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Everything posted by Ch33kY

  1. Don't be so harsh. He's at least 6. I'll get Scorsese on it.
  2. I still laugh whenever I read Optional Defence Pact. Optional Agression clauses I can understand, but what is the point of having a pact if it is optional? You either trust your ally or you don't. Trust isn't optional. We all know this means if one ally gets into a war and is going to get destroyed, the other ally can cut and run. The Optional Deence Pact is an absurd and cowardly concept. I don't mean to be offensive to GATO or the VE, if anything I want to congratulate them for this long-time-coming union, but it is the very concept of the treaty being signed that is ridiculous.
  3. Another classy and intellectually stimulating installment of Histery of Syberneytuns...
  4. I agree with Janova: it's too early to say. Nordreich II has been very quiet since it returned. The cynics believe it is only a matter of time before they do something and get into strife.
  5. It's been too long. The former members are too diversely spread among other alliances. It would disrupt the alliance of current members, tarnish the memory of the NAAC, and has too much baggage to move foward. In short, let the NAAC rest in peace.
  6. The VE probably wouldn't have formed in the first place. I remember many of the drunken communications of Egore on IRC. Good times.
  7. At first I thought this topic was going to be a cheap knock-off of Ejay's 20 rules, but I actually found this to be witty and - dare I say - enlightening. And it got me thinking about how CN has come along over these past 3 and a half years, and how I've come to view the development of the game. Regarding Rule #18 If the RPG developer isn't working on developing a RPG regularly, that game is dead. This is the thing that has annoyed me most about CN over the last year or two. Actually three. There have been few updates, and when they do come they are only accessible to the really high up nations (wonders, navy and moon bases). I can't think of something that revolutionised the way nations below 30k NS played CN. I have left CN and come back twice. Each time I come back in the hope the developer will add something to it to spice it up. But since I have come back I haven't really been that into CN because it's the same old thing - come on, we're all just waiting for another big war aren't we. We've gotten over actually enjoying the intrigues of the game like when we first started, which takes us back to Rule 5 The game was always better when you started playing, specifically when you first realized you had a grasp of the basic rules. I'd start a new game but I hate having to learn new rules, new systems, new people, anything new in general.
  8. I'm predicting an Aqua civil war. How exciting - and frightening - that would be.
  9. That's a lot of nukes. The recruitment video is good. It's simple and gets the message across. Keep up the good work old GATO.
  10. Thanks for your reply Mirreille. Now that raises the issue of why should a nation lose population/environment for military efficiency?
  11. Interesting statistics. The GPA is ahead of Legion and GATO. How time have changed. I reckon TDO is the new GPA, coming in at 20th.
  12. Here's to free and fair elections. Now just tell me who we need to vote for.
  13. 'I'm like crabgrass. You can't get rid of me.' - Mary the Fantabulous' nation bio since...the dawn of time. And what was the one where the ODN guy requested no one else post in the thread? 'Brilliant political move' was catchy too.
  14. There is no additional soldier count. A Barracks increases solider efficiency. Any other thoughts?
  15. Prodigal_Chieftan's final post Most of you don't know Prodigal_Chieftan, but he was one of the most infamous players in CN back in 2006/07. Good times.
  16. I can't find any of my others. Argin of the VE made this one.
  17. I lose around 500 population and get a decrease in total income of around $3 to $4 when I buy a Barracks. As far as I know this improvement does not effect population happiness, income or citizen count. Does anyone know the reason for this? A link to my nation can be found in my signature, though I don't know that my nation has a particularity about it that would influence this.
  18. Well done on the re-work of the chater and congratulations Sulmar.
  19. Back to the VE now? (Bugger. Just realised this is old news. Bloody grave diggers.)
  20. I don't know what half of the acronyms stand for.
  21. Or just give them the happiness bonus. The no teamers deserve it.
  22. I don't think Democracy is such a bad thing. You get +1 evironment and national happiness, and the +8% solider efficiency which isn't such a bad thing. But I agree with others that Monarchy is better for buying infrastructure.
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