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Everything posted by Wobblies

  1. Your like a broken record with the commie stuff. Don't read Ayn Rand kids or you might end up like Krihelion.
  2. Thanks Canik, nice to hear a friendly voice on the OWF for a change.
  3. Those nations had too much infra and needed to be trimmed, I'm not going anywhere Bundy except down diddy down down. See you soon!
  4. This is the best holiday for war
  5. Forgive me if I'm wrong but you are not concerned in the matter. It is being addressed.
  6. I guess you just skipped the part where it clearly says they are part of the red alert treaty.
  7. I have been asked to make the following announcement for the LSF who clearly can't be bothered with you. LSF activates it's MDP in defense of UCR and declares war on doomsphere. That is all. -Piley Commissar of Defense
  8. lol I don't know what he's been smoking but he needs to put the pipe down.
  9. I know, I know, you have always been a man of good taste.
  10. Wolves complaining about non public discloser-pot meet kettle.
  11. Every noob is told on day one that you raid at your own risk. Instead of cutting losses the Wolves went double down and launched offensive war on UCR.
  12. I remember when the LSF did this years ago. https://cybernations.fandom.com/wiki/People's_Front_of_Judea
  13. Yeah how dare UCR do something stupid like trying to make the world a better place.
  14. It'd be nice if your treaty partner actually listed it's treaties. Also any alliance I've ever been in made it clear that tech raiding was done at your own risk. Also it's bad form to use nukes in a tech raid.
  15. Looks like we just did something interesting.....
  16. Imagine being so bored with a game all you can think to do is pick on noobs.
  17. Communism is going to win anyway, so Y'all might as well join now.
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