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Everything posted by Xanth

  1. You're as fair and balanced as fox news covering gay atheist abortion rights.
  2. Your sides private words do not match your public actions and that is why you miss out on peace at every turn. I do not spin, I offer unabridged documents and allow others to make their own judgements. This little exchange is a good indicator on how fair and balanced any "news" report you may come up with would be. You couldn't tell the truth in public if your nation and alliance depended on it.
  3. This is the best way to attain peace, constant inane harassment and name calling.
  4. Glad you pointed out that you can not handle a single conversation without resorting to childish behavior.
  5. To: Lord Hitchcock From: Xanth Date: 8/12/2015 5:11:09 PM Subject: RE: Your trade circle Message: You should note that the sanctions and that whole thing has nothing to do with our side. That is purely doom handled and will not end if peace is secured between coalitions To: Xanth From: Lord Hitchcock Date: 8/12/2015 5:17:06 PM Subject: RE: Your trade circle Message: and it was handled with sanctions. This mass attempt to string us along from war to war will end sometime
  6. Always got my name on your lips hitch. Seems saddly obsessive.
  7. Need 2 more, pm in game for details.
  8. Okay, stop showing "mercy" then. Please, put your military might where your mouth is.
  9. I've said it before and I feel it needs repeated. If we just stop humoring them with responses they will shut up and go away.
  10. In before "fair and balanced" turns out to be war propaganda.
  11. Deleted comment = or I will attack methrage myself. In game forwards available upon request. As to the rest, what can I say, I had a moment of weakness. If you're trying to out me or embarrass me you really don't know who you are talking to.
  13. You truly don't understand that this is supported global by all color spheres. This is the entire game saying fuck you, go away already
  14. O/ Bitter Micro Drama O/ $%&@ what the owf thinks Edit* for the record I still blame brown for all of this.
  15. Wait, according to meths other nation brother it was me that reported every player on your side. Now it's Jack? Please make up your mind.
  16. When people are sending death threats and sexually explicit messages to their enemies reporting is appropriate.
  17. There is your poor reading comprehension showing through again. I hold you accountable for your statements here. You are in no hurry to peace this war means you do not care for this war to end. That voids any offer made in my book and we can revisit the concept at a later date.
  18. Umm, your buddy meth has publicly stated he's in no hurry for peace i.e. he is refusing any offer. This does go back to him wanting a perma war. At this point there is no offer on the table currently as your side clearly does not want to end this.
  19. There is the MI6 I've come to know and lament.
  20. It probably has a lot to do with donations and who makes the most. I'll take that fucking warning too
  21. That would be discussing moderation issues....
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