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Everything posted by CnaedmacAilpn

  1. Oh dear, sad old commies, using the same old sad rhetoric, with the same old level of fail on and off the battlefield :facepalm:
  2. You guys could really do with a Sir Kindle, it would improve you drama ratings :awesome: . Though sadly it would also reduce your alliance wide IQ by 50% :smug:
  3. Nope, when I met mine she had just started her studies as a Nun, maried 30 years and waiting for the day when I am going to have to explain to Jesus how i stole one of his brides. :smug: What a loser
  4. I would not worry, some of them spend so much time on their keybords that they do not know what real women look like, the still think you have to inflate them first.
  5. Excellent, because surprises are a good thing.
  6. So it comes down to size again, shame on you :smug:
  7. Sorry, though you were speaking to the poster after me. How are things? how come you left DoD?
  8. As he was the origional founder, before TGE destroyed him after finding out who he was. i suppose it is up to him
  9. Lol, if you only just stopped posting, before thinking about waht you are to say. That promise was over a carefully chosen wording in the surrender term, as an amicable agreement was reached, the neccesity of a permawar became redundant. That has only been repeated so many times in more than a few threads :smug: It was not a Spiel, at the time it was a serious option. That promise was over a carefully chosen wording in the surrender term, as an amicable agreement was reached, the neccesity of a permawar became redundant. But you are Ebil, you are Satan manifest. There, feel better now :D ? Having said that, yes, the terms were by no stretch of the imagination, harsh.
  10. You just are so in need of an enema, because you are so full of......... OMG, surely not, is there truly room in Planet Bob for two so alike Then surely two have flown over the Cuckoo's nest Lol, not really Dream on
  11. The protectorate have an interesting alliance title/theme, but are they of the true bloodline or not?
  12. No need to try hard here, I will leave that to you
  13. At the end of the day, how alliances are perceived, depends on your point of view. The most important thing is not politics (let us be frank, the majority of players do not give a damn about the subject, just the sad few who post here), it is community. Each alliance is its own community and you need to look at the group and decide, do I fit in here and is this the place I call my CN Home. The game itself is as boring as watching paint dry, but if you get into a good community, it becomes a whole new and interesting world. I cannot tell you which is right for you, I do not know you, or what makes you tick. So my only advice is look first for alliances whose theme speaks to you and try them out. You may be lucky and find one the first time, or you may have to look around. Either way, you will get to meet a lot of interesting people. Have fun in your journey.
  14. I find this all amusing, Mogar desperately trying to gain support, to avoid the inevitable. Everyone caring so much, that the thread gets completely hi-jacked and poor old Moggie gets left out in the cold.
  15. I am really unsure what your problem is with life, you come over as a narcissist. But, that is you, however you are the one that could not let the whole subject drop, and are bandwagoning it to get the attention fix, you so desperately need. Just drop it an move on
  16. Hmm...... Keep saying that often enough and you will believe it. Sadly no one else will.
  17. Perhaps I am missing something on this statement. if you truly do not care, who did you go out of your way to make this thread, and take a lot of time an effort explaining your side of things. That seems to me like someone who does care.
  18. Nice, but I am sure you are nowhere that naive as to believe that , that does not happen with most if not all alliances. That after all is the basis of the type of politics prevalent in this game. Everyone wants to get the best for their alliance, that is why we ally with others, however, most are simply marriages of convenience, granted there are some notable exceptions, but they seem to be few and far between.
  19. Difficult to say, because alliances are in general made of people from various countries, with wide and varying backgrounds, beliefs and political ideology.
  20. So you are now admitting to being a coward? Getting your allies to fight the battle for you, while you bravely run away. Perhaps we should make it interesting, getting all parties (alliances) involved agreeing not to interfere, then we shall see who is best. Mogar, if you can fight anywhere near as well as you talk, then you are in with a fighting chance :smug:
  21. So, someone dying, and someone else doing something to honour their memory is spoiling your fun. Says a lot about your (lack of) character and moral backbone
  22. Depends what you define as good, and that comes down to what you believe in politically as well.
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