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Everything posted by Masterof9puppets

  1. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1282705563' post='2430339'] Keep on bawwing, it's pretty hilarious. [/quote] Does it look like I'm bawwing? No, it looks like you are bawwing. You've had your fun, you've won the contest, and now Davian, you know, the person that kind of just runs this contest and hands out the rewards, made you your medal. Take it or leave it.
  2. [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1282682545' post='2429802'] An aside: When does this poll end? I want to wear my ribbon. [/quote] The ribbon that Davian gave you is your ribbon.
  3. [quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1282609844' post='2428356'] In a graphics competition? Yes. [/quote] My point, in the rest of my sarcastic post, that even if it's original and stands out, it still has to look visually appealing. I understand that some people find a urinal with !@#$ in it visually appealing. I can only assume that the people that find my latter visual appealing are the same the same that find an ms paint sig appealing.
  4. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1282583347' post='2427866'] [color="#0000FF"]Yes, an "award" that mocks Chey and his accomplishment simply because a few regulars here are upset they didn't win is going to do wonders for the credibility of this contest.[/color] [/quote] With your mindset of thinking, if you were an English teacher and I handed in an essay with every third word spelt wrong and the middle of every sentence capitalized, I would receive from you an A. Originality and standing out from the rest is what is key, right? That must be the meaning for the blue text as well.
  5. [quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1282517299' post='2426971'] Using the Topaz Labs bundle add-on that I acquired legally as well as my CS5. [/quote] Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the extra thousand dollars that I have in the bank. [quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1282548229' post='2427466'] No no, I think he'll like it. Here ya go, Chey. I believe now! [IMG]http://i38.tinypic.com/24q387m.png[/IMG] [code][IMG]http://i38.tinypic.com/24q387m.png[/IMG][/code] [/quote] Well done, well done.
  6. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1282429368' post='2426025'] You can throw your credibility away by changing the rules halfway through the vote and whining about people voting for the lulz entry, but Cheyenne's success in this contest is as much a comment on the artistic quality of the other entries as it is on Cheyenne's entry. [/quote] It's not a comment on artistic quality of Cheyenne's sig at all, it's a comment on how NSO thought it would be funny to $%&@ up a sig contest by inserting a lulz sig and then mass voting for it. [quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1282447916' post='2426273'] Thanks Correct, here's another I've been tussling with. [IMG]http://i38.tinypic.com/sb669l.png[/IMG] I personally think I over topaz'd the Freddy and Wolverine sigs. The Topaz on the wolverine was basically to make him more veiny and show off the effects. I really don't care what RV and D34th have been on about. What the "real" artists already know is that CN is not a graphically orientated forum or community for that matter. For these reasons, most of us (me at least) don't really care about winning. We just like entering weekly and tossing in some nice submissions. [/quote] I like the wolverine sig as well- how do you do your topazing? [quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1282504717' post='2426767'] Thank you, oh glorious CN Artists, for informing me that my art isn't actually art. From now on I know that I have to spend hundreds of dollars on photo-editing software to be considered an artist. I also know that if the people in power don't like your art, they can always just disqualify you from winning a competition. The greatest periods for art in history have always been the ones in which the elite determined what art was. [/quote] Raise your hand, sig-makers, if you spent hundreds of dollars on photo-editing software. ... ... *cricket* /me keeps his hand down.
  7. The fact that Cheyenne is destroying the other entries is somewhat annoying, but at the same time I also find it pretty hilarious.
  8. [quote name='Seipher Caim' timestamp='1282256602' post='2423529'] Awww Sorry... Since it's a mythological/graphical thread, I though posting and explaing a sig about Baldr was cool but i'll find customers elsewhere [/quote] Wasn't directing that at you Seiph <3, more the ones requesting sigs.
  9. Sorry Satsu, but there's nothing mythy about 300 Others, please keep sig requests out of a sig competition, it's kind of annoying...
  10. [quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1282128992' post='2421471'] Sky is counting it, I didn't ask her to, I just asked if she'd consider Freddy a myth. If you don't like it, don't enter. [/quote] No, I actually really like your sig, it's impressive. Freddy Kreuger is just not a myth, he's a made up character for a movie. Myths are traditional stories, like legend and folktale. Only in the very broadest sense of the term is Freddy a myth. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1282133498' post='2421506'] Voldemort, here we come. [/quote]
  11. If Freddy Kreuger is a myth, then so is Lord Voldemort. The funny thing is that they aren't.
  12. [quote name='Caleb279' timestamp='1282088559' post='2420596'] Why didn't you take Masterof9puppets? Also, dy that looks mighty fine [/quote] I don't know, apparently changing up locations of 3 parts of the image, adding my own shattered-glass effect, scan lines, border, colour changing, brick wall, and lighting to a stock image isn't good enough
  13. [quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1282031699' post='2419234'] I've seen that somewhere before. Does Freddy Krueger count as Mythology? [/quote] http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/263/0/7/Bloody_Mary_by_black_kittie.jpg Bloody Mary is an urban legend (myth), Freddy Krueger is (as far as I know) just a movie.
  14. [IMG]http://imgur.com/imVRd.jpg[/IMG] [code] Masterof9puppets- [IMG]http://imgur.com/imVRd.jpg[/IMG] [/code]
  15. I wonder if I could twist Little Red Riding Hood to be a myth........
  16. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1282020139' post='2418804'] This is probably the first announcement of Kronos I've liked in quite some time. [/quote] That's because I haven't made one in a long time.
  17. [center] [IMG]http://imgur.com/RsJws.jpg[/IMG] [size="1"]un[/size][size="6"][b]Official Kronos Announcement[/b][/size] NoNE has been an alliance of great repute during it’s existence in the world. Unfortunately after many years of their harsh, painful service to the alliance that they fought so valiantly for in hundreds of thousands of wars, they have...disbanded. The reason I bring this up today is because, well, I felt like creating lulz. As such, I have decided that it is Kronos' duty to protect this AA from those whom wish to pillage from it who are not us. So I hereby place the NoNE Affiliation under our domain. Nobody may attack this alliance except us without our permission. If you want permission, merely ask our government and we’ll get back to you. Thanks, /s/ Masterof9puppets, Kronos Member [size="1"][i]with no legal authority[/i][/size] [i]If you want permission to raid a nation under our Attacktorate AA, go here: [url="http://www.cn-kronos.com"]Our Forums[/url]. On an unrelated note to this announcement, we have new (less than a month old, anyways) forums with some sexy skins that a few of you might enjoy viewing. Cheers![/i][/center]
  18. Hurry up Seth/Sky! I want to have my sig made before I go off to college on Thursday....
  19. I hope \m/ raids anyways. Lulz results could possibly occur.
  20. Just saying, but if any of GGA were in my range, I would be raiding with or without \m/'s permission. Although it would be fun raiding with \m/ again
  21. Aw damnit, now I have to upgrade the forums again Here's to 3.1!
  22. A quick search through these forums and also google didn't help me out here, so I'm just going to post and ask What is the name of the system that adds the notifications hook (that notifies of quoted posts) to the forum main page and to the right of the username? It's very useful and I'd like to integrate it into Kronos' forums as well. Thanks! -Puppets
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