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Everything posted by Wobblies

  1. I can't help but to like Kaskus, they are like LSF in many ways.
  2. ""As an alliance, SLAP has yet to fight in any major conflicts. The Sovereign League of Armed Powers was founded in September 2009" Enjoy INT, you two are perfect for each other.
  3. Still alive, but not caring about things like recruiting have hurt membership numbers.
  4. Trotsky sold out the LSF to the fascists, today is the day we get revenge for his powindah machinations!
  5. The LSF has always governed itself without any leaders, in one fell swoop Admin has decreed that we can no longer govern ourselves how we se fit.
  6. When the history books are written surely this will go down as one of the most epic years for the LSF!
  7. [quote name='Jesus The Viking' timestamp='1358842962' post='3083480'] [size=4]How delightfully un-bureaucratic, nice to see LSF had some influence on all of you stiff & proper alliances[/size] [/quote] [size=4] [/size]
  8. Did Pwnage say something about free hot dogs?
  9. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1349632306' post='3038247'] . Allahu Akbar! May our glorious Jihad be successful, Allah willing! [/quote] You just lost 3 children to almighty Elesef. It's ok though your still at +42 children [b][size=4]Such is the Will of Elesef that thou prepare the blade of war and strike at the Devils that hath rejected the Second Mercy of Mankind. With the blessing of Elesef, thy blade of steel shalt become a fang of God, and pierce the tainted soul of the powindah. Go forth to all the powindah nations of the Earth that will not accept His Word, and smash the idols to which they pray to. Go forth to all the powindah nations of the Earth, and slaughter all the hopeless powindah that will not hear the Word of God; for Elesef hath foreseen their choice of blasphemy, and hath made His claim upon their souls for him to feast upon. For the Devils that seek to protect the powindah: Silahi Rahmet.[/size][/b]
  10. [quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1348958270' post='3035753'] Your ideological purity is noted, comrade, but I advise you not speak too loudly. The Central Committee sees and hears all. [ooc]I write a work of satire (admittedly rushed; not my best work), and you respond with genuine incredulity? Not just you, but a handful of others, too? This is why you don't get invited to parties.[/ooc] -Craig [/quote] [IMG]http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af349/Isaac-Johnson/3x9bpskr-mr-2.jpg[/IMG] and here I thought Kaskus was cool. Anyone who would vote for Romney is either rich,white,male,retarted or mormon, which are you? I'm guessing all of the above except for rich.
  11. [quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1348857746' post='3035267'] This is not a defeat for class solidarity. This is, in fact, a victory. First the petite bourgeois, self-procleimed "anarchists" jumped ship, as is common with middle-class radicals and other fake leftists. Next, the authoritarian dinosaurs follow suit. No big surprise there. It wouldn't be the first time the Stalinists have betrayed the working class. The working men and women of the International are more united than ever before. INT [b][i]is[/i][/b] the united left. The counterrevolution is doomed to failure. Power to the people and their representatives on the Central Committee! Viva INT! -Craig [/quote] LOL, why does this sound hollow and full of desperation? You guys are barely a leftist alliance anymore just a bunch of POWINDAH
  12. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1348675000' post='3034335'] Ironically, your opinion means as little to me as LSF burning meant to me. [/quote] You are Powindah filth blasempher
  13. [quote name='Rigas' timestamp='1348156647' post='3032290'] Well, how would you call a group that refers to 1. Anarchism. 2. Pirates or Machno, never certain which of the two. 3. Dune. All in one, really? [/quote] A Trifecta of awesome
  14. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1348068316' post='3031842'] It doesn't surprise me that a degenerate powindah such as yourself might actually believe the tripe you are slinging. However, believing in the promises and ability of powindah to be saved from their condition is what doomed the Elesufis from the start. Straying from the word of Elesef, the one true god, doomed LSF's war from the very beginning. It was a divine punishment, a punishment for believing that the dirty powindah such as yourself have any honor, integrity, or dignity left beyond that which the poo-eating powindah sacrifice to throw their blocs to the wolves to willing enslave themselves to the will of puppetmasters. It is the regrettable but inevitable position of the powindah to e-lawyer on an internet forum for hours about the wording of particular treaties in hopes of not having to displease their masters. Unfortunately, since my leave from LSF, I too am degenerating to the point where I thought it a good idea to actually engage misguided powindah in discussion. But the opinions of powindah cannot be changed, for they do not in truth exist. And so I leave you to rot. Be gone, willing tool! [/quote] Now were talking, right on brother!
  15. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1348003860' post='3031542'] Good riddance. [/quote] Good luck with your new powindah friends INT!
  16. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1347972272' post='3031423'] when I was the sitting Treasury Commissar, and had people disagree with me on matters of how to do rebuilding or tech deals while I was in the same position. In both instances, my ability to vomit large walls of text defending my position had infinitely more effect on whether people listened to me [/quote] Ya I remember having to sift through one of your soul crushing wall of text about how collectivism is not efficient-I guess it's all about the pixels eh?
  17. That was a blast! Thanks Nordreich for making a otherwise boring summer one to remember and hat's off to both sides for keeping it classy but MOST of all thanks for letting us know who are friends are!
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