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AL Bundy

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Everything posted by AL Bundy

  1. Good to see a War Doves declare again! Good luck to both great alliances! Al
  2. Pairing you with Lord Hitchcock, he always gets a visit from me... Al
  3. Thanks HG.....Cant believe I not angry with you for once.... We never invited any nation from any other alliance to join us until UN started boosting their score at the end, just as they did the previous round....Hard for honorable alliances to win awards when we do not have all our members cheat to win... I dont have the records from either previous round, but all i know is UN boosted stats at the end both rounds...if you were already going to win why did you accept your pending nations/new nations???? Weird how stuff works... AL
  4. Stats: Alliance Total Active Strength Avg Score Anarchy Infras Tech Nukes 2) Wolves of the North 19 18 546,939 28,786 50.06 0 86,536 11,006 104 4) United Nations 20 18 431,981 21,599 47.90 1 78,241 8,323 129 7) Roman Empire 8 6 106,786 13,348 17.16 1 20,000 3,618 6
  5. Wolves of the North Declaration of War Apparently to someone I mentored and was once a Wolf I am stupid and worst of all compared to HG! So I guess I will just have to drop some Nukes.. And because I am horrible, Ill through in someone I guess is just as misguided as him.... Wolves declare war on United Nations and Roman Empire: May the misguided nations of TE enjoy some nuclear anarchy, o and a smack or two:
  6. This would fix it and has a lot of support if I recall but I don't see it happening since no one has updated anything to CN for years........but I agree with it (12 or 18 members per alliance) Hahaha Mal went a little hard on HG there, but as most know I don't usually get along with him either, but agree as well.... Any alliance creating fake/1 day old nations to win an award is pathetic.... MEMBERS FROM ALL other alliances joined together to show they did not support what UN was doing and they still have no shame over doing it, instead try to justify and skew what happened . Although Justice League was not my idea (but a fine one since some alliance didn't fancy mine), Before the idea of JL, I started to invited other alliances to join our alliance (WotN) since we were leading with the highest alliance score most of the round, until UN used non playing/new nations to boost their score at the end and took the award from my members. After that I did not care where the 2 nations that won the award were members from (D1, IRON, DCS, NLON, NDO, or WD) just hated to see an alliance that did not deserve the award win it. Anyone that blames Samwise for anything you just put that blame on me instead.... Anyone feel free to spin what happened last round however you wish, I know what I saw happen. I'm a grudge holder and I know it, now more will know it as well.....Ill just add you right under Lord Hitchcock name! And if you don't like it you can kiss what I'm rubbing AL Bundy
  7. And Al!! Weird..... Stats look alright no problem with me there, but OP and NDO might have been like some others and planned to collect today....but as said if they cool I am as well... Al Bundy
  8. Kinda thought the peace went to the end of the day? ● Proposal on the table is a peace agreement between all signing alliances from December 23rd - January 2nd. That's why my war was planned for tomorrow, assumed "-" meant through... But if NDO and OP are cool I will be as well.... Good luck to all... Al Bundy
  9. No need to push or shove, there is still plenty of room for you with the Alpha Wolves
  10. Ready to change alliances? Or Are you still searching for the right one? Join the Alpha Wolves today......Its easy with just a click!
  11. Join the Alpha Wolves today! Accepting new members old and new!
  12. Thank you Samwise for looking out! I would have assisted but out of range, but the wolves were alerted.... Al Bundy
  13. Peace will happen on the 22/23 update. No Attacks on December 23rd! Been a good warm up, thanks all! Al Bundy
  14. Its not nice, but what is the point of a navy if you cannot blockade? I asked to not do it but not forcing them not to....if I did might as well have everyone not build a navy.... AL
  15. Updated: Those that have agreed to the Peace: Wolves of the North New Desolate Order War Doves IRON Springfield Edition DEFCON 1 Digital Combat Soldiers Ordo Paradoxia New League of Nations Roman Empire United Nations The League of Guardians MISSING: Socialist United I have not heard from one alliance...All others have accepted the peace terms.... Anyone that attacks an alliance that signed these peace terms you might as well hit me, because the Wolves will be at your door for Christmas.... Any to all of Planet Steve....Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as well! Thank you, Al Bundy
  16. To: Al Bundy From: apricotsfoxbase Date: 12/20/2017 11:53:03 PM Subject: RE: Holiday Peace Message: Why not, it's in the spirit of Christmas after all. League of Guardians accepts these terms.
  17. Updated: Those that have agreed to the Peace: Wolves of the North New Desolate Order War Doves IRON Springfield Edition DEFCON 1 Digital Combat Soldiers Ordo Paradoxia MISSING: United Nations New League of Nations Roman Empire The League of Guardians Socialist United As of today I have sent a message to all these alliances leaders (Gold Star Only). If your alliance is not list I am horrible and didn't consider it an alliance, please forward all hate mail to: @malakarlian hahaha Thank you, Al Bundy
  18. Those that have agreed to the Peace: Wolves of the North New Desolate Order War Doves IRON Springfield Edition DEFCON 1 MISSING: United Nations Ordo Paradoxia New League of Nations Roman Empire Digital Combat Soldiers The League of Guardians Socialist United As of today I have sent a message to all these alliances leaders (Gold Star Only). If your alliance is not list I am horrible and didn't consider it an alliance, please forward all hate mail to: @malakarlian hahaha Thank you, Al Bundy
  19. I guess do onto others what you wouldn't mind being done to you! Al
  20. Haha ya everyone but you What can I say, those who uphold their treaties get more treaties.... Al
  21. Bea-uti-ful!! A great alliance that defiantly helped us out in the past and continues to do so! Al Bundy
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