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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. We've heard words like this before. "We'll mind our own business and interests" or "We won't invade another European nation unless we're threatened." Dismantling your nukes would be a huge step forward in regaining our trust, putting to rest any concerns we have left. Europe is about to take a huge stop forward, but to do this we all need to cooperate. We’re willing to compromise with you, why can’t you compromise with us?
  2. Statements like this is why we ask for you do destroy your destructive weapons, but it will not be our responsibility it will be yours. Don't continue to ruin world opinion of nordic nations by using such cowardly means to win a war.
  3. If you keep your nukes then you forfeit any claims to any portion of the Baltic States.
  4. ooc: Jebus there's like 50 of them. What I want is all CSSR land that isnt part of RL Ukraine. Also for the sake of dramaz cuz i fighting with KM so much I'm gonna be an complete dick about the Baltic States.
  5. Absolutely not. We were wrongly invaded and we want what is rightfully ours. All I'm asking is that the CSSR and Nordheim return the occupied provinces of Slavorussia that they took from us in the First Great Patriotic War.
  6. There is of course the issue of Nordland claiming the whole Baltic Sea, and its dependent waterways and using Prussia's navy to enforce the ridiculous claim. We don't want a repeat of the incident in the Gulf of Finland. Thank goodness it ended with no blood being spilt.
  7. Since Nordheim refuses to comply with the terms, I see no reason to negotiate a land agreement over the Baltic States. Slavorussia will be annexing Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. We are preparing troops to enter the region and secure it in the name of the Tsar. We hope to do this without firing a single shot. The option to compromise is still open to you if you choose to change your mind.
  8. Ask any Nordlander that the East Baltic has historically been owned by both Slavorussia and Nordland. Also I'll ask you to please hold your insults as they are not conducive to peace. I'll also point out that the invasion wasnt illegal, we were justified since Nordland was using its allies to invade us.
  9. Slavorussia seeks the return of our territories by Nordheim and the CSSR added to the list. Once this is done we can close the book on this dark chapter of European history.
  10. The idea here is for us to compromise you give something we want, and we give something in return. This is the spirit of cooperation which has been forgotten or ignored by European countries for years. ooc: I care if someone just goes nuts and nukes Moscow, or some other major city. I actually would have to rp the effects and because of the timescale I rp, it would take forever to recover.
  11. No. If you will not decom your nuclear weapons, you will not be allowed to occupy land so close to Slavorussia.
  12. We will accept nothing less than the total surrender of Nordheim's weapons of mass destruction. You are under the joint protection of your Europan neighbors, we will crush any threat that comes knocking on your door without the use of such devastating weapons.
  13. ooc: Lol, things happened so fast, and so many new posts were made I understand how this happened. Dont feel bad.
  14. In light of the fact that Slavorussia considers you one of the ring leading nations of the GNR, and you’ve already threatened to use your nuclear arsenal in a first strike I’m afraid we cannot allow you to keep arsenal and provide safety for all of Europe. If you wish to start another nuclear war while damning yourselves and your people to hell then we request you decommission your nuclear, chemical and biological weapons asap. We are still open to a discussion over the Baltic Territories, but it would be best to comply with coalition terms for surrender first.
  15. ooc: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are all you annexed after the war. Perhaps we can work something out. ic: Slavorussia wonders if you will be signing an unconditional surrender like your allies?
  16. ooc: The three baltic states is all you (Nordheim) took from Slavorussia....
  17. ooc: I would say that under the terms of the unconditional surrender, they really don't have a choice. However I think Bavaria should be held to the same conditions that other former Nordic nations are being forced to fallow.
  18. ooc: I hope you're sure about this. Rage quitting rarely ends well for anyone.
  19. Blaming other people for something the German government did to themselves will only continue this endless cycle of war and destruction in Europe.
  20. Of course not all Nordic leaders are equally responsible, but all should receive a fair punishment for the wars they started and participated in, based on their level of cooperation in said events. In addition There are several things the Slavorussian government would like to see happen upon the complete collapse of the GNR. If these terms are fallowed the Slavorussian people will be very pleased.
  21. Deputy Premier Putin will attend the meeting personally accompanied by several aides and security personnel.
  22. Slavorussia supports Lady Tintagyl's position. Nothing less than the unconditional surrender of all GNR nations shall suffice, secession from the GNR alone will not absolve you of your sins. We note however that all former Reich states have been very cooperative thus far.
  23. Guess which ones I voted for, just because I could.
  24. Does Germany have the cancelation codes for the weapons they've launched? If thousands die we will blame you, if you were able to act and didn't.
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