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yung flow

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Everything posted by yung flow

  1. Paul all I am reading is "I need an excuse for when I curbstomp these guys" good show boss. This isn't SE Paul! You don't need a lame excuse to curbstomp. ;) just show the community how worthless you really are!
  2. Now you are questioning rumors? Jesus god dude you blow my mind
  3. Am I the only guy here that just laughs at Pauls poor arguements? We get it dude, PT and you are butt buddies. That's great man, good for you. But for a guy that really hates treaties you sure act like you have one with PT. The game has no "laws" or "rules" whatever the hell you want to call it. It is a game to play the way you would like to. So get over it Paul. People can have their own choices on how they would like to play the game. I'm beyond fed up with your crap and how you think you are absolutely correct on topics that have opinions. So I have said it once and I will say it again. Paul just shut up and play the game you want to and we will play the way we want to.
  4. Oh yeah drop their AA for misfits. The practices of Planet Tokyo. At least our guys didn't come out of the blue and make a cheap shot like their guys. SKARO and Misfits have a known treaty, this means PT should be more than aware they could be hit by them. So your suggestion is cowardly. We can call up declares all day but we are all aware OP caught us with our pants down and than PT jumped on us before we even had a chance to get anywhere. So get over yourself of this raid being so "superior." Now I'm done with you Paul. NAO and SKARO, Let me give you personal advice. OP threw these same threats at us. We had the decency to give in and offered peace immediately to NLON. Afterwards we went back to power building giving us low war chest for a few days directly after war and OP still hit us. Do not make the same mistake and get caught with your pants down. You have already been put on OPs list and they are probably already in the process of making war plans against you. I suggest you don't give in and have your army ready. Don't worry I'm sure Paul has pissed off enough people that want to catch him with his pants down. :)
  5. Can I not just ignore the forums and go on with fixing my own internal affairs? I just told KiWilliam the other day I was going to stay away from this for a while. Keep anything and everything that has to do with me out of your mouth. You also want to make any comments on "strong leadership" and all that bullshit. I never made the call to bring COS into the conflict. I was just going to let you act like pricks and play the round out until I could perhaps fix some of the internal affairs. Maybe even give you a good fight in the end. I will say I approved of them joining in and I'm glad to see them make a stand against "rogues" which appear to be nothing more than Pauls little buddies. Now where do I even have to start with you Paul. I couldn't even begin to express the true Paul on here and what sits behind this "Cn Police" force you have made yourself. It's more than obvious most of the guys in PT are your boyfriends. Some of them even came from OP. The issue you have is keeping yourself out of other peoples foreign Affairs. Apparently though COS and NAO broke your "secret treaty with PT" so now you demand action once again. If you honestly hit NAO and COS, I hope your actions trigger somebody and they beat the living hell out of you. Have a good day gents. Oh and KiWilliam let's have some beers sometime! I appreciate you contacting me personally and developing a friendly conversation even after I was an ass at first ;)
  6. I do not recall threatening personally. I may have said karma will come knocking at one point. Which many people believe in karma in general.
  7. This is too long of a sentence, it needs to be broken down. ;)
  8. Obviously you have time to sit at a computer and make everything perfect. My apologies for having a busy life and doing everything mobile.
  9. We both are extremely frustrated with the situation overall. I think dipxhitman has less patience than myself when it comes to this nonsense. Misfits does have nations that we can take pride In and be assured they would defend misfits successfully. Which is most likely why he takes this pride on here and has confidence.
  10. This is constantly an ongoing work in progress inside of misfits. I'm sure next round you will see the member count cut in half. This conflict is frustrating because you are trying to teach these guys the basics but are stuck teaching them how to build strictly war wise not economically. It wouldn't be hard at all to tell these guys to do 10 day sleds with their new nation than build up collect and hold that warchest and buy max war improvements. Internally these guys are being questioned why they aren't defending members when they are capable of. Some are willing to learn others are not, which we are currently situating. Next round we plan to set guidelines that must be followed or you will not have an opportunity with the alliance. However, if this continues it seems misfits will be forced to move on with a new alliance or quit.
  11. Don't forget the details of a 12k nation hitting an 8k nation. Real props bro, takes talent to win that kind of war.
  12. Alright let's make this simple sense arguing with a moron only goes so far. Let's begin with you judging my leadership. You have not been apart of my alliance, this means you do not know how I am with my members. I'm almost certain they will vouch I bust my ass for each and every one of them. Second, nowhere in my agenda does it say I will suck up to everybody. If I have an opinion I will state it, just as everybody else does. Third, if it isn't obvious by now misfits take in noobs to work with them and to make them a better soldier. So some asshats constantly beating them to the ground and taking away any motivation they might succeed doesn't help the case. As for saying things on my war practices personally. I'm sure many can vouch I am a war machine and have Beaten plenty of pixels to the ground, including the OP war. Any and every excuse you came up with is 100% invalid. I see nothing more than one excuse after another. I find it humorous how out of hand this conflict has gotten. Misfits moved on with their business as adults do and you guys are still living in a child's life. To many on here I'm a decent guy overall, even to some that had issues with me before. We still side our differences and move on. However, you are just a hypocrite moron that won't budge at all and thinks they are such a wise one. You think misfits are going so overboard with this "down declare statement" you fail to realize a couple rounds ago OP played the same card. If I recall....TPC&Citadel hit misfits&OP&NDO. Boy was OP butthurt than. But that's ok! Anytime they have an opinion about a war it's correct and everybody should listen to them.
  13. Honestly you guys are a genius. You remind me why I didn't play this crap TE for 22 rounds. Hiding under an AA than going rogue on misfits. But hey! Working on making an entire alliance quit for acting like little kids with grudges is a great idea! Hell, you keep this up admin may just delete TE sooner than later. Looks like there isn't anymore morals to TE and I wish an alliance With power would step up and stop these pathetic raids. I'm done here. Do the world a favor and grow yourself a set.
  14. You just remind me of that obnoxious little kid that doesn't drop something and go on with their business. Can't forget that kid, nobody could stand the annoying fuck!
  15. Speaking relevant, this round in particular. OP's choice of wars show no spirit of pride. I say a walk in the park because they paired TPC with so-so misfits that were unprepared. (I don't care who you point fingers at for this. Misfits were just out of war and went straight to building to make up from the war time) I felt sorry for TPC being paired with us honestly. I like TPC, I've observed some of their decisions and approve of them. They are some tough guys and I'm sure they gave OP the best fight they possibly could. But the extra NS fluff of misfits didn't put any of the war in their favor. It mostly was OP vs TPC, which obviously was a down declare. OP was putting their hands in a topic that was not close to being relevant to them. This topic relates to OP's great skills at putting things in their favor once again. Which is exactly why I put my opinion in things. My observations also see a lot more OP members putting their input into this topic than when OP hit misfits and TPC. Almost as if many OP members didn't want to put an input in from the shameful mess of the awful declare. But hey! I'm just a major observer and these are the things I put together. I'm sure I'm not the only one seeing this either.
  16. Considering OP's first war was a walk in the park. I don't consider them behind on building against warriors one bit. Which is funny considering most of the attacking members are from OP. Seems to me OP constantly looks for ways to make war completely in their favor. I put money on it OP has most of the top winners this round. Of course with warriors being their main competitor left to match them they found a way to slam them to the ground as well.
  17. This guy! Looked at it with the same perspective. No offense but that's how it played out.
  18. He is stating even if OP hitting misfits was a tech raid to get over it. I have little concerns for the rouging.
  19. I cannot stress enough that misfits take in new players. It's rather hard to help them develop when you have idiots rouging them. I totally agree that we have a decent strength set of nations that should be able to dog pile the rouges. I am also in the process of cutting down and getting to the bottom of people not helping. However, SE or Not, people have been complaining about fair fights on here from the beginning of time. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/116115-declaration-of-war/page-3 Here's a an example of your buddy Paul defending himself over a war he felt wasn't right. Only difference between myself and Paul is, he likes to throw it out there "I'm not crying" when clearly is. So every alliance does it, so don't pinpoint misfits for it.
  20. You actually have credited OP for "legit reasoning." Still calling it nothing more than a mass raid. Like it or not, that's my solid opinion.
  21. It keeps slipping my mind any idiot can reroll, buy the pentagon, 5 barracks, and 5 GC's. So you guys aren't anything special. Gingervites, had you not hid in OP for so long you would have been raided all round under 4K. Nobody cares to stunt their growth enough to deal with you nobodies. Had I not been hit by the ex War Doves member I would still be wrecking you.
  22. At this point in time I don't think I need to "threaten OP" any. You guys seem to come up with excuses to hit us anyways. I don't care to go through this topic but if I recall people just stated this treaty is to avoid curbstomps in general. But please direct me to these quotes since you have all the time in the world. Preferably show me one before you guys took it personally.
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