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Everything posted by TheEraser

  1. Should be in your inbox. I have no problem with fok going to war its. What they had to do. I take exception to them acting like idiots and trying to threaten our members like they did. ooc: I'm in my blackberry if it didnnt send let me know and ill try again. Phone internet sucks :/
  2. FOK scum havve resorted to threatening polars with pzi for not taking individual surrender terms. Make these sycophants burn comrades!
  3. My friend, hoo has been and always will be nothing but talk. an inflated Ego that can tall a big game but can't walk the walk.
  4. O/ AZTEC one of the better military blocs in CN give 'em hell boys
  5. good work Mods and Admin on a job well done
  6. so you just announced that you would dishonor your treaties and let your friends get attacked? thats pathetic.
  7. I have no problems with them attacking us don't get me wrong. Watching fok burn is going to bring me great joy. I take issue with the blatant slander of the op. fok is attacking BC fok wants war. Pc attacked us not the other way around. So so what you've got to do to justify your aggression but when you are but dust in the wind know that you brought this in yourself.
  8. So you chose to escelate a war that would have otherwise have stayed contained. in the end its your funeral so w/w floats your boat I guess
  9. Comrade he is in dark fist things like logic and intelligence are forbidden over there.
  10. wow your side of the web is trying really hard to escelate this. BRING IT.
  11. you're right thats my bad its the croc tears of superfriends that are currently flooding my plains, for some unknown reason... Grub went to their channel on a diplomatic mission, usually that means things get sorted out. \m/ wanted no part in sorting things our and righting their wrongs like some of the other parties involved did, instead they taunted us and spat on our patience. now they will get to taste a solid chunk of the nearly 5,000 nukes we've been stockpiling. I find it funny that with as common as the "do something" meme is used, we're the only alliance actually willing to do anything to back up our words.
  12. to say the simply told Grub no is oversimplifying this to a ridiculous degree. Not only did they lambaste our Emperor with racial slurs and vulgur language, they gave him the proverbial finger. they made it very clear they wanted us to attack them. Funny thing is, they didn't realize that we would actually do it. now their crocodile tears are overflowing the banks of Ampville and we've had to send out flood warnings.
  13. whats your point? \m/ gave us the finger, we're giving them our nukes. deal with it.
  14. good for you, i'm sure Grub will reconsider our position b/c of your words here today.
  15. N Did you read. The dow at all? Grub specifically said that their behavior played a major Part in this. They are the ones that told us to f off. They are the ones that have done nothing to try and make the situation better. They are the ones that don't deserve to exist. Of you would stop ranting for 10 minutes and look at the facts you would see this.
  16. L There tears are delicious though...damned delicious.
  17. Your ignorance astounds me schatt. For someone with as large a mouth as you, I would imagine you could get your fact straight once in a while. The war on fpi has. Nothing to do with this war. Furthermore it had. Nothing to do with the dcp which was not an imperialist bloc. Beiing one of its founders I can safely say that black unity was our only concern( that is neither here nor there). We paved the road for NOIR. Crawl back to your hole
  18. for your sale. I hope wc's are waaaay higher than the fool I'm hitting. For his size it should be 10 times larger than what it is. Get your boys in shape.
  19. Its kind of pathetic that this had To be made. How pathetic is your group that you have to joke about stuff like that. I can't wait till your group is gone for good, you disgust me.
  20. its about damn time. Congrats odn I know you guys wanted this pretty badly
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