will get 50 tech. Please put 3/50 in the description. [/quote] Three for fifty....? Haha.
  4. [quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1283191377' post='2435920'] I thought these would be basic rules all tech raiding alliances would know. However, recent evidence shows this clearly isn't the case. Salmacis of [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=201168&Extended=1]La Farlede[/url] went rogue on Legion, NPO, and me two weeks ago. Then a Kronos nation screwed up the stagger. I'm not sure if he was persuaded to CM/air/navy/nuke, but the Kronos government I talked to said it would probably be allowed (thanks).[/quote] Oh hey, that was me. It was a good raid too, it's not all of the time that you find a raid that you can attack for all seven days without getting nuked. Now being Kronos .gov, I'm somewhat confused on why NPO or Legion did not come to me and ask me to launch CM's/AC's. I did however hear, through the grapevine anyways, that I was asked to peace out with Sal by Legion. Now, please, Legion .gov, answer me what kind of idiot would accept peace in this given situation? I for one support rouging. It spices up the game. I can't walk 5 feet into Planet Bob without someone saying "Blah blah blah, CN sucks there's no war someone do something pl0x". Well, rouging is the first step to spice. [quote name='White Majik'] And as one of those Kronos rogues you speak of, I took more damage from Kronos when I went rogue then STA and Legion combined.[/quote] And as one of the nations attacking you in that situation as well, I did give you quite more of a beating than STA [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1283194562' post='2435960'] They probably raided him before he DoWed. Of course you did. You didn't have any attackers from STA or Legion. 3 nations > 0 nations. [/quote] If I remember correctly, Majik was attacking 3 STA/Legion nations that were all relatively the same size as him. 3 nations = 3 nations. Also, you're wrong. We raided him after he DoW'd.
  5. The point of this contest is to make a signature that people like. It's not to make a signature that people like only because it pisses off Davian. Over the past what, four years I've been on these forums, 99.9% of signatures that I have seen below users posts has used content that the creator of the signature did not 100% create themselves. Not once have I ever seen anyone call someone out for their sig being based off of a render instead of being one hundred percent original. I have to admit, it was kind of funny at first, when the arguments first started popping up, but now it's just ridiculous. If you're not here to create sigs for a contest, and instead are just going to bicker and annoy the hell out of people that actually want to participate, get out please.
  6. [quote name='Elorian' timestamp='1283167691' post='2435672'] You weren't. So here goes! I admire Masterof9puppets! Though AirMe is awesome. [/quote] You, are the best
  7. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1283143694' post='2435497'] Play nice? You're the one rejecting people's work and making up reasons for it on the fly. I'm trying to defend them. I'm arguing in favour of fairness. [/quote] He can though. [quote]The CN-ART staff also reserves the right to deny any submission at their discretion.[/quote]
  8. Okay, really this one is just stupid. For the next one choose a theme like freaking, movie characters, or horror, or something. Not a goddamn colour. I felt like being 100% original this time, no plagiarism. [IMG]http://imgur.com/rdyQR.png[/IMG] [code]Puppets-[IMG]http://imgur.com/rdyQR.png[/IMG][/code] It's red, just like admin. If you stare at it long enough, or smoke enough whatever, you can see a face. The face represents the ebilness of admin, and his Godly self watching over us all as we play this game. If you stare even harder, you'll see an eye. /me bows.
  9. Okay, so basically the objective of this contest is to have a signature that is....based off of....a colour? What the hell?
  10. These are awesome, just so, so great.
  11. [quote name='xenon' timestamp='1283124471' post='2435109'] Actually it's (150 + (150 * (28349.73 * .02%))) which equals [b]1000.4919 Infra [/b]Which is [b]6.669946 Times Base [/b]Edit: It would also do [b]333.4973 Tech [/b] [/quote] You sure there's a "150+" in the beginning?
  12. [quote name='Itsuki Koizumi' timestamp='1283124154' post='2435104'] add in the damages from a sub and it might be well over 1k [/quote] Very true, I forgot about those. I wonder if he has enough war experience to use em though, he barely has any casualties.
  13. [quote name='steviewonder' timestamp='1283120627' post='2435048'] How the hell are Valhalla ahead of NpO? Winner here is MK, loser is Legion/THE UNDEFEATED [/quote] Because, from my personal experience, NpO's military is completely fail. [quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1283120759' post='2435051'] Oh hey. Aircastle vanished into thin air. [/quote] [img]http://www.thetoque.com/images/stories/david_caruso_sunglasses.jpg[/img] [i][size="6"]YEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH[/size][/I].
  14. 150 * (1 + (tech / 10000) * X) X, with an WRC = 2 Without a WRC, = 1 So.... 150 * (28,000 / 10,000) * 2 150 * 2.8 * 2 [b]840 infra[/b] [i]Badass nuke[/i].
  15. [quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1283117332' post='2435001'] I believe Kronos will be declaring on whoever wins Best Military Alliance, so be sure to vote Kronos so we can declare on ourselves [/quote] I verify this statement. /s/
  16. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1283114483' post='2434933'] You're agreeing with points that you find false? [/quote] You, Sal. You were agreeing with points that I find false. Use that head of yours. The point you were agreeing with, or whatever you were doing, was that Cheyennes sig was good because it matched Rayvon's points.
  17. [quote name='Liz Girard' timestamp='1283111745' post='2434852'] Um says you, how many times have you rogued? hmmm "reliable" kronos gov ftl [/quote] While Majik might be a negative, I'm a superpositive, completely nulling the negative. Besides, we have gov that doesn't have a nation, it doesn't get more neat than that But, Liz
  18. [quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1283110491' post='2434829'] Furthermore, New Sith Order was not included because New Pacific Order is a bigger, better version. [/quote] I lol'd.
  19. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1283108632' post='2434812'] How is this at all a response to my post?[/quote] "I agree. And anyone that knows art will agree as well. Which is why Cheyenne's sig is good". Agreeing with points that I find false, and I made my opinion known to you. How is this not a response to your post? [quote]Show them to me. [/quote] Search through [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90764&st=0]1[/url], [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90488&st=0]2[/url], and [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90280&st=0]3[/url].
  20. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1283104044' post='2434772'] I agree. And anyone that knows art will agree as well. Which is why Cheyenne's sig is good and all the other ones are crap. But the people running this contest believe art means applying photoshop filters to Google image search. It stands to reason that if this is art to them, they should care what the original image looked like. Of course they won't, because they don't want their plagiarism easily discovered. I am not at all surprised that they rejected my suggestion. [/quote] Either that or I didn't think that Cheyenne's sig A.) Was eye catching, B.) Made me want to look at it again, C.) Say something to me, D.) Moved me, or E.) Turned my stomach. And Sal, if you looked through the voting threads you'll see that many entries had posted their stocks.
  21. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1283099554' post='2434739'] Is it eye-catching? Does it make you want to look at it again? Does it say something to you? Move you? Turn your stomach? These are questions that are more important than 'How much effort was put into it?'. [/quote] This actually. It's not how many hours of work went into producing the product, it is how well the final product appears and what it invokes in it's viewers. I've actually provided my .psd for the sig contest that I won two rounds ago, and my source image for the last one- I have no problem showing those to the public.
  22. [quote name='Mayzie' timestamp='1282812172' post='2431645'] I admire myself for reading through 9 pages of this !@#$ and not seeing my name once. [/quote] I admire myself for reading the first page, not seeing my name, reading the last page, not seeing my name, and merely assuming my name wasn't mentioned anywhere else either
  23. I definitely prefer IPB3, it's a lot cleaner, and I love the skins for it. I'd say vBulletin (4) should be the second best, especially for customization. Unfortunately, those are both paid forums and it's hard to get a personal copy.
  24. Davian, when is SoTW #15 going to start?
  25. [quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1282730737' post='2430653'] GIMP is pretty good, it allows you to do everything Photoshop does, although does take awhile to get used to. [/quote] I started off with Paint.net before I switched to Photoshop, it was much more of a Photoshop clone than Gimp, so the transition was easier to get used to. Gimp was just too...different for me. For mac, there's a handy Photoshop alternative called "Pixelmator". It's not free, but it's like 10 times less expensive and the UI is absolutely gorgeous. [quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1282786017' post='2431379'] I've never participated in this before, but if it's okay, I'd like to submit my sig for the next round..... [/quote] I'm not sure when the next one will be started, but it should be soon and of course anyone can enter. Judging by your current sig you'll submit a great entry, but don't be surprised if people complain that you didn't handcraft every single part of the sig.
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