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yung flow

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Everything posted by yung flow

  1. TEPD sounds butt hurt in almost every declare.
  2. Scrubs? In other words, Paul is saying he is getting with WD to strike back, when this isn't their war. Also! Misfits has rogues now? I had no idea!
  3. Yes directly after their war ended. Meaning you shouldn't "technically" be attacked since they just got out of war. You guys literally use the dirtiest tactics possible. Stop flag running and battle up with the alliance you ran with most of the round.
  4. Sorry, my flag runner BS radar is booming right now. I honestly don't care how you attempt to justify this. You are harboring those 2 nations and I'm just inviting them back home.
  5. Not a declare on WD, a declare on 2 nations obviously hiding in WD. But I'm certain this was setup to defend them.
  6. It seems to be against the law to Riot. So we figured we would be misfits and began a riot. Misfits declare war on TE Police. Paul and Cunctator, I noticed you ran off to WD right after they get out of war? You aren't flag running are you? No worries we didn't forget you! Do I really need stats? 9 of us, 43 of You 😉 let the bashing and tears begin
  7. You might as well called yours fake :p. main goal was obviously to keep RE away from the flags.
  8. I just know the TE Police always look out for their own best interest. :).
  9. In warriors defense, TE Police had every right to declare on them instead of a bunch of micros. All I see people doing is accusing warriors of what every single one of you do. Declare a war that you know is in your favor one way of another. Don't be hypocrites. Well done WD for simply accepting the challenge, I expected nothing less. Stay honorable.
  10. Lie? You literally declared war within 5 days out of revenge and clearly said that. Hellas was getting back at somebody. But ok if you say so.
  11. Lie? You literally declared war within 5 days out of revenge and clearly said that. Hellas was getting back at somebody. But ok if you say so.
  12. Haha throwback bomb time. "I donate" I'm sure if I donated I would be on the same page as the other donators. Not to mention, your "elite" alliance has some members with god awful warchest. What's even better bomb, is the fact I was in Hellas rounds and rounds before misfits and know your alliances building guide. I also left after that only round due to your alliance seeking "revenge" within the first 5 days of building.
  13. Considering you didn't even catch the identity, how would you even know it's the same person. I've heard communications has been off so it could be someone different. Why would I want to join a scrub alliance? Ruins the point of creating my own?
  14. To: Kaboom From: Ovidsidios Date: 5/13/2014 1:05:59 AM Subject: RE: Spy Operation Attack Message: I am flattered by the offer. My wingman and I are just in for the ride, and our coordination is our practice. TE Police is an attempt to bring together the best of the best. You're clearly good nation leading material, maybe you should just join us :) I prefer to fight with quality players, rather than against them. You're a dime a dozen Guess your alliance isn't completely full of people I can't stand. On another note, my odds actually went up after the nuke so apparently it did something right. I'm sure we are all aware the game has its flaws. For instance when you send in only bombers and they have none and it does no damage...
  15. To: Kaboom From: akato Date: 5/13/2014 3:12:32 PM Subject: RE: Todays plan? Message: Took a big hit on that last nuke. Things don't look as good for the attacks today. Both have more deployed than at home. Canik has 50500s, 96t at home and 73000s, 200t deployed. Ovid has 42600s, 486t home and 41000s, 1050t deployed.. The way I see it we have to ga first to get any chance of 4 wins each - even so I'd have to buy 200 infra and deploy everything. One possibility is to only nuke Ovid and ga him after - meaning I would have 2 nukes for tomorrow when we may have a better shot. What do you think? Friend we knew what was in front of us we just took the risk. All in good fun.
  16. Haha we have to stay In the battle somehow!
  17. Only the brave and honorable can join
  18. Nick you do realize I have 3-4 members popping in a war irc channel for this war correct? As in we are developing......but hey what do I know, I don't like run the alliance and have the inside scoop on things... Funny thing about that, I believe misfits and TPC are the main 2 to even be in the chatroom. I don't recall one Hellas guy but I could be wrong
  19. I recall looking over the nukes after your first wars and recall maybe 7-8 of your nations out of say 47 or so actually being nuked? The only thing I recall saying down declare to was an individual nation that declared on me. (Which I continue to war and coordinate to bring down) flag running is hardly a skill....donating money monthly and picking soft wars is butter. I just find it humerus many of you brag about your "elite" skills but I have yet to see you do anything on a fair level. (And yes, you can make fair wars if you wanted to. Throwing OP and perhaps warriors into this instead of a bunch of micro AA that have mediocre skills with the exception of TPC isn't very "skillful" everybody knows trying to coordinate with this many alliances is tricky enough. It just blows my mind you guys continue to make up excuses to I guess "please yourself with your action" perhaps? You mean "honorable" wars like these? http://tournament.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=1288 http://tournament.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=1282 This guy was like 11-12k when declared by what 22k+ http://tournament.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=1294 http://tournament.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=1394 Alright I'm bored digging
  20. Your flag runners show different....so you realize we never had plans for Della Luna till the last second? If you looked back you would know I had the SDI for my first war to be ready.
  21. And your first war was skaro? The easiest war you could get. You literally can't down talk misfits on any level. So your only war before this was a mass raid. Our friendly war was far more legit than what you did. You guys threw together a flag running alliance, good job. You are also the ones killing off TE.
  22. Funny how 4 of Hellas are in anarchy out of 8. Majority of them are hardly dealing any damage....looking staged by the minute. http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000409 Is this fella just enjoying the view? http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000563 What's this fellas plan
  23. We coordinated the first time too, just didn't go as well. Hahah
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