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Link Gaetz

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Everything posted by Link Gaetz

  1. They were better at knowing how to get and stay on top than they were at doing much of anything with it once they got there.
  2. You misinterpret me. I agree they were good at hanging onto power, no doubt. They just did very little with that power that was interesting and made Planet Bob a dynamic place.
  3. Probably because MQ is much more connected to certain powers than Ubuntu is, so it's easy to make a stink about Ubuntu with no consequences, but not so easy to make a stink about MQ. MQ has been around a lot more and done a lot more stereotypical stuff than Ubuntu. But Ubuntu is an easy mark to complain about. Not that I think it's worth complaining about either. Of course this is way off topic, so once again, Hail Ubuntu the Great!
  4. Great ones like Ubuntu will always have their detractors. Hail Ubuntu!
  5. That's a reasonable perspective as far as nations moving to MQ and time will tell if there is further movement between MK and MQ. Of course this calls into question the aid that is flowing from MK to MQ during this conflict.
  6. I don't think new players give much, if any, thought to neutrals until they're no longer new players and have been around awhile and learned the lay of the land. When you're new, there's a ton of other things to figure out and worry about. I had no idea there even were neutral alliances for a good while when I joined.
  7. Why do you think they were chosen as the target?
  8. I think there's a significant contingent of folks around that would say that MK was stellar when in opposition to NPO's rule, but less than stellar when they had the reins themselves.
  9. Let's hope they don't trot out another silly slogan like "everything must die." Or in this case "every neutral must die"? Except for most of them.
  10. Only very selective neutral blood, at least from appearances.
  11. You use that term very loosely.
  12. At least one was under The Crimson King as leader, and there was a long stretch, with definitely more than two wars in a row, that we took a bad beating, starting with Karma. Off the top of my head there was Karma, then the time Athens and company jumped us around Christmas, and then a couple more beatdowns after that for being in the NPO sphere. But, I sense that you are not one to be convinced.
  13. Yah, we were pretty much all ZIed and out of cash. Not that such facts will stop the spinmeisters.
  14. He counts how much infra he's lost in battle (in his sig). Enough said.
  15. True. There are a handful of us still around, but not many. I doubt any alliance has very much of its membership around from that far back.
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