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yung flow

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Everything posted by yung flow

  1. Messaging an entire alliance threatening to beat them to nothing unless they leave the alliance is definitely looking for disbandment. So how you can't see that beats me. Second, misfits actions all reflect on payback for the solid 3-4 times we got screwed over constantly. Which i have stressed countless times.
  2. Funny thing is, I have. You have been reading passed it apparently. I've stated the war wasn't fair and admitted to it. I have stated why this war happened. Nobody reads the facts.
  3. The only reason I say this is because every time I come on the forum I see a post about misfits hitting OP on their last day of war when you asked us to. It's misleading the public. I can't make it anymore clear. Misfits hit WD, I haven't even taken the time to see how many WD even participated in the warriors war just because I'm busy. Do I think it's a fair war? Probably not. Nor was I about to do number crunches to even justify it. in the past WD have made cheap shots on misfits we tried avoiding it this round and get some new opponents. I talked to samwise when they declared and she wasn't too happy about us being a target either. Granted, it should have been stopped before all of this came out of it. We have been short changed numerous times. All we wanted was to get even for once. Last time we tried was with the warriors misfits vs tpc op war but obviously that ended with WD and rogues. Now misfits have been getting pushed to disbandment. No wonder the game is lucky to have 500 nations
  4. Completely overdoing the situation Nick. Considering there is 13 of us already dealing with 46 nations and now 69 it's sad. I've been trying to work the situation out with RB government and the only people not helping the situation are you guys. This started with 38 vs 18 regardless of whatever situation you are in, there was never a need to pile onto that. The more and more people put there business in other peoples business the more it honestly just pisses me off. Out of this entire situation the only person I can say I respect looking to restore TE is Danger Mouse. Danger mouse is one of the only people that put my anger to the situation aside for 5 minutes just To listen to what I had to say. The first time I contacted danger mouse I was an complete ass. But at the end of the day we were exchanging Words and the direction we wanted to see things go. So before you continue to assume things why don't you give danger mouse a shout and find out what I have been looking to achieve.
  5. Yeah TPC only difference is you actually have a reasonable leader and Paul is dumb as shit. :D
  6. I don't recall this nor do I even know which alliance this involved. Anyways, I've been talking with Danger Mouse for a few days and have said nothing less than fixing things between misfits & WD.
  7. That's fine I wasn't looking to be an ass. Just sticking up for my member and avoiding the statement being misunderstood and immediate bashing. Statement understood, good luck all
  8. I'm not sure how to take that but if I was my member would take that as a smart ass remark. Please don't push buttons. Thanks
  9. I like you, glad someone else can see the obvious.
  10. Absolutely right, back to avoiding the forums
  11. this is true but you guys know everything.....also 4 of those members didn't leave because of you Paul. Once again for the love of god get your facts correct. Any other assumptions any of you are interested in saying please do.
  12. My members have been complaining long ago when the curb stomps kept coming from WD and OP. We can't forget all those rogues either ;). How you guys keep missing the point Paul asked for OP to be attack is beyond me.
  13. daenerys targaryen, please do not post again in this topic. The people involved in our issue are more than aware of things no need to argue about it. Good luck warriors and citadel.
  14. Once again, misfits hit WD. Paul stomped his feet like a little girl for attention. No wonder everyone ends up on your side Paul. You lie out your teeth to people and they buy it. Truly pathetic. What's more pathetic than this declare is you sending my own alliance members a message telling them to leave misfits.
  15. Paul what is your deal man! Can you get one thing right just one. We declared on WD and in another thread you fussed to include OP because your second alliance was attacked. If anyone has a right to complain it's all of WD not you. How can nobody notice this shit?
  16. Bombuator, aren't you use to your opponents needing to win underdog attacks nearly every war? Enough said there.....Paul why would I clear the facts just to provide you with true intel ;).
  17. Oh come on paul, you are such a victim every time.....I exactly what members you are talking about and once again you know none of the facts....come on dude get it together.
  18. Paul Paul Paul To: Kaboom From: paul711 Date: 3/13/2014 4:45:59 PM Subject: Hello Message: Many of you have been told that I am the devil incarnate and lead an evil coalition bent on intimidating and bullying all of TE. A look at TE opinion from various AAs tell a different story. We admire that manyof you have followed orders and fight for your AA. Hence the reason for my message. We have no desire to run anyone from the game for the poor decisions made by a few. Your leaders attacked us while we were in NA so they must pay. I offer to anyone outside of kaboom and danearyus (spelling is wrong I know lol) the chance to drop the misfits tag and peace out all wars with WD and OP nations by the update. It will be too late afterward because we are organizing a msssive counter now that we are getting out of NA. Some may and some may not know that much of the b.s. is because daenerys is rl friends with warriors leader DD. They are using many of you to pursue their own personal agendas. Any leader must look to his members and AA first and not use them for selfish reasons. Sending this to my alliance did nothing less than make them disrespect you even more. Sadly this is even bully tactics. Not to mention low as it gets for an alliance leader. Shame you didn't even get the facts correct. :/ come on Paul you can do better.
  19. WD, OP, and now RB vs Misfits, I don't want to see anymore of you crying. Ps. We like these odds. :) Oh and 17k vs 6k To: Kaboom From: Danger Mouse Date: 3/12/2014 11:59:56 PM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Danger Mouse. You lost 2,361 soldiers and 174 tanks. You killed 6,570 soldiers and 1,410 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $159,037.36 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. Come on brother.
  20. And majority of you continue to ignore some of the main points that were made. I'm leaving on that note. Good luck all
  21. Samwise, I would kill to see proof that a government member of misfits stated the NLON war was a friendly agreement war. Please do not link me to Swazz either as he was never government. Paul the numbers were solid 52 vs 50 nations with TPC & OP vs Misfits & Warriors. It doesn't matter the time the declares happened the numbers were on key. We all choose different routes for building, get over it. Ghosting war doves in OP for a war is fine but remember samwise I recall you stating that War Doves were never off limits for a declare. This all revolves around you picking and choosing members to fight someone else's war. Leaving majority of your members unprotected. Another mistake on your part. Don't even bother giving me the argument that War Doves got declared by warriors in the end. If we take that prospective you might as well say WD & OP vs warriors, another down declare. Paul you still have not given me a good explanation on your awful declare on Della Luna and NLON. Sure we could argue on the war we had with them that lasted one day but let's not. Let's hear why your war compared to misfits declare was so much better.....
  22. So just to clear things here....... -misfits hit NLON with the numbers being even and misfits still being a newer alliance. Paul gets butt hurt and threatens misfits and earned the title "TE POLICE" misfits peace NLON within 24 hours and OP still curb stomps misfits after immediate peace. -war doves spend an entire round roguing misfits over some pity reason -warriors and misfits have a pretty solid declare on OP and TPC. Solid war, warriors just showed up later in the day. Warriors & Misfits built from day one while the Other 2 waited to build on day 5 to go nuclear. Our strategy rolled you so you ran to WD to hit warriors. But you were still feeling the heat from misfits so the roguing squad shows up round 2. Then we come into this round, look how funny this goes... -OP DECLARES WAR ON NLON and some other smaller alliance.(damn Paul the Irony is so on key) -Hellas and WD make this ultra plan to throw misfits in with learning skaro that everyone knows is a bit fluffed NS due to the amount of new members. Focuses most of their attention on misfits top nations and beats them to nothing. -OP gets offered a legit fair war with warriors acts like they are all for it but yet hit warriors on their own schedule. Thus giving them the upper hand every time. But that wasn't good enough so we had to go get some WD nations to ghost OP to tilt the table in their favor even more. - to top things off I couldn't resist taking a shot at WD after looking at Demon of Death war page. SMH, come on WD how can all your most trained members "accidentally" as you call it raid a newer alliance to the game this badly. So please keep saying how terrible this declare is. Because never once did I say it was an up declare. This war was built because of the same bullcrap chain of events these alliances have made. All the things all of you turned your head to and only look at misfits for being so pathetic. Before you come in here running your mouth about things you have the slightest clue about. Do the community a favor and do your damn homework.
  23. I am guessing you are answering to samwise and myselfs peace talks? Not surprised you would be the one to respond as you are all the same alliances regardless. All you do is reinforce how you do not control your own alliances but each other's. This was between misfits and WD. Never once was OP involved without their own personal request. I didn't expect anything less and already told my members to be prepared. How could you not turn down another curb stomp Paul? Isn't it what you are good at? Sad to see so many people brainwashed to your views Paul. It's a damn shame. By your views Paul, I'm referring to the denial of your alliances being out of hand...
  24. I have been talking with samwise on the situation and it will be fixed shortly. Paul stop acting like you have such solid wars. Should we even bring NLON into the picture? Come on man. That member you are asking about does have a bit of a temper but to be fair some points have been very valid that even I would vouch for and say you are out of your mind for not understanding this. This isn't just a smack at WD to do it, this has rounds upon rounds underlying it. But as I said, samwise and myself will be discussing matters and hopefully have this resolved within a day.
  25. Little respect? We use to talk numerous times and be on very friendly terms? What's gotten into you?
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