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AL Bundy

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Everything posted by AL Bundy

  1. AW always honors their treaties, like to hear anyone say otherwise. Al
  2. Don't bend the knee to a southern king or queen, join us in the North! Winter is Coming! Join the Alpha Wolves today! Al Bundy
  3. Haha try whining haha... naw I'm good I'm not 5. Al
  4. Don't know about all that. Mine are at least real announcement, not whining that one nation is being mean to me... Al
  5. Any news on when the next round will start? Thanks, Nations that still love TE.
  6. And another whole announcement wasted on declaring on one nation.... Alliance announcements.......
  7. Again a whole announcement wasted on declaring on one nation.... Alliance announcements.......
  8. Always good things to say from Roadrash! Thanks bud! Let me know when your ready to join us haha. Al Bundy
  9. What every happened to this being an alliance announcements spot....not random nation whining at someone spot.... Maybe a bit of an overkill but o well. Al Bundy
  10. Well I guess this is the part when I say that's not fair....Haha or I just join in... For raiding us right after a long ass war.... Al
  11. Weird to just pick on them, again...Why not just everyone like always?
  12. So just beat up NLON again?
  13. Heck I may have even hit some of their alliance (Depending on the situation) since I was out of range of the attacker, but once they kicked the member I had a problem with, I would have sent peace to the alliance....Not demand Surrender haha AL
  14. So just to recap.... Hazib (A newer nation) of OM raids Aevum without gov permission. Aevum declares 4 wars on OM (none of them actually on the raider), OM kick the raider and Aevum still wants more? An official surrender? Seems a bit excessive, but whatever makes you think your a big guy! AL Bundy
  15. We have plenty of tech sellers, need some buyers! Join up today!! Al Bundy
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