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yung flow

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Everything posted by yung flow

  1. As I told you in a message.....I was just following WD war guide.
  2. You guys do realize the only reason I didn't include one nation was out of complete humor making fun of WD "select nations" hit warriors. (Smacks head wow)
  3. To keep this simple. How could I turn this offer down! War Doves, you are your own alliance, so start acting like it. Your involvement in OPs spanking they deserve will not be tolerated. No longer am I looking to have a forum battle on who is right and who is wrong. So I figured let's just kill each other. ALSO! We have one member who will not be involved! So only these members will be at war. Krazymonkeyninja Magellan IzaMoss AlphaLykos Akato incorp101 reddog chllama President Daenerys Targaryen Nuclear Tech 2 Broken Tor General Sam Kaboom ScandinavianTaco alokforu nikon Under Paulas request we are also at a state of war with OP.
  4. CALM YOURSELVES!!!! I will post the DOW shortly. Im at work!
  5. Haha this whole "big bad wise Paul" talk humors me. Paul I've had some of my extremely skilled fighters flat out tell me you suck to be blunt. Keep acting like a hot shot! Your declares show otherwise.
  6. I believe it was happening? Than your "allies, friends, secret treaty" buddies came to the rescue. The fact you have like 8 sleeper nations all the time doesn't help your case.....
  7. WD, taste like chicken, OP, secret treaty. Are you not all the same people?
  8. Careful who you threaten Paul. I recall misfits rolling you and you crying to WD...
  9. To be fair.....misfits avoided hitting WD and OP to avoid further grudges and what not but WD found their way right at us again. :(. Needless to say, samwise and myself had a chat right after the declaration and personally wasn't looking to hit misfits again. I'm assuming for the same reasons as myself. However, someone not putting their foot down and stopping it from happening is beyond me.
  10. I recall king James still chime in a time or two in the war thread...sorry for the leadership mistake. Regardless the point is that OP and TPC could have turned things around.
  11. Truth, with OP and TPC skills they could have flipped the tables. Which is why King James probably left things alone....
  12. Respect is what they call it now? These are just solid facts....everyone knows skaros numbers are mostly fluffed due to member count. The fact of throwing in a developing alliance that does the opposite of skaro and wing out the duds was a complete strategy. A slightly dirty and obvious one. Apparently just claiming all you guys are right and rolling over for you earns you "respect" In other words "being your bitch" I would rather hold my pride and stand up for what I believe. See Paul you and your "friends, I mean allies" have a major problem. You guys are so damn predictable! Let's thrown a scenario out there! Let's say(without acknowledging exact stats) Misfits and tw took their top 10 guys each to hit all of OP you would get Butt hurt and have WD step in, regardless of fair numbers. Let's say misfits and tw hit NLON and OP, here would come WD to "even" the war. See people would love to give you a taste of your own bullshit but you guys just wouldn't allow it. Speaking of respect? Didn't you hit NLON a few weeks ago! Anyways I'm listening, go on
  13. Ehhhh I can honestly see his prospective.....the way things were playing out misfits should have been offered peace much earlier but I know some negative vibes we get so why not kick us to the curb as hard as possible? This war was more declared knowing the "experience" players have. Skaro is an alliance based on building players and them being so and so fighters(if they even declare war, considering their guy ranked I believe second doesn't even have causalities. Thanks for the help boss!) while with misfits I try to keep the member count low and focus on decent game players overall. So yes I can imagine the offensive alliances knew exactly how to make this a favorable war, more than it should have been. Sad to say, I see misfits getting the short end of the stick and being the main focus. Majority of skaro walked off of this with a dusting and even some nothing.
  14. No offense but am I the only one watching these same group of alliances toss in an extra amount of nations to I guess you could say "even the tables" just a thought that experience should take into effect as well. You guys are assuming every member of tw is "elite" so instead of tossing an alliance as a whole that could match the numbers up you take certain experienced players to join in(usually ones extremely active and always update hitting) just an observation so don't flip shit, it's just what I'm seeing lately.
  15. Considering I couldn't even win a ground nor air attack against you I figured this would make up the damage.
  16. I know samwise, no worries. Only thing that tipped me was wasso spying my government. Kind of a dick move for the situation we were already in.
  17. Looking at those declares, looks like misfits were feeling the love. Haha
  18. Outstanding performance OP. You managed to only gain NS from war. 31,192 Strength Change - Ordo Paradoxia Beast
  19. Due to the events that have occurred throughout the rounds the misfits and skaro treaty has been terminated. This has been a rising issue throughout CN TE. HDSupreme and myself have agreed this is best decision for both of our alliances. -kaboom
  20. Hey bomb, maybe you should look over my wars and tell me? Considering all 3 of you hold more infra than me. I can only attack so many with GA before my soldier count is too low to do much for me. Also ask the game mechanics, you might get a better response. Skaros top nation isn't even at war :(. Jesus do I even want to look more into how many wars they can declare... http://tournament.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=1000186&Extended=1 Even better Well crap maybe I need to pay more attention. 2 of my own guys aren't even at war. :(. My apologies, my life is a bit busy so I don't get into the details at the fullest....be right back got some yelling to do.
  21. The problem is you guys assume misfits are seeking "revenge" so strike first than you just end up pissing me off more with these stupid arguments. I don't find this war the most appealing and it's obvious it was setup to benefit the other alliances. Anybody can tell you that, but I was just going to let it roll over and move on. Figured you would have caught on with us not declaring early that we had no intentions to. Once again Paul you and your friends "assume" things without giving it the benefit of the doubt I was planning to move on from this childish act. So let me be clear here. I'm over the stupid grudges for the remainder of the round OP HELLAS AND WAR DOVES ARE ODD MY AGENDA. Not like we could give you a decent fight after these raids....
  22. Funny you say that, why don't you guys throw misfits a legit war and talk to me. Seems to me you have to find a way to put the tables completely in your favor when declaring on us. Not to mention you are too much of cowards to hit anybody as the same NS as you. You guys talk the talk and never walk the walk. You post in these forums like you are so "elite" but the bullshit just keeps feeding out. Auctor, your stupidity blows my mind every time. What are you 15? Misfits are dropping the treaty because you guys said its against the invisible book of rules for CN TE that you guys created. I believe that book also says Hellas, war doves, and OP have treaties that just aren't public but that's totally legit. No wonder TE is dying out and it took me so long to even become half interested in putting the time into it. Maybe if you guys would let people play the game the way they would like to without making up rules and curb stomping those that went outside of these "rules"
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