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Everything posted by Xanth

  1. I was an active member of doom squad when I attacked you. Tyrian was removed as a protectorate by myself for her attack as it was not sanctioned. This has been gone over and over with you and each time you fail to comprehend what's written in front of you. Please work on[url="http://www.k5learning.com/reading-comprehension-worksheets"] these[/url] a little before you come back to post again.
  2. Dre4m was not 2nd in line for sra and as such was not handed the helm for stripes. You know nothing of sra or stripes so do the world a favor and go fuck off somewhere else now.
  3. So, nothing different than before then? I'm good with that.
  4. If one wants out of a fight while their aa is still going they surrender and generally pow. They don't spam their opponent with peace offers. Comprehend what's being said, dont just glaze over text and cherry pick words.
  5. As has been stated already a few times. The end of this war is in your court now. You know how to end this but you seem unwilling to.
  6. I still uphold the treaty AT you you know :P You are all kinds of apart of this shit show now
  7. To note: forums and irc are staying the same for now. Gov names are subject to change and probably will soon.
  8. The longer this goes the worse it'll be for you meth. As I said before, when your side is ready for white peace you know where to find us. Now that you have your precious white peace offer how can you spin this war even deeper into "it's all sra's fault"? Blame me for kashmirs ally joining against you. You are a sad, sad little attention seaker.
  9. As many of you know, Red Ass Commander Walsh the Beloved has left this world, likely to never return. He was proud to run the Screaming Red Asses, an alliance dedicated to independence in thought and action, unshackled the treaty web. As his P-47 Thunderbolt wings its way into the sunset, the thought occurred to us all that The Screaming Red Asses identity was flying off with him... without the Red Ass Commander, there can be no Red Asses. It is with deep regret that we announce the End of Existence of the Screaming Red Asses. Daunted but defiant, the Red Asses decided to take action, which lead to the following exchange and epiphany early one morning on IRC: XANTH: (amsg) BOOM-CHAGGA-LAGGA-LAGGA BOOM-CHAGGA-LAGGA-LAGGA BOOM-CHAGGA-LAGGA-LAGGA BOOM! KEVIN: Where the hell have you been, soldier? XANTH: Traaaaaaaining, sir! KEVIN: What kind of training, son? XANTH: Aaaaaaarmy training, sir! KEVIN: Where's your Red Ass Commander, men? XANTH: Blown up, sir! LURUNIN: Uhh, yes, sir, these are Walsh the Beloved's men. He deleted during basic training. KEVIN: So am I to understand you men completed your training on your own? XANTH: That's the fact, Jack! KEVIN: Captain, these are exactly the kind of go-getters I want on Planet Bob. It is with pride and a sense of bittersweetness that we announce Planet Bob's newest alliance: Same ol' asses, brand new theme! Government is: The Big Toe: Xanth The Murray: Smurthwaite The Raimis: RedArmy and Jraison Hot MP Chicks: Nymph and justrentjohnson FORUMS: IRC: WIKI: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Stripes A few notes of clarification: 1. The Screaming Red Asses ended without ever acknowledging peace in the "Dre4m War". SRA was born at war, and ended at war. 2. Stripes considers itself at war with Limitless Nexus, Monsters, Inc., and Confederatio Aesir until such time as a peace agreement is brokered. 3. All treaty obligations under the terms of the Lawyers, Guns and Money Doctrine will carry over to Stripes until further notice. That's the facts, Jack!
  10. When you decided to ignore the offer of white peace to continue your quest of a perma war things like this happen. You want to fight me? Sell down. Frankly I'm over this war and can't wait until I never have to speak to you and your crew again. You are literally the worst person I've ever seen on the interweb.
  11. No we are now known as Better Limitless Nexus. TCA is so yesterday
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHA you really are desperate for it. I kind of like our current alliance name, think ill keep it for a bit.
  13. Which won't happen as no one really cares enough to hit tir for anything. Sra held them in high regards until he came to our forum spouting pro methrage rants at the beginning of our war.
  14. you certainly have a lot of shit to talk for someone with no tie into this war.
  15. Just go to their forum and check out out for yourself Alex.
  16. Just go to their forum and check out out for yourself Alex.
  17. Crist doornail, I'm not sure where you are coming from with your open hostility. Care to elaborate on your verbal attacks?
  18. 36 would be the number of current views (at the time of posting) not the number of intel reports on any one nation.
  19. 7/29/2015 10:49:38 PM meth intel 36 You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Libertarian Empire. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation: Last Tax Collection: 7/13/2015 12:01:01 AM Last Bill Payment: 7/29/2015 12:02:57 AM Desired Religion: Mixed Desired Government: Communist Threat Level: Severe Tax Rate: 30% Number of Spies: 800 Last Nuke Purchase: 7/29/2015 12:04:12 AM Last Wonder Purchase: 5/21/2015 Total Money: $970,588 Technology: 798.69 Levels Trade Partners: Soveckij Sojuz, Defenderland Secret Aid Sent To: None Military XP Ratings: Army XP: 262, Navy XP: 97, Air Force XP: 1359, Intelligence XP: 96 Assigned Generals: Air Force XP Level 421, Army XP Level 119, Intelligence XP Level 85, Navy XP Level 12 Total Aircraft: 100 Aircraft Fighter Strength: 647 Aircraft Bomber Strength: 0 Navy Purchases Today: 0
  20. It takes time to remember that many passwords
  21. I love the speculation on the limited side over my involvement with the tso war. I spoke to hitchcock on end about what I was doing there during that conflict. No surprise he either didn't tell you or you don't believe it. That is not my concern. Keep fishing for what ever you are fishing for. I'll be glad to feed you all the [i]information[/i] you need as long as you run here and post it. We do all live watching your storylines change from day to day.
  22. No SRA is not a member of tca and has no future plans of joining onto tca. Perhaps you should stop asking 3rd and 4th party observers over the owf about tca matters and visit their forum yourself. They do have a nice little information section and I hear they even have an embassy section that you can use to ask them directly these questions. Now if you don't mind I will be going back to not reading your posts and enjoying this little shit show of a 2 man aa being butthurt over a multitude of their own karma.
  23. Lady Dakota please stop quoting him. I've had such a pleasant time here since putting him on ignore. To clear some things up though I'll say this. TDE is a member only in sra. He is not gov high nor lower. He is a standard member only. Stop grasping at straws. As for the tca conspiracy the limited coalition is trying to fabricate wasn't it tyrian that was the mastermind yesterday? So it was a doom squad member yesterday and it's tde today then? Face it, no one is conspiring against you, people just don't like you and want to attack you. It happens when you attention whore like this. What ever this animalz/tca thing is I can not speak to except rockfish isnt/wasn't a member of tca prior to his coup/disbanding of animalz.
  24. This was my first thought when I read the op. After reading the whole thread I couldn't agree more.
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