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Everything posted by CnaedmacAilpn

  1. [quote name='Mussolini the Great' timestamp='1294265921' post='2564753'] This just in: TKoI drops TGE and goes to Nordreich, and all of a sudden, mysterious, elaborate logs pop up of us all being racists. Coincidence? I don't think so, but I will let you decide on that one. I still respect NoR, and I completely understand why they did what they had to do. Thing is, these logs are super elaborate, and we just have no means of proving their fabrication. Prop's to whom ever made these, because they certianly are elaborate. Nordreich are the coolest guys iv met in Planet Bob, and I hold nothing up the upmost respect for them. TGE, however, has proven it's self to be a snake entity once again, I am sad to say. These logs have also put me in a very bad position, so it is my deepest regret that I must step down as King of TKoI. I wish NoR and TKoI the best of luck. TGE? Heh. o/ NoR o/ TKoI [/quote]Interesting Mussolini, last night you spilled the beans and put certain people in a very bad light, now you attempt to save face. Well, you were the one who admitted you knew from the outset that certain people were from Stormfront, but thought it was only a 'nationalist site. Part of the deal was you would remove those that were part of stormfront. Yet you still have this individual [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=430115"]WITH ns[/url] in his name, which of course is the abbreviation for National Socialism. You were also clear about the fact that your alliance connections were linked directly to Stormfront when you signed up with Nordreich and that no objections came from them. I agree that perhaps we were a little tardy about releasing information, however we did expect an Alliance with Nordreich's history to be aware of such abbreviations, titles and links, also we wanted irrefutable proof first. So TGE wholeheartedly apologises for not not telling, spelling and pointing out in minute detail that a NS nation or a ruler called Germania88 may be bad or that openly advertised links to stormfront could cause embarrassment to any protector and that fascists may not necessarily be the politically correct people wanted by Nordreich. Either way I thoroughly enjoyed both our conversation and the logs that transpired thereof.
  2. Your stance is rather unfortunate, given the circumstances. Still that is your prerogative, for right or for wrong. Though I must admit the logs make excellent reading.
  3. [quote name='Orthopraxis' timestamp='1288372406' post='2496429'] And this is what I am talking about, this is the problem that I have been trying to address: Looks like we have a problem still... [/quote]Coming from someone who quotes CS Lewis, an interesting premise. I merely expressed an opinion, in the open. If we were that, which you say we are, it would have been suppressed. Besides if we are the nasty totalitarian monsters you are rather poorly trying to depict us as, how come you are still allowed the freedom to be able to steal this from our forums. So here you are, calling us bad, someone who believes in democracy, yet at the same time employing deception, deceit and betrayal. The very bread an butter of totalitarianism. What you practice is not democracy, but more akin to Fascism You sir, are an individual bereft of honour, who through his actions, will do nothing to tarnish the reputation of this great alliance. Your actions and conduct have already shown your true character. Enjoy your moment of fame/infamy
  4. There is an uphill struggle ahead, to regain lost ground. I wish you well in your endeavours.
  5. Sad, very sad. It is also very unfortunate timing, which will do nothing to enhance the reputation of GATO
  6. Heia Nordreich and Heia Ragnarok, may our combined Runes lead us both to great things.
  7. The Reich marches ever onwards to greater things. Yet another great achievement - yay us!!
  8. An amazing result, made even better by being able to present loyal and trusted allies with flags to wear as proudly as we do ours. Heil NoR Heil DT Heil NV
  9. Having looked at where they came from and their average age, I think time will tell. Most of them will have tired of having to do something, and left. However, every one that stays makes the game more interesting. I t would also be interesting from the political point of view, to see where their game direction lies (providing enough of them stay).
  10. [quote name='President Chris' date='19 April 2010 - 09:28 PM' timestamp='1271708904' post='2266669'] Ehhh I've had it trying to fix TGE. It's useless. TGE died the moment Shuru and the others left it. Good day TGE. [/quote]How two faced can you be. You were the one that actively undermined Shure and Del Monte. Your hunger for power in TGE was unending, sadly your abilities were not.
  11. People using names and themes which stir up emotions, should not be surprised when exactly that happens. Good luck, you are probably going to need it.
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