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Everything posted by bcortell

  1. Heh. This war won't be exciting, methinks.
  2. [quote name='NationRuler' timestamp='1307649082' post='2728060'] lol, I started a war. Arbitrary old CN:SE rogue AA, piss off TPC, nuke lots of things.... My friends, THAT is what I call winning TE. [/quote] You started this war? How so?
  3. [quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1307561421' post='2727179'] Puffin? are we playing this game again? I understand the value of the "OMG RUNNER GET HIM QUICK" scare tactic earlier on, but face it, your side has lost, now all this does is increase the chances of the next major opposition winning as opposed to a random solo runner, but who am i to complain, without you and Paul doing this last round G-6 probably wouldn't have won the flag, what with G-6's main competitor being impossible to hit since he was on an allies AA, how nice of Paul to flag him so he got rogued though [/quote] Guess you didn't get my sarcasm. Heh. I'm not sure what you're talking about with the runner scare tactic. I was just messing around about a guy who has avoided a lot wars. 'My side' lost what exactly? TPC isn't engaged with PS. Doing what last round? The only thing PS did last round was continuously war AA's. [quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1307561421' post='2727179'] But listen to me ramble, I didn't forget PS had gone to war, it's just didn't think that would stop them, it is the end of the round aren't PS tend to put up a good display towards the end.[/quote] Like I said, it's coming. But since we got a real war in before now, we're taking a couple days to reload. We'll be headed to war with plenty of time left in the round.
  4. [quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1307554634' post='2727085'] Now we need LE to hit OP, and then PS and another AA or 2 to hit LE, lets make this war the cluster&*%$ we've not had all round [/quote] But what would Puffin do then? Damn that guy! Anyways, I suspect PS will be in war shortly. Everyone seems to forget we just got out of our RD/Catharsis nuke fest.
  5. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1307547172' post='2726994'] What we are trying to do judge Just waiting on a couple more... any day now [/quote] Oh snap, I think you're calling us out!
  6. [quote name='Adjasadaku' timestamp='1307521211' post='2726829'] Hahaha nice downdeclare against a 80% inactive alliance. HOWEVER well fought. It's just hard to counter two quad attacks for someone who lives in Europe and has his update at 7 o'clock. [/quote] 7AM GT is quite a bit easier than 1AM GT (or even midnight GT) unless you're already on your way to work (or school for you young guys).
  7. [quote name='Burning Glory' timestamp='1307512826' post='2726761'] Yeah, guess you thought I'd let you run off with the mouth in our DOW thread , hit our nations less than a week out of war while our top tier were already at war (and eaten nukes) all while you have 3k higher avg NS, and over 3 weeks of WC saving since your last war......and you your self- DOWN declared even hitting nations as much as 6 DAYS INACTIVE! I'll give you a good fight though! oh, so you just made the target list 5 or 10 min before you attacked us? HMMM, says in your DOW that "[size="5"]We were planning on hitting TPC, but things got a Little complicated with their hit on Rohirrim." [/size] SO it would seem you had the target list made out well before and you could have changed it, or you lied about that ^^^^^, or your lying now.....maybe both! I don't think you would have ever hit us had we not have been at war with Rohirrm. Never the less you hit one of ours already at war which went against your DOW, I'm defending! BRING IT! No worries, who could hold the fact that you followed orders against you! [/quote] First, the anger is hilarious. But, if he made the target list earlier in the day or yesterday, he might not have noticed the wars by Swest. Looks like a couple general members hit him, so they probably didn't know about trying to avoid the Rohirrim wars (and looks that way by the posters comment above). [quote name='Einer' timestamp='1307513532' post='2726773'] Seems legit to me. Oh, wait... [/quote] This is coming from the AA that just hit another AA less than half its size a couple days ago, right? ...Then claims only a few of its nations are involved with that AA. Then says 2/3rds of its nukes and however much NS it has are involved in that war. I know, I know..
  8. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1307508580' post='2726682'] Sorry to disappoint Bcortell Give em hell boys [/quote] Unfortunate, to say the least.
  9. [quote name='scytale' timestamp='1307454415' post='2726058'] Interesting fight. No nukes in order to get ready for an all out war at the end immediately following the end of this war giving yourselves no time to regroup or recoup. If you are looking to do as much damage to your opponents as to yourselves and have practically nothing left at the end of round, I like. What I'd love to see is a round where a sub 10K NS nation wins the round. Burn everything and everyone to the ground with an average of two re-rolls per player. A semi chaos all out war round where nations at the top of the range are the prime targets. [/quote] We have tried to level everyone before, but with the $5 mil start up it would be extremely difficult to have a winner that's sub 10K NS. Not against it though..
  10. So.. is BN hitting GOONS or GOD? I think I'm fine with either.
  11. [quote name='dealmaster13' timestamp='1307390217' post='2725549'] You are truly out of your mind, and after this final comment (without even considering what follows) my respect for you has gone straight down into the negative. You should watch what you say on the OWF, because you are seriously damaging Pork Shrimp's PR in some peoples' eyes. I don't care if you are just joking around or not; at least make sure what you post is respectable and truthful. [/quote] Heh. Empty threat is empty. And, are you saying you aren't working with Laz to get the flag? How about letting the GR runner use your AA to help himself? For those I care about, I doubt that I'm ruining PS' reputation. Just because you don't like what I'm saying doesn't mean it isn't true. I'd be pretty ashamed with the wars we have done if I was TPC's leadership this round- down-declare vs OP, two poor wars against GR, and a down-declare against Roh.. I guess we're both glad I'm not. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1307391327' post='2725565'] No, my remark was directed at Schad . And im really not going to comment on the rest. It looks like you guys have your mind made up on how you feel. Look i have respect for PS too. That is starting to diminish tho. If you dont like the war... well.... It happened.. Deal with it. [/quote] Ah, got it on the first part. What do you mean 'you guys'? I'm bcortell and only bcortell. And, if you read my post, I already state that I'm not against hitting flag runners. Maybe what I said was diluted by my comments about TPC. Oh well.
  12. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1307381101' post='2725470'] hitting flag runners for them being cowards is pathetic? Maybe you should take a page out of their book :v [/quote] Are you implying PS didn't hit high enough NS nations? Maybe I'm missing what you're saying, but if not, why don't you take a look at our last war. Anyways, another great war declaration by TPC. I don't ever really mind hitting flag runners. Everyone should war IMO, and if you don't, you're asking for someone to war you. However, knowing that TPC is just hitting them in a down-declare to help their own flag runners is a bit disconcerting. I'm sure everyone will be hit sooner or later, though. At least, I'd be surprised if they weren't. It's truly sad what TPC's leadership has become. I don't believe I commented on his post before, but JB seemed to be spot on with his assessment of TPC by their actions. PS has always had a special place in our hearts for TPC for many rounds. I don't believe we have ever warred them going back to our roots when they protected us. However, they seem to have bad war and bad war. Sucks to see an AA that you've always respected turn into this.
  13. [quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1307231718' post='2724004'] I know we have the upper tier, and [b]the fact that we militarized up puts our top nations in a even better position,[/b] but this is the reson for no nukes. There wasnt really a better 5 day war partner out there. [/quote] Why are you saying this like it helps your case? Yes, militarizing up helps your nations and makes them bigger. That makes it a reason to hit bigger guys- not smaller. What makes you think this war will only last 5 days?
  14. [quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1307163016' post='2723562'] In the interests of keeping this a fair war, we are initiating a non nuclear first strike policy. [/quote] With 14 or so days left in the round, why? There were other options to make a fair war..
  15. !@#$%* move by both AA's. Not surprised. TPC has gone downhill so much.
  16. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1306611980' post='2719642'] Opposing soldiers killed in battle would be very similar to attacking casualties. [/quote] Almost one and the same..
  17. [quote name='dealmaster13' timestamp='1306593096' post='2719496'] He's actually recently been taking on all of my nation shaping suggestions from me (which by the way doesn't compliment his growth, but rather prepares him for a war such as this one). Questions will be raised when the time is right; currently we're focused on the alliance war we have at hand, and this nation in question is involved in it. What I'm more concerned about is the lack of nukes flying from GR's end - I was admittedly anticipating it to be heavily raining uranium on TPC soil as it was in our previous war with GR, however that doesn't seem to be the case right now. Still more to come... [/quote] I guess you don't realize what I'm saying. GR has placed him in TPC so when you guys war GR, of course they're not going to hit him like they would otherwise. He can make it look like he's fighting as much as he wants, it's the guys he is fighting that aren't going to damage him.
  18. [quote name='Guppy Fish' timestamp='1306550984' post='2719289'] The real question is... [size="4"]Will he take a nuke?[/size] Have fun rolling them either way. [/quote] Exactly... I guess TPC doesn't realize he's a member because it protected him from attacks. Now that TPC has hit GR, it couldn't be better for him. I guess I've never seen an AA get used like this and be so clueless towards it. That is, if they're not working together...
  19. [quote name='King James XVIII' timestamp='1306512543' post='2719030'] Heck no, that "war" earlier this round ended too weird. We want to light up the sky like you guys [/quote] I look forward to seeing if this hold true then.. [quote]<bcortell> though having Leprechaun join TPC was a little bit of a b**** move ..... 22:33 <SouthernC> he was supposed to just ghost then come in after the big guys are anarchy <SouthernC> but he's now a member 22:35 <SouthernC> he should be safe there unless you hurt him:([/quote]
  20. [quote name='Vespassianus' timestamp='1306497229' post='2718947'] Oh guys why didn't you hit this RD noob: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000315 ? He's the biggest infra hugger for rounds and now he even has an ADP... [/quote] We need someone to beat Xiphosis.
  21. Are you guys just going to play patty cake again this time?
  22. [quote name='Schad' timestamp='1306386999' post='2718401'] Seemed to be trending that way. All's well now, though; Xiphosis has apparently decided that he's an Egyptian princess for the time being. [/quote] Anyone shocked that's not him either? [quote] 00:51 <bcortell> Machanidas: i take it Xiphosis isn't a 1200 NS nation in the Warriors, right? <Machanidas> i don't think so 00:52 <bcortell> thanks 00:53 <Machanidas> the only Xiphosis I know if is with GOD in SE 00:54 <bcortell> yep, that's the one 00:55 <bcortell> he's been posting in the TE OWF under other nation names, one of them being a tW's nation 00:56 <Machanidas> how terribly odd [/quote] Hey wouldn't be helping PC's flag aspirations by trying to flag run for GR while hiding in TPC, would he?
  23. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1306367873' post='2718281'] I'm not accusing Pork Shrimp of being in on it, nor am I saying it's logical. TPC can defend their own actions, as far as I care. Edit: Oh hey I did accuse you guys of that. Never mind then, edited. I believe you, fact remains though. [/quote] You seem as clueless as they come. Also, you should try to list your real nation next time..
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