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Everything posted by Masterof9puppets

  1. I'd say 5 out of the...well, 5 Kronos nations that were declared upon did not attack you. Had you just triple teamed the one nation that raided you I'd probably be saying "All the power to you" right now.
  2. Kronos/GOONs vs. RLMMO? I dig. If you were planning on responding with force against your attackers, you probably should have well...just responded in force against your attackers, y'know? Philip, White Majik (Not Kronos, btw), and Nizzle.
  3. Eh, yeah he did. I was there. You were not. If you want logs, feel free to query me.
  4. Everyone seems to be forgetting that STA gave us permission to attack the rogues, as long as we dealt full damage. We followed through with our side of that bargain. Actually, they should feel free to repeat as much as they want, as Tyga first blamed Kronos for the attacks. He blamed us for being behind them. Knowyourfacts.
  5. Well, we didn't agree to pay for it, we just agreed that what was already sent would be kept without any problem from us. The first half is full truth and not arguable guys. The second half- you didn't request compensation for us mistakenly refilling Heracles war slots, you requested reps for Kronos' "colluding with rogues to impact max damage upon STA", or something like that. Yup, he told us he was quitting and that we could have his tech. Not really an option to be turned down. Then he went rogue on Tyga and someone else took the third defensive slot. Yay tech. Yup, he told us he was quitting and that we could have his tech. Not really an option to be turned down. Then he went rogue on Tyga and someone else took the third defensive slot. Yay tech.
  6. Well, the 600 tech reps was being asked because Kronos "colluded with rogues to inflict maximum damage upon STA", suggesting that we were doing everything we could to beat down some tigers. The 300 tech, mistakenly sent, would not have been sent if it was not by mistake but as Kronos is admitting that we were in the wrong at least in the one point it is being stated as compensation for our mistake in redeclaring upon Heracles. It would not have been sent if not for the miscommunication between Kronos and TOP, as we do not particularly feel that you deserve it. What's done is done.
  7. Yeah, Tyga and co were the the only ones that wanted it posted publicly. No big deal though, I got to go to bed and all that good stuff. I think it was referring to Crymson not being gov at the time, and it not really having the stability of an official agreement without Dr. Dan behind it.
  8. Because it is a very humorous point. It would have been smart to watch White Majik's defensive slots when you asked us to peace with him if you had had the intention of taking them to eat more nukes defend STA
  9. We did with White Majik. You didn't take them. Whether or not that is your fault is irrelevant to me.
  10. Lawl, take Ptricky then. He's nuking us so if you really wish we'd be glad to let you take him off our hands.
  11. We never stopped doing what Porkers said we were. The situations just seem oddly similar to me, that is all.
  12. I'm not too sure of the difference in situations...
  13. Several implies more than two gov members. This is not the case, as first of all, at the time of the rogues declaration none of them were .gov, as they had already resigned. Second of all, only one of them was .gov immediately before resigning (Heracles); White Majik had been .gov more than a month prior. Third, there were only two rogue nations. To put your statement correctly, one .gov of Kronos resigned and went rogue on Tyga, and one general membership nation of Kronos resigned and went rogue on Tyga. Again, one leader. One Ancient (General membership). With White Majik, there was only one nation from Kronos that had declared on him. As Majik stated previously in this topic, he told no one of his plans. Also previously said, Kronos declared upon and anarchied Ptricky (the one who launched the spy op) before he could declare on STA. Kronos is currently eating nukes from Ptricky. Well, we've already seen how STA would handle it if it were reversed: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...p;#entry1960686 2 members =/= 20% of an alliance going rogue on STA. The nations attacking Heracles and White Majik have been doing full attacks from the start. It was actually just four rogues, and only two against STA.
  14. So, taking in fact that you cannot blame the spy slots on Kronos, our explanation for not staggering Heracles- and the staggering would have been unnecessary, and our explanation about Heracles rebuying infrastructure adds up.........? This. It was also I was given, as at the time it was given it was deemed all that was necessary for my eyes to read. If STA has proof that the logs are highly out of context, feel free to post it.
  15. Really? Thats your response? >< Exactly, so again, the order of requests: 1. Force White Majik to send peace to Tyga, even though he's not on your aa, or we will "review our options" (aka, declare war) 2. Force White Majik to send peace, or pay full reps or we will "review our options". 3. Send peace to White Majik and clear the slot, and pay 600 tech. And, those logs were given to me by someone else so the before and after of that section is not relevant.
  16. I'm really eagerly waiting on a response.
  17. Equally unfortunately, Heracles didn't enter peace mode and rebuild up nukes and redeclare on STA.
  18. 1. He got deleted for putting an expletive in his aa affiliation on these boards, and new fair well the consequences. I'm sure he would have loved to hurt STA a bit more, but he also wanted to get out of his addiction to Cybernations. 2. Yup, because we didn't spy them. 3. Alright, agreed. He shouldn't have nuked that time. About 100 more infra of Heracles non existant nation wouldn't be there anymore. 4. Complain to the third party that spied them away, not us. 5. He admitted to rebuying infra? Thats enough proof to me, I'm not going to question Heracles' word. EDIT: Expletive, not explicit. Thanks WickedJ
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