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Everything posted by kerschbs

  1. God you put this way better than I ever could have. Cheers buddy. Also, please take the VOX/NPO/starfox hate out of this thread. It had a pretty good discourse going until it got all mucked up. The personal attacks and other references are just not needed here.
  2. I have to agree with these two fine people. From what I have seen since my time back, the NPO has put substantial work into many of our ministries and people like Marimassa, Cortath, and others have been doing a very good job in helping us rebuild. I am sure we will be given independence when we are ready.
  3. Magic has never fought against GATO. TPF may have fought our allies in USN or CSN though, I dont remember.
  4. Heh one slayer response and the thread can end, at least for the tinfoil part. Nice to see you around sir.
  5. Woops, missed the MOD post way back. Nevermind as much as I would have liked to gone down this road again
  6. Yep. I basically agree with this. Hell with a big enough warchest hes probably rebuying infra as well.
  7. Arciel also Geneclear dictadora epa protection ulster so many others......
  8. Geneclear dictadora epa protection ulster so many others......
  9. Until I see an official merger announcement, I still count them as 2 different (albeit very close) alliances.
  10. Probably right after we regain our sanction status, again
  11. Give us 6 months friend, 6 months.
  12. Long before I was anything but a simple foot soldier, but in retrospect.....3 weeks? Getting stomped for 3 weeks is a freaking vacation compared to what has happened in the last year.
  13. Depends on the side you are on. However I had a lot of fun in gw3 and the last beat down for the majority portion of both wars.
  14. Rmm was crazy, but gonzo was WAY more colorful and unpredictable. He could go from friendly to more of an $@! than CK in a span of minutes, and unfortunately probably had depression or psychiatric issues. Gonzo was one of my best friends for a long time, even after OFS left GATO (I almost went with them.) However he changed at the end of his tenure and it unfortunately was for the worst.
  15. Bros Cnarf was the absolute !@#$ I remember petitioning to leave GATO and go hit starfox right before the GGA war on unaligneds broke out.
  16. If you have made the investment for a WRC I doubt you are afraid to use nukes if the time comes. In that case I would highly recommend the MP. It makes your nation freaking scary in the amount of damage you can do throughout a war.
  17. Thankfully gw2 taught many of us the value of a warchest after our military leaders told us that "warchests help the enemy because you are funding them." Before this war it was suggested that you should never have more than 2-3 days worth of collections. Even in gw3 many of GATO still didnt think they were valuable and I was one of the few who had a substantial amount of cash on hand that war also. /me shakes head.
  18. I remember being told that aircraft werent that important, and then having TOP eat the whole top contingent of GATOans who didn't have them.
  19. Heh this topic makes me feel like a youngin at only 821 days old. I joined just after gw1 ended, an do I miss the old days.
  20. Heh, GATO is now officially at half the add line. Coming back, slowly but surely.
  21. You have me beat by 2 spots Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 831,661 Attacking + 1,019,178 Defending = 1,850,839 Casualties Casualty Rank: Ranked #74 of 28,747 Nations (0.26%)
  22. In game flag would be cool, donations or in game rewards I think are unnecessary.
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