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Everything posted by Rebounder

  1. [quote name='Aimee Mann' timestamp='1290805534' post='2524042'] Then I shall join you, and declare war on the Mostly Harmless Alliance. [/quote] The Reformation welcomes you. Want to know a secret about MHA's military organization? There is none. I've seen it.
  2. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1290799776' post='2523946'] Also I love how you accuse MK of doing nothing while you have previously sat in an alliance that hasn't done a damn thing since it's founding. Watch out man, your hypocrisy is showing. [/quote] Okay, this is just hilarious. I guess I'm still doing nothing right now? Well, I must be doing something, for, as you see, MK has taken notice.
  3. [quote name='Craig' timestamp='1290799345' post='2523938'] We have a [b]constant[/b] obsession with NPO? I don't understand where that is coming from, but I'll move on to the real topic at hand here. Please don't attack MK, we can't handle all of your ns, it will just destroy us. [/quote] I see your sarcasm and raise you a 5-1 battle report record so far, and two out of three nations I'm fighting, including one in a defensive war, are in Anarchy. Also, I love the quote in your sig. You should read it again.
  4. [quote name='Aimee Mann' timestamp='1290798631' post='2523924'] I like some of your sentiments (your assessment of the MHA and Sparta) and I dislike some of your sentiments (your flawed characterisation of the NSO), but what put me off joining you most was your target. MK, as much as I dislike the attitudes and immaturity of many of their members, cannot be blamed for not doing anything. Their mass dumping of their treaties may have been crude and uncouth, but at least it was something. Their constant obsession with the NPO may be tiresome and unoriginal, but at least it is something. There are many alliances who do nothing but follow, and whom contribute much more to a stagnant environment than your current target. ODN, for instance, are currently following MK around the treaty web like lost puppies (and whose members even go so far as to copy their masters' posting style just to fit in with them - hello Kalasin) and historically have had no discernible ideology other than mere survival. Why not pick on them? I am in need of further convincing if I am to join you in your quest for a better world. [/quote] To clarify, the Reformation is not simply against MK; it is against the standing power structure as it exists now. If you feel a different alliance is the root of the structure, feel free to join and attack that alliance. We are not an alliance; there are no formal rules or orders to follow.
  5. [quote name='Earl Dumarest' timestamp='1290777218' post='2523792'] Yes, it is your fault. It's pretty clear that you were quitting anyway, so you should not be surprised that nobody stands beside you. People like you are part of the problem. [/quote] You, sir, are laughable. Do you really think I'll only take this fight to ZI, and simply stop there? You're funny.
  6. [quote name='Professor Chaos' timestamp='1290766048' post='2523758'] Out of curiosity (I'm interested in watching you try to formulate an answer), what is it you're fighting for? Is it because we're big and bad and therefore must be stopped? Is it that we're powerful but not starting enough wars, and you're bored? I'm genuinely confused. I can't tell if you're 1) a freedom fighter trying to overthrow the oppressive regime or 2) you're just a third grader with a magnifying glass trying to kill something because you've got nothing better to do. [/quote] Oh dear, it seems you've caught me red-handed. You see, I have simply rebelled against CN power structures for almost the entirety of my existence; it's all I know how to do. I've done it with Vox and several other "oppressed" alliances, and I am not at all content to have fought for a world that is [i]absolutely identical[/i] to the old one.
  7. [quote name='Griff' timestamp='1290759422' post='2523732'] You mentioned it here first, not him. Good luck on your little suicide run everyone will forget about in a couple of days. [/quote] Thank you for your well wishes. I'm going to stop arguing with NSO here. I never accused you in the OP of being the problem, simply not a part of the solution. My beef is with MK, as is yours. I suggest you show a little more support.
  8. [quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1290755902' post='2523699'] Its to bad you're half my size, my nukes are getting rusty. [/quote] I bet they are, and the way your government is running things, they'll accumulate so much rust you'll forget you ever had nukes.
  9. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1290755181' post='2523688'] It would've been a losing war most likely, but yes it was a strategic choice by us not to get our allies involved. Regardless of our reasons for our choice, in what world is taking a massive curbstomp by yourself the definition of 'cowardly'? And really no, we didn't get any good PR out of that. (Thanks Fernando for messing it up! ) [/quote] When you have no choice? But honestly, still bawwing over that? Last I saw you were allowing yourselves to be extorted over nothing.
  10. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1290753998' post='2523668'] I'd be happy with more enjoyment, but there are far better ways to find enjoyment than a one-man stand. Enjoyable for you, I'm sure, but it does nothing to change the state of enjoyment for pretty much everyone else. I prefer actions that benefit the community as a whole. [/quote] Anyone who seeks the enjoyment only has to join the Reformation. I can lead you to water, but I cannot make you drink. Here is the opportunity for enjoyment. Will you capture it, or just let it slip?
  11. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1290753481' post='2523654'] Except that, unlike you, I don't care. Everyone's always complaining about how boring it is, that there isn't enough war, that we need more drama, but I've come to the conclusion that Bob sucks at war and drama and needs to stop trying so hard. This is an example of "trying too hard." [/quote] I apologize, but not everyone on this planet is content on their level of enjoyment on a day to day basis being determined by a group of deplorable hegemons.
  12. [quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1290753378' post='2523650'] Yes it is your fault. If you were competent enough, you might actually be able to do something. But you're not, so this endeavor will inevitably end in failure. [/quote] I believe I could be the greatest man with words, and I could not sway a man to join the Reformation. Eah man must find the courage from within himself, and obey his instinct to be free from the rule of individuals of [i]your[/i] level of competence.
  13. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1290751532' post='2523598'] Ahh yes quite cowardly. Willing to take on 25m worth of NS in war, and not request any help. Sounds so !@#$@#$ cowardly to me. [/quote] Yeah you didn't call in your allies because to do so would've simply destroyed them too. Plus you loved the PR of being curbstomped. I saw you membership boards at the time. You have horrible OPSEC.
  14. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1290752923' post='2523640'] Well, this certainly isn't what I was waiting for. If you had the manpower to actually put a dent in MK perhaps it'd be interesting enough to warrant "waiting for." [/quote] It is not my fault I have no manpower. Join and the strength of the Reformation will be that much greater.
  15. [quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1290751810' post='2523608'] Might makes right. [/quote] You know, MK is not original or cute with its "We're the evil power" sarcastic statements. Pacificans did it for years. Really, nothing is sadder than a copycat.
  16. [quote name='PotFace' timestamp='1290751418' post='2523590'] Jeez MK, what did you do to make so many people not like you in such a short amount of time? [/quote] Oh there is no "short time" here. From the Draconian terms to backroom extortion, the Mushroom Kingdom is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with Planet Bob. And I will not relent until no stone stands on another in the Kingdom
  17. Ladies and Gentlemen of Bob, Through the past few months, I have heard talk of particular groups whose lack of ambition has lead to a political standstill on our planet. I have heard words spoken by many respectable individuals about who is to blame for the current situation, and who holds all the real power. In fact, by now I have heard so many words on the subject that they swirl around my head and cloud my thoughts. As I sat in thought, pondering on the effects of all the words I have heard, I realized that words are nothing but ideas. They are, in fact, nothing, and they alone cannot facilitate any real change, and they alone have never changed the world. Rather, in order for the world to change, somebody has to risk himself, put the weight of the world on his shoulders, and champion his cause not through his words, but rather through his actions. At this point I feel I should introduce myself. I am Rebounder, ruler of the Paint, and I am the man you have all been waiting for. I will take the useless words and emotions that have been swirling about, and I will hammer them into hard steel, which I will drive into the heart of the enemies of the proper political state of Planet Bob. As I write this announcement, I also prepare for battle. I am readying my nation for its death in the name of the cause. I can even see the great "philosophers," who in the past months have crusaded with their words, but not with their hearts. I can even picture the look on their faces as they entertain the idea of joining me on the field of battle. Naturally, they see themselves gloriously rallying beneath the banner of our valiant cause. But inevitably, they see their quality of life once it is given to the cause for good; they see themselves in tattered clothing taking shelter in caves, and the thought awakens them to reality, where they enjoy air conditioning and the greatest of comforts. Who could blame them for deciding to stay in the luxury to which they have become accustomed? However, should anyone decide to take up arms with me, they are more than free to do so. I know, as someone who has taken a stand in this manner before, that nothing is more liberating; no feeling is more satisfying than knowing that you are now a free man who answers to no man. Of course, if you have read this far, you are probably wondering: who shall be the first recipient of the blows of the new crusade? To answer this, one must ask: who currently is the biggest problem? To answer this, a variety of options are possible. Alliances such as the Mostly Harmless Alliance and Sparta, despite their size, remain spineless servants of the system in place and, though not the cause of the problem, are certainly to blame for their unwillingness to take action. The Superfriends can also be to blame for their unwillingness to grab the Bob by the horns. Even worse, some alliances, such as the New Sith Order, \m/, and the Federation of Armed Nations claim to be "outside the norm" and be the solution to Bob's problems, yet they deliver nothing more than the average cowardly alliance. Nevertheless, it is no secret who the real problem is. We all know which alliance has promised the most and delivered the least. We all know who remains the sole figurehead for stagnation and oppression, and they stand out to such an extent that I hardly need to mention them by name. At this time, I would like to make two declarations. The first is the founding of The Reformation, the alliance that challenges the norms that have been in place for far too long now- the alliance who does not listen too the scholastics who assert that our world is the optimal, but rather who look to times of antiquity for the optimal model of society. The Reformation does not merely seek to answer our questions; The Reformation is the answer. The second is a declaration of a crusade against the most deplorable alliance to exist at this time. The time has come; we must go to war against the Mushroom Kingdom. It's time to answer for your wrongs at our hands, or to right your wrongs by joining us. The decision is yours: redemption, or condemnation?
  18. Rebounder

    Planet Bob

    I caught the Michael Scott reference right away, and I love it. However, you know that the quote is true these days, don't you? The real question is: what are you gonna do about it?
  19. [quote name='strelock' timestamp='1290383089' post='2519516'] Dont know why everybody thinks what jay z says is the official wF policy and what not.i can definitely tell everyone that we had no planes of any sort to protect this alliance. [/quote] I'm pretty sure everyone understands that 1) he did not know the alliance is a rogue and 2) he's not the wF government. No need to villify your member over something like that, which most alliances do in recent times. I've also seen too many alliances disown members who don't like their alliance's allies. Besides, why not protect the guy? See what happens? Everyone will love you; finally someone would be wearing the pants around here.
  20. Not sure what the question is, voted my main man in a can, Schantamantan.
  21. Mushroom Kingdom's OWF Crisis Response Emergency List 1. Flood the boards with hails to MK's awesome decision making 2. Scapegoat NPO All I've seen so far is these two. Maybe with all of MK's recent business we'll finally get to see #3
  22. I think you are all falling into NSO's plan, as it was once described by kingzog. Clearly, NSO [i]wants[/i] war with MK, knowing it will bring them closer to NPO's corner, and thus their "soft power," which they will then convert to "hard power" by having Ivan Moldavi practice his "power alchemy." Then, NSO will prevail. And you fools are dumb enough to keep falling for their evil plans, time and time again.
  23. I think you misunderstood. I do not mean to imply that the 10/10/10 announcement was an open conspiracy by CnG/SF or any affiliated alliances; I simply think it is a reult of the pressures on the "New Hegemony" to fulfill its duties to provide less boring structure than existed in the Pacifican Hegemony. Thus, feeling the boredom facing CN, and realizing they have an obligation to end that boredom, the 10 alliances who participate in this sport felt a need to take some action. Since none of them would ever do anything to endanger themselves, they settled on this sport. Nonetheless, the 10 alliances are still part of the problem in CN, rather than the solution.
  24. Ladies and Gentlemen of Bob: Today, hundreds of Bob's citizens watched, their hearts heavy with hope, as Jim Bob the Glorious made the heavily anticipated "10/10/10" announcement. I was one among this crowd, but I had hardly camped out in the town square to be close to the stage. Rather, I was in the back of the crowd, looking on the scene skeptically. However, I, in mimicry of the rest of the throng of Bob's citizens in attendance, could not help but feel the faintest glimpse of hope. Maybe, I thought, maybe today would be special despite my doubts. As I awaited the announcement, I could not help but reflect on the causes of the palpable anticipation that permeated the air at the event and feel some degree of revulsion. As you, dear reader, undoubtedly know, Planet Bob has slipped into an era of deep stagnation, caused by the fear which has left the most influential leaders of Bob mortified. This fear, shared by the most prominent alliances of our time, is simply the fear of loss of status that may result from any attempt to gain more power over other alliances. This fear of failure is comparable to the fear of a bashful schoolboy who does not approach an attractive girl because he fears the embarrassment of being rejected by her. It is because this lack of confidence exists on Bob that we have entered a period that hardly differs from the Pax Pacifica- a Pax Pluribus, if you will. Under normal circumstances, I would, rather than feeling anger toward the frightened leaders of Bob for this period of stagnation, feel only a contempt for such leaders and simply chide them for not taking a more active role in the advancement of their alliances. However, these leaders took power by what they convinced the populous was an upheaval of the planet's power structure and, upon taking the reins, found collaborating and forming a dominant structure to be far too convenient. And that, dear friends, is why throngs of citizens waited with much anticipation for the "10/10/10" announcement; they felt as if, at last, "Karma's" promise of liberty in Planet Bob would finally be fulfilled. Instead the 10/10/10 announcement turned out, to me, to be a frustrating disappointment. Boldly, these 10 alliances, in their joint announcement, lamented the perils caused by the current dominant political bloc of alliances, of which the "10" are members, and claimed to have a solution However, the announcement merely turned out to be the commencement of a simple game. There was no societal change, no broad declarations, simply a childish game to be played only among the ten mentioned alliances. Why is this so objectionable to me? Because the ten alliances, Athens, NpO, UPN, GATO, FAN, RnR, Fark, Sparta, WTF (who is, admittedly, an outlier of neutrality) and FoK, seem to think that the populous is so gullible that this simple game is enough to appease our desire for a freer Bob. They seem to honestly believe that with simply a display of willingness to play a fun little game, the populous' discontent with their cowardice will be simply swept under the rug. Admittedly, this deception may work; the announcement was certainly hailed strongly by the masses. Nevertheless, I like to believe that many others see what I see: a publicity stunt to distract the masses from the real problems that exist because of the cowardice of those in power. This is simply my warning to those who use the current collaborative power structure to exist peacefully and prevent all alliances outside of the structure from thriving: We are not fools. Soon, all of Planet Bob will see that you are its ruin, and you will be swept away by the tidal wave that is the will of the masses.
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