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yung flow

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Everything posted by yung flow

  1. YOU ARE TEMP TRADING AND NOT SHARING THE LOVE! Oh you are so getting rolled by one of my inactives for that!
  2. I mean I really didn't expect anything less. Stevie always runs for help when things get tough. Did the same thing 3 rounds ago when he was caught flag running and got wrecked.
  3. To be fair.....one of avengers members was messaging me telling me they love the declares they have been getting because of casualties. So why are there complaints?
  4. Is this still going on? Stevie is terrible the end there. Second http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000026 Does this guy work under Stevie or the biggest flag runner In existence. That is one piece of useless in this game. Glad my alliance runs to kick butt and not have a "designated flag runner" we keep it real.
  5. Admittedly stating you had back door deals for flags just shows the garbage this game can have.
  6. I got a good question for you Stevie. Don't you make sure you can win flags regardless of what stunts you pull just to sell half of them for cash? You use your own guys as a shield and make whatever moves you need to make that don't ever affect your actually chances at securing these flags each round? Sad to say that all your members are used by you just to earn some extra cash. Man that is about as low as it comes.
  7. What he meant to say " we wanted to cripple TPC first, then move on to RE while they are already busy and knock misfits out of any chance at competing with us."
  8. I think I see myself and Paul developing a new relationship here
  9. Ask avengers about fair? Ole Stevie knows all about fair. Avengers got what they had coming to him. If I recall Stevie sits In the forums for hours bragging about his alliances war and building techniques, not to mention being the best allaince in the game. But see Stevie here's where you went wrong. You ran your mouth too many times, made too many scum moves, and as everyone stated, had many put there differences aside to see your tears. You show the community how you are so "ready to take everyone down" then complain behind closed doors. Cheers to a never expected rising of allainces putting their differences aside and hopefully a healthier TE. Oh and Stevie, checkmate. you can down declare for days but being out numbered might just have you in trouble
  10. Serves Stevie right after his bad down declare on me. I up declared his other boy by almost 4k and he's beat down to my size already. Guess Stevie will be there shortly!
  11. To: Kaboom101 From: Edward Snowden Date: 1/25/2015 12:09:27 AM Subject: RE: Cruise Missile Attack Message: You think D1 can take us? lol Kids these days with their cockiness
  12. Forgot to post this. Misfits hereby are at a state of war with the garbage of TE. I mean the avengers. Stats Avengers 23 nations NS 335 ANS 14.5 Infra 55k Tech 8.2k Misfits 9 nations NS 82k ANS 9k Infra 15k Tech 2k Please keep all down declare comments to yourself Thank you
  13. Working on that now. http://tournament.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=1000026&Extended=1 Now this i don't get
  14. Half the avengers aren't even at war? They curb stomped TPC wait a day or 2 then hit RE when they had their own thing going on(it just wasn't up to avengers standards) so they hit them and throw in an allaince under 100k NS. That wasn't so hard to put together. Such a tough war half your nations didn't even declare. Meaning avoiding wars. Your ideas are terrible just like you
  15. Don't feel special being apart of stevieG cute alliance. I was invited like 3 rounds ago too. Turned it down because I knew it was going to become the garbage that it is now. I've always had a mutual don't bring me into this trash and I'll stay out of it too but hey its cool. ANY alliance that is aiming to beat the living crap out of avengers please contact me in game. Paul, war doves, I honestly don't care. We can all come to an understanding to end this bullcrap. Funny I just messaged my co owner today and questioned if we should step in to this avengers nonsense and they just made it a whole lot easier. See you in the war zone scrubs. Most that know me know that I will do whatever it takes to ruin a flag running nation. Isn't that what you aimed for stevieG :) used a bunch of "friends" as a shield to get those flag runners where they need to be Half the avengers aren't even at war? They curb stomped TPC wait a day or 2 then hit RE when they had their own thing going on(it just wasn't up to avengers standards) so they hit them and throw in an allaince under 100k NS. That wasn't so hard to put together.
  16. What this announcement meant to say. "Let's send our number one nation out to down declare pretty terrible so i hardly take damage" your 14k ANS to our 6k seems pretty on the money. Avengers just hit our shitlist. Give me a minute to put my pointless counter in that will just end with a beat down. Garbage move
  17. Did somebody say something about brave and honorably! Where is auctor dammit!
  18. Noobs remain a noob for a reason. They aren't dedicated to learn. Most AA will take somebody under their wing but when you don't take part in the alliance don't expect results
  19. I still need 3 nations to finish a circle, please get in contact with me if you can fill the roll. Kaboom
  20. King George please discontinue picking anymore arguments with any members and their alliances. You will have a fresh start with misfits but you have to behave to move forward. Once this has been accepted we will move forward with getting you peace
  21. This guy doesn't even have an idea of the rules of TE and is running an alliance? My god. Ok ok I will open misfits doors for KG and teach him the ways. KG you have 48 hours to join or consider the offer gone and continue to feel the heat by the other 5-10 top alliances.
  22. Got 2 needing a circle let me know if you have a fit
  23. You are the idiot that messed up my trade circle by sanctioning my guy for raiding an unaligned target. Anybody In this game would roll you for something that stupid.
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