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yung flow

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Everything posted by yung flow

  1. I mean technically I don't do anything to Paul every round, except put him in his place of course. Somebody has to do it around here....
  2. Enlighten me on what I have done to you this round Paul! Perhaps call you out on abandoning TE Police during those raids. You are a scum and half of TE knows it. Go bother someone else
  3. This war has officially become nothing more than a nuke slap around......
  4. Still waiting on those stats I'll do some general stats post blitz just for you Misfits Nations above 20k NS 2 Nations above 15k NS 5 Nations above 10k NS 1 Nations below 10k NS 6 OP Nations above 20k NS 4 Nations above 15k NS 3 Nations above 10k NS 5 Nations below 10k NS 5 Misfits ANS 14,316 OP ANS. 13,810 Misfits tech. 4797 OP tech. 5647 Misfits infra 34691 OP. 38186 Don't even stress nukes. Clearly you saw the full advantage which is why you have no stats for me. Don't stress it
  5. Let's go casualties! No stats? http://tournament.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=963 Kidding me.......hopefully I can get someone to Help me out here. Pathetic man come on. I mean the NS, Nation count, and nuke count is off but come on! At least make decent individual wars. This is the only war I have looked over first but don't make this a Pathetic easy win.
  6. This is a bit much carrying a war because you assume cowboy is more than aware of a spy. One of cowboys members could have messaged cowboy stating they are hearing of a possible attack. I wouldn't carry a war out on theories.
  7. I noticed a nation that is 2 days old spied me today. I don't think it makes sense to be able to be spied but I can't even attack him until day 5?
  8. I have 2 guys needing a circle, let me know if you are interested.
  9. Overall everything sounds good with the exception it seems micros will have the disadvantage with some prizes.
  10. You guys just have a hard time accepting valid points I make. She just realized its pointless arguing with you and I can see why....
  11. Basically daenerys and I spoke all round about what direction we will be going with things. These are all internal things going on in misfits but none of you see this end to know what direction we are going for.
  12. Alright Nick, I'll take everything you said as nothing less than opinion. I've heard from others positive thoughts. As far as our rebuilding goes after wars? I'm sure you noticed most of our guys rebuilt after our wars with the TE Police and attacked again within a day. You seem to be thinking of misfits 2 rounds ago still. I've seen nothing less than us going uphill. As I stated, your opinion is one of many.
  13. I stick up for myself and my alliance? Is that not what you are suppose to do? Hate to tell you this nick, but Paul and his buddies are not 100% right all the time. I watch you constantly praise them in hopes of staying on there good side but that's not me. I stand up for myself and my alliance, if my mates or myself feel something was unfair, I will actually stick up for it. Perhaps we should give NDO the short end of the stick for 3 rounds straight. See how you react? See someone's perspective before assuming they are overboard.
  14. I am actually the leader of misfits. The others here are just basically being comedians. Misfits has been around since the middle of round 25. In misfits second round with roughly 15 members we managed to have a round winning nation that got first in NS. Since then we have gone up to 36 members and down to 8 nations. The 36 member round was basically because we had a nation join and bring 8-10 friends with them. We still actually have one of these nations because they enjoy the misfits. The reason our member count is low is completely our decision. We give nations the opportunity to learn and follow guides. When they do not put effort into the alliance they get removed. With the exception of 1-2 members our guys are very active and work together on better building and war strategies. If you are interested in misfits the best thing is to give it a round. The guys that constantly bash misfits have yet to give the alliance a shot for themselves. If you want to know more just message me in game -kaboom
  15. That's funny Paul, I feel the exact same way towards you. I literally can't stress enough how hard I try to make you understand that you are an idiot and you don't understand basic logics.
  16. I am stating when Paul complains about us hitting an AA a day after war and this and that. You pull stupid stunts expect them in return. Simple as that.
  17. Yeah James, he left TEPD! That's why he only mentioned they will be back next round.(most likely Paul as well I can imagine) here we sit again watching Paul paint misfits as the bad guy every time. If only half your declares were ever legit. In the ways of Paula's leader. I demand misfits give NLON peace or else I get involved. Misfits offer NLON peace OP attacks anyways because Paul does what he wants Last round Paul picks NLON as his first war No guys, I'm Paul this is allowed. You are so self centered holy crap. Get out of others politics and this entire multiple round rollover would have never happened. You only have yourself to blame for any stunts we pulled in the past. You asked for all of them
  18. Is what you meant to say. Isn't your war chest like 5 dollars auctor?
  19. If you knew anything about misfits, once again you assume everything and know nothing. I removed a large amount of misfits personally. If you didn't know, majority of the guys I have know what they are doing. Paul, I glanced at a few OP declares and not many were too impressed with your declares in the past from what I seen.
  20. Paul makes declares always in his favor, it's ok. Everyone else makes a decent war out of it, Paul seeks revenge. Pretty dumb concept honestly.
  21. Haha man Paul you have a "spy" in every single alliance. so apparently you literally can't play a simple game fairly. Truly pathetic.
  22. (Checks trades) no clutchtouch? Strange you just said I trade with him? Reminds me when you guys had all those rogues that had trades with OP
  23. Clutchtouch? Lol the guy who had the resources we needed to fix a circle. A simple message and color changed fixed that. You attacked TFK earlier, I'm sure you pissed some of them off
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