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Everything posted by SyndicatedINC

  1. Yeah cupcake calls it, the bollywood is pretty much our current theme song, and yes she did an excellent job on those. Hope that she does more someday. Anyone know who that was, she should get some kinda recognition You sir win the contest!!! I love you, have my children!
  2. Absolutely true, but that is why I suggested this, given the incredibly symbolic nature of it. Accepting the identical terms would be TPF stating explicitly that they meant what they said about seeking to bury the hate when they proposed these. I wouldn't underestimate the power of such symbolism. TPF's name has been smeared with those terms quite a bit as of the past few months, the chance to in essence show that in the reverse they wouldn't complain about them would undoubtedly be pretty appealing.
  3. Well then there you have it, greed. They want revenge without footing the bill it cost to get it. LOL hey can I get a car and hold a gun to the dealer's head to make him pay for it?
  4. I have read through all umpteen bazillion pages of both threads now, and been told some of what went on in the peace negotiations to date, so far I have not heard this idea mentioned yet so here it goes: If PC really did find the NAP they signed to be at gunpoint (along with the other agreements they made in the form of surrender) and such a slap in the face, why not switch their surrender to the identical terms? I mean TPF has stated numerous times that they were an attempt to end the current conflict escalation and begin reconciliation. If such is the case then likewise in return it is doubtful that TPF would argue against such terms in reverse right? IIRC (memory is hazy on the topic) those were: *A public apology for the diplomatic situation caused *$84 million and 450 tech (which could easily be negotiated as 97.5 million of the 120 million owed to California, thereby saving PC slots and sidestepping many in TPF refusing to pay PC here) *Restrictions on Offensive wars *Ban on purchasing Manhattan Projects or SDI's (which lasted around a month, once again IIRC) *Signing a Non-Aggression Pact
  5. Hells no, in no manner is it "fine"! Though there may be no military consequences of such actions, there would be significant lack of honour in doing so. Only able to speak for Avalon on this point, but I know if such a thing happened (nations outright violating their word to re-enter the karma war) we would have no part of it.
  6. HAHAHAHA oh my that was a good one. I nearly split my side laughing so hard. I haven't had a laugh that good in a long while now. Thanks, I needed that, got to go share that with the buddies.
  7. good luck to both of you in your new life together!
  8. Which is one of the reasons Avalon is by your side in the first place. Honestly the lack of spine and integrity of so many who would advocate false submission to speed revenge. Agreement to any such peace treaty would be out of fear of further loss and fundementally dishonest. Anyone who signs an armistice with plans to strike back later does so under false pretense and without honour. If only the world had more such as yourself it would be a much better place.
  9. Congratulations to both of you, hope to get to know you better now
  10. Avalon stands by mhawk and our TPF allies in their decision, even though it locks our isle alongside TPF into a continual state of war. This we knowingly accept and support, having been prepared for such a circumstance before entering the conflict. TPF has the full backing of Avalon in their search for an honourable end to the conflict. Long Live TPF! The above statement is issued from the Foreign Office and do represent the official view of Avalon. *Side note, death cat do not leave us!
  11. Awesome name, and theme, truly one of the more enjoyable treaty reads in recent memory. COngratulations to both of you, may Purple prosper ever more!
  12. Now THAT is something I would love to witness!!! Anyways congratulations Hakai, lookign foward to even more Pink Panther awesomness in the future of our CN.
  13. Welcome to the party, it is pretty..... well..... RAD!
  14. Congratulations indeed, happy birthday and wishing you many more.
  15. Long Live mhawk! Long Live The Phoenix Federation!
  16. Congratulations to our purple brethren on this historic anniversary. May there be many more! Long Live Tempest! Long Live Purple!
  17. Avalon sends out condolences and best wishes to our friends at TPF in this troubling time. May you get through it as well as you handled it.
  18. A long time coming, special thanks to Valhalla for all the work this took and all those who helped. Superb job, highly professional looking! Long may the PUB be a hallowed hall of purple. Long Live Purple!
  19. Thank you for the statement Strykewolf, Avalon agrees with Blackhorse on the issue of large missiles and on the issue of new friends. Long Live Blachorse! *sorry couldn't resist Long Live Avalon!
  20. Please bear with us on the delay of an official Avalon response, the entire government has been otherwise occupied including the time leading up to this announcement which contributed to this debacle. We have spoken with ARES regarding this matter and the confusion about Kresden's sudden position loss. They have been helpful and cleared everything up for us at this point. Though we obviously are unhappy that peace was not achieved. Unfortunately miscommunication does happen and has happened here. What happened was that this was not conferred to myself or any of the senior Avalon government, nor were we informed that ARES was beholden to DT. Both of these were critical information to the process, and setup for the situation that followed and led to the post by Kresden. As far as Avalon knew and had been told by members of ARES at that time, a peace treaty was coming, and we may not be able to reach Joe Stupid in time. Thus with all of Avalon senior leadership away for the weekend, the junior secretaries left in charge did the best they could and spoke with the person who they thought was the highest ranking government member they could reach. Which thus led to the current situation. All we knew was that RAD was peacing out, and given that ARES entered at RAD's request both RAD and Avalon assumed this meant that ARES would want to peace out as well. Given that nothing to the contrary was stated, and ARES asked for a copy of the treaty we went forth as occurred. For our part in this headache, apologies Joe. Thank you for remembering us. By the time the countermand had gone out many Avalon nations had missed it thus giving their ARES counterparts a free days worth of attacks :/ @Jtkode: love the avatar!
  21. A very impressive post TCB, nothing but class, apparently Avalon's new friends at RAD are not the only good company on Pink. They kept saying so, but actions like these show so. It is always unfortunate to have to purge the shirkers, but it should be done (unfortunately it all too often is not, out of greed for a higher alliance score). Congratulations and accolades to all the honor recipients! Long Live The Centurion Brotherhood! Long Live Honourable Conduct!
  22. Thank Admin and the Mods in Heaven! Give a person a heart attack will ya, sheesh lol Anyway, sorry to see you leave the BLOC, but you can join us cool purples who dont need no stinkin BLOC to love our sphere! Also awesome news about Neo, the world was a less interesting place without him on the stage.
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