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Everything posted by kerschbs

  1. Nice to see Goon back, Ro also, gaining old members always makes people happy. Very nice nuke and avg. strength milestones as well! Forward Brown! Always nice to see our Brown brethren doing well.
  2. A 10 day war? Thats about a nose bleed for what some alliances have gone through. FAN was kept in war mode for what, a year?
  3. Onward GATO!!! And we need maor nukes. Always more nukes.
  4. Ach, sorry I'm late. Congratulations to both parties! Invicta you should rejoice in the fact that you have IAA for allies. I can speak personally, and quite fondly about IAA. They are about the best allies you can have.
  5. Congratulations to our allies in ODN, and of course to GR.
  6. We were basically instructed to hit FOK, something I (GATO MOD) really didnt want to do at the time. You and I differ I guess on how well our deployment did. I can say that picking targets was REALLY hampered by the fact that we were pretty sure UNION and TOP would be declaring on us, so I only declared with about 1/3 of our combat strength at the time as we had no more allies to call in after that(besides NFL-our protectorate). I did make the decision to attack upwards, you guys had more nations over 30kns than us, and your nations were so overdeployed that if we had been allowed to fight more than a day, you each would have been fighting 4+ opponents, which I hoped would compensate. We agreed to ceasefire almost immediately, so I never got to enact the rest of our deployment to see if my decision worked. I seem to remember GATO scoring something like 50 anarchies in our deployment though, but my memory may be fuzzy at this point.
  7. I was really hoping GATO wasn't going to have to declare on NSO. War on brown=sux, war on IAA=sux.
  8. Whoa, this is a name I remember from 3 years ago.
  9. While this growth is impressive, we are capable of far more. I hope in this next term we kick it up a little bit. Gaining another 1.5 million NS while breaking 1000 nukes and 250,000 tech do not seem like unreasonable goals to me. We shall continue to prosper, our membership will not let us fail.
  10. They were both originally GATO Apparently we like you guys/
  11. We keep trading members Merger time nao?
  12. I found out you were in ODN a few weeks ago, and it made me very happy. Come find me through diplomatic channels (ooc: irc) some day, I haven't talked to you in a long time.
  13. Gre, please take more members that size, instead of the 50kns nations you normally get It will help us catch up. We are coming, mark my words.
  14. Good gain coming for GATO today.
  15. And this is one of the reasons we love ODN so much. You could ask any GATOan about Cata, and youd get a warm respose.
  16. Congrats to our allies in MCXA. Sorry about stealing Daed back, but we missed him.
  17. Normally I would agree, however both of our alliances focus heavily on cake. MMM cake.
  18. o/ ODN o/ GATO It is a wonderful feeling to unite two of CN oldest democracies.
  19. Looks like there is a nice gain coming for GATO today or tomorrow. We've gone up .10 since the last update, and we have a nation worth about .2 in score waiting to change his AA over.
  20. Nation Created: 8/29/2006 12:31:56 PM (1,084 days old) I guess this counts me as old now? GATO has quite a few nations over 3 years in our midst now.
  21. I think GATO has done a pretty good job of rebuilding in its history. We took a gigantic hit after gw3 and rebuilt to sanction. After the GATO-1v war we lost an incredible amount of members and ns, had a viceroy instilled for months, and are already up to #16 in the sanction race.
  22. Yea LWL was worth a decent chunk of score. WE shall see what happens.
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