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Everything posted by kerschbs

  1. I'm glad to see you will be getting white peace, but what was the point of posting this now? Everyone knew Avalon won't be surrendering until TPF does.
  2. Have you received a message from GATO? If not, I need to get on our recruiters.
  3. I know how much TPF hates PC. I was part of the alliance when they were ready to go to war. I find it understandable that you don't want to pay them reps, I know what it is like to hate your opponents. However I still think that TPF should accept these terms. Swallow your pride, be the bigger people, and get your membership and allies peace. Continuing to fight, while somewhat admirable, is not the best course of actions here. I wish the best to TPF, it pains me to see so many of my friends still in war. I know you Mhawk, your a good guy, please take the terms.
  4. I've always wanted to take over the world..........
  5. Good to see this finally out. I am very excited to further our relationship with Athens. A very friendly and respectable group of people.
  6. Apparently. Good for you guys in all seriousness though. Old members returning is fantastic, I wish more GATO oldies would come home.
  7. Wow UPN, you guys are up almost a point from last update??Did you swallow a couple of real big nations?
  8. We didnt really want to in all honesty. People must remember that at the time of the UJW, GATO didn't have many allies. You guys were in the process of administering a serious beat down to the only people who were still friendly to us. If you had picked ANYONE but NTO/AID we would never have even looked in your direction. In retrospect, after what AiD pulled off after our coming to help them, I would have rather have gone after goons.
  9. Oh, I think well be able to wear you guys out pretty good. We've been doing this for the better part of a month now, so hopefully this old spanish cat doesnt wear itself out before the big finish.
  10. The way our recruiting staff is going, I dont think you guys are going to be ahead of us much longer. It'll be a fun race. Good luck to you.
  11. Oh MA, we are coming for you. Check your tails, well be on them soon.
  12. Oh dont you worry, our entire MOD staff is working on getting everyone nukes. We went up like 100 nukes this month, and considering that we also lost about 120 in the last month, thats pretty good. If it wasnt for member deletion, or members leaving, we would be sitting at about 650. Either way, my goal right now is around 700 by the end of August. Combined with some programs to boost our avg ns, and tech count(one of the reasons for the super recruiting) and I think GATO will surpise many by our continued growth.
  13. Go brown! I am pretty surprised that Brown and Yellow are in the top growers by team. You would think the more established spheres who have larger member counts would grow faster on average. Nice to see the little guys doing well for once. Also, gaining a 60k nation yesterday certainly helped our score. Nice to have you Bart.
  14. Well thats a plus anyway Come stop by our irc or forums sometime. Were a pretty fun bunch.
  15. I still kinda regret not firing the nukes. However by not doing it, we let a much better prepared alliance do the same thing (you guys.) To be quite honest, we didnt have good enough conditions to go fully nuclear. We had only recently really taken military preparedness to heart, and many of our nations were still in the process of building up sustainable warchests and SDI/nukes. Combined with the fact that all of our top nations were in war mode (we were told going to peace was automatic war from NPO before they declared,) and so many of them were in anarchy (so we couldn't nuclear stagger or target nations with no SDI.) Simply put, we weren't ready to do enough, or sustain, damage to our enemies in a nuclear war. Not to mention we were better prepared than our other allies (no offense CSN or IAA,) and we REALLY didn't want them to end up eating thousands of nukes either. So we actually made the decision not to go nuclear. It was hard for most of us to swallow, some people went nuclear anyway, and logically I very well may have made the same choice looking back in hindsight. The AC at the time would have defered to my judgement as MOD, and so would GATO as a whole. Though I always wonder what would have happened if we had gone full nuclear from day 1. FAN did offer to consult us in warfare many times, maybe I should have taken up their offer
  16. Whoa brown. 2 points of growth ahead of blue? Fantastic! Forward my brown brothers! GATO took a loss last night when our MODA got deleted, but the way our recruiters are working, they may make up the gains by update.
  17. Oh it wasnt neccessarily a lack, but more of you were so huge there were plenty of large targets with no SDI.
  18. It came down to 2 things. The first being we honestly thought we would be perma/eternal zi'd like FAN. That was not what our community wanted, and we made overtures for peace pretty quickly. If any of us knew we would be fighting for 6 months, and subject to demands like the peace mode decree, we would have certainly reconsidered. The other consideration, which was more important for most of us, was that CSN and IAA would have eaten nukes also. We were completely overwhelmed, and we didnt want to do that to our allies. Seeing as we were probably the best prepared military out of the 3, that wouldn't have ended all that well for us. Again, if we had known what would have happened to IAA I'm pretty sure we would have made NPO glow. I'll have to come to your IRC channel so I can be thanked for letting you guys do that instead
  19. In all honesty, its probably better that we didnt. You guys were much better prepared (nukes, wonders, and war chests) then we were a year or so beforehand? It woulda been fun though, if we had more than 550 nukes at the time I probably would have done it. Most of our members wanted to anyway.
  20. Having GATO go nuclear the second we could have in the GATO-1v war. After leaving GATO I saw that other alliances werent much more prepared than were at the start of that war. Combined with the massive amount of damage MK and FAN had been able to do durijng their beatdowns I honestly would have liked to have seen how GATO did. I really think we would have surprised a lot of people.
  21. Viceroys are never a good thing, they do too much damage to an internal community. NPO did give GATO a lot of aid in getting our nations out of bill lock, and helped clean up our forums(after 6 months of war, our ministries needed to be rebuilt to an extent,) but these are not things GATO could not have done by herself. Though the NPO did give us some tools we probably never would have come up with. Viceroys may not be as bad as many people think, but I would still never advocate(seriously) that a viceroy be placed on an alliance. And yes, I did vote in favor of a NPO viceroy for GATO, but mainly because I thought(probably correctly) that we had no other options out of war.
  22. Damn, wed be well over 17 in score if we didnt lose greentop our #1 nation. Well MA, were coming for you, dont know when we will be there, but we are coming for you.
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