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Everything posted by Malkavian

  1. You are absolutely right, Tywin Lannister. All the cute "girls" are taken by the jocks.
  2. Where are the rest of the 3-D treaties located, Methrage?
  3. A one-man cliche is not a remarkable improvement over a micro-merger, Franz Ferdinand. At least they are recognized as an actual alliance by substantial coalitions.
  4. "Competition? Yes, I would love some!"
  5. Maybe Tywin Lannister wasn't crazy after all. :P
  6. I wish the reason for the cancellation would be released. The cookie cutter standard of conventionality is trite and uninteresting.
  7. Darkness never rests! Le génie du mal Find redemption with Sparta!
  8. I am a goddess born of flesh, Tywin Lannister.
  9. Simple answer: Tywin Lannister is an undiagnosed egomaniac, but begs attention by his actions. Master Hakai is indulging his own fancy, and Tywin Lannister commented with unwarranted strenuousness to the blog.
  10. Phonetic pronunciation according to the international phonetic organization (simplified version): tayloj (Tæ-lōw-jah).
  11. I love that graphic, the outfit is totally adorable. The girl is unusually pretty too.
  12. We need to come up with more interesting stuff; the forum is flooded with the same guys posting in the same damn threads. :(
  13. Statistically speaking you lost the crusade, Loki Laufeyson. You are destitute and battered, with no help expected. GOONS made a promise to hamper possible growth until you pray for absolution to GOONS. Why constrain your nation from enjoying peace? Please submit your apology! GOONS have uncounted riches, but you do not, comrade.
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