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Everything posted by bcortell

  1. I will be back for my second round as Emperor of RE. You heard it here first.
  2. [quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1313645298' post='2783473'] Can we save ourselves the trouble and just declare now? Please? Its what we all want, FEAR wants it, UPN wants it, hell the world wants it. [/quote] Can two AA's lose at war when fighting each other? The answer to this question and more are just a DoW away. You can do it.
  3. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1313127849' post='2778431'] One thing I would like to see changed is the WRC. Changes in red. [quote]Increases the purchase costs of all military by [s]0.1%[/s] 0.05% per technology level.[/quote] The .1 makes things so ungodly expensive and incredibly difficult to keep up in a war in todays Round environment. Cutting it in half would make it more fair. [/quote] Agree with this.
  4. [quote name='KOwens06' timestamp='1313436796' post='2781518'] Come on now I haven't done anything wrong... [/quote] You and Clash as DoD's? No wonder you guys are $%&@ed.
  5. [quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1311818004' post='2765782'] I'm looking forward to sleepovers inside this vaunted Pillow Fort and I'm especially happy for my friends in TOP. Congrats guys. [/quote] Not invited.
  6. [quote name='kwell' timestamp='1311816045' post='2765737'] Thats pretty sexy : D o/ pillow fort ps. Is that a gramlin riding an amadillo with wings while holding 2 light sabers? lol [/quote] He's a [i]Platypus, Fool[/i].
  7. [quote name='Spaarlaamp' timestamp='1311815382' post='2765707'] I don't like one of them, I thought another one had died, and that another one was a micro alliance, I don't care about another one, and I once liked the remaining one. Who knows which I mean by which discription? [/quote] [i]Potentially Fatal[/i] comment there.
  8. [quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1309908292' post='2749767'] Kage to TOP! [/quote] Do that and see if we ever treaty you guys.
  9. [quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1309777629' post='2748296'] I'd rather treaty Invicta than BN. Consider this my resignation. [/quote] A treaty AND your resignation? This gets better and better.
  10. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1308512778' post='2734871'] As Lazaraus mentioned, that topic has already been heavily debated. I will once again state it for records sake, no slot filling occurred, we don't roll that way. If you honestly believe there wasn't hard work and dedication put into our victory, you're dead wrong, or even if you believe that we cheated. I too realize that I won't be able to change your mind, and guess what? I'm over that. Whatever floats your boat, I suppose. Anyways, Move on... Round 18, here we come. Also, please stop trying to deny the fact that Rohirrim belonged to Pork Shrimp. I mean, there are hints everywhere- For one, why did bcortell only report Overlord Wes and SourDiesel, when Doctor from Rohirrim was also on him. There are things I don't understand, and that is one of them. [/quote] The Rohirrim guy wasn't able to nuke him on the 17th.
  11. [quote name='Wabooz' timestamp='1308511215' post='2734844'] Nukes aren't mandatory, so as long as they sent one attack, even a dog fight, it's not slot filling. It may be a bit shady but you're accusing them of breaking rules and cheating, which they did not as long as one attack was launched. Don't like it? Admin has a subforum for suggestions, use it. [/quote] I suggest you look at what the precedents were for slot filling in rounds past. What you said is not true.
  12. Join RE for Round 18. I'm the new leader. (Don't worry, I'll join the forums soon guys.)
  13. I wonder if I get one day more of posting since this round is only 58 days old (check your nation's age) or if the little thing in the top right of the screen is true. Looks like admin made a mistake somewhere.
  14. [quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1308448682' post='2734322'] <---Only Child. Your best bets as far as living beings would be Cousins or Aunts. None of which would really elicit that response from someone your age with standards. [/quote] And my age without standards? Also, screw you for ruining my joke.
  15. [quote name='King James XVIII' timestamp='1308452846' post='2734349'] I support some of the changes in individual prizes but I agree that there would be a problem with SE politics getting into TE. There is already plenty of that unfortunately. [/quote] lol But I think it would mix up TE, so I'm for it.
  16. [quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1308443839' post='2734284'] You'll be too busy battling your wet dreams. [/quote] Only cause I hung out with your sister today.
  17. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1308433065' post='2734178'] I already informed you this was null- so whatever. Good Luck, though. [/quote] You backing out already? Somehow, I expected that 5 lines into the OP.
  18. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1308431279' post='2734156'] Im joining PS AA next round... [/quote] Thankfully, I'm not creating a nation.
  19. [quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1308427851' post='2734122'] I may just create a nation and live in anonymity as an unfortunate surprise for raiders. And no, Nordic Ballers won't be back either. No PS incarnations. Except maybe our usual ghosts using the name. He'll have a rude awakening when he gets raided I suppose. [/quote] If I create a nation, I will be protecting anyone on the PS AA.
  20. [quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1308425266' post='2734087'] You can't undo a nuke, it's possible the RD guy was not slot filling, that he declared with full intention of destroying Leprechaun, but was tipped off at update as to which parties he would be letting win if he launched that nuke and decided not to. You don't have to believe me but he's not one of ours, i can't speak for what decisions he made, i gave some friendly advice, he acted or rather didn't act upon it. If you want to find the real reason you lost just look at this thread, while we made moves to eliminate the competition, PS apparently based it's strategy around crying on the OWF, all i saw from you and Bcortell was attempts to draw attention away from Rohirrim where possible and crying when they got hit, had you made some real moves towards a victory you'd be in a much better position. Have the good grace to lose with some dignity, your conspiracies are somewhat below what i expect from PS All of this, of course is assuming leprechaun wins, which isn't even a given at this point [/quote] Well, you bring up some good points. Do continue.
  21. Congrats. I know GR did a lot to ensure your protection throughout the entire round, so well played by them. No one's to blame, but should have taken you out earlier.
  22. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1308408282' post='2733909'] sekritsssss [/quote] BC for leader of RE!
  23. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1308150065' post='2731870'] you and your troll My favorite moments this round was our first war with Warriors where they had a nation blitz half an hour early. All time favorites would be the "Barbies" that were raiding RE and any AA that Marcus (yes Marcus) started before G-6. [/quote] Nah, you guys have just provided a good amount of laughs. And yeah, the early war dec's are always funny. PS had a guy declare the night before we were supposed to go in. We just ignored it, and the other AA didn't do anything about it. (It also led to Schad coining the term, "premature attackulation.")
  24. The RE DoW's with less than a handful of people blitzing.. err a handful of wars for the blitz always seem to make me chuckle. PS wrecking Murder Inc. still makes me laugh, as does 100% of Catharsis being in anarchy within 24 hours of blitzing PS. Inst's plan always make me laugh and then want to pull my hair out. Then take a pair of scissors to him so I can stab him repeatedly. Props to anyone who still takes the time to do a funny/in-depth DoW. PS has been lazy with 'em in recent rounds. Legion's stint in TE. Anyone who forms a one-man AA and then posts a new thread every time someone raids them. Maybe I'll think of more, but those are the ones of the top of my head from recent rounds.
  25. [quote name='jereish1' timestamp='1307886667' post='2729802'] It infact looks the same to me Unless I need to get my eyes checked lol [/quote] Look to the right of "Edition." You don't see a slightly off red box there? If not, yes, you do need to get your eyes checked. Personally, I like the flag with all the numbers. Each one is slightly different (14-17) giving the round its own feel.
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