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Everything posted by Edjaal

  1. the flag was made by D34th of NpO its a great flag.
  2. A Protectorate Come visit and chat with us on forums at http://erebus.ipbfree.com/index.php? or on irc, coldfront server #Erebus
  3. And there is one that betrayed me thrice over.
  4. sad to see you go rab, keep in touch mangino.
  5. D34th, I still rock that sig you made me every now and then.
  6. We actually have our IRC channel still, #CDS on coldfront We celebrate the community that is 3 years old rather than the alliance itself, the bonds formed in CDS, at least for me, never went away. Don't expect much to happen in the IRC channel but a few of us hang out there, mostly myself, rab, schills(even though he's not an ex member but eh, who cares) We had a good run, made good friends and all around miss it. edit: umar, yeah GW3 you guys rolled us hard, it was epic.
  7. You were our minister of internal affairs, and you made us declare on GATO iirc. edit: Found Where you posted about it also found your declaration thread
  8. And we salute that brave flag as we raise it once more, Custom 19, shall remain close forever in my heart.
  9. Edjaal

    Mogar Q&A

    What do you think of the leaders of the Citadel alliances? What do you think a good card for me to add to my RBU deck in MTG would be? Is xtine a trap? If I left TOP (which at the moment isn't going to happen) where do you think I would best fit in? What type of Govt system do you like for small alliances; big alliances? Why are there so gosh darn many planets around your star?
  10. Edjaal

    Mogar Q&A

    What is IRAN going to do now? Which do you prefer, Mountain Dew or Coke? will I ever see those 2$ again?
  11. Well, at least I admit it, lol. I had a lot of fun fighting against BAPS though and I wish them the best. Paradox Vult! o/ BAPS o/ Peace but also o/ War
  12. sad to see but, perhaps airing your dirty laundry in public isn't the best way to clean it? Now the whole neighborhood can see your streak marks. =O Also, enjoy the nuking you're going to get Bat. I would have waited till I got a SDI to declare on someone with nukes.
  13. Souljah! hey man sup! global war r happenin' lol and this is the same croix from msn, don't ask about the _ bad things happened.. but my nation is the same<_< :X
  14. Edjaal

    First Issue

    I voted no but on better thought.. I should have voted yes. i've never done it but.. why should there be anything wrong with it? plus Jenko, arcshot. xD
  15. I thought that as well o.o Need more sleep methinks.
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