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Draco Malfoy

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Everything posted by Draco Malfoy

  1. I do, they always gave me those cool pencils and told me not to do drugs...I wish I had listened to them...
  2. Quoted fo' troof... Awesome poster man.
  3. That's sort of like playing minesweeper, but knowing where all the mines are, yet clicking the bombs anyways isn't it?
  4. To be blunt: I don't see why you're complaining OP. I'm not particularly taking sides though my alliance currently has ties to "your side". It's not an open secret in the world that politics and smokescreens generally come alongside war. Lies, and slants of the truth are hand in hand with each side, depending on who you ask. You'll always get a different story no matter what. It doesn't matter what you think the masses ought to do, or what Polaris is attempting to do by rallying various factions to them against \m/. At the end of the day this is simply business as usual. By that, I mean that there is always going to be a war branded in the name of some just or noble cause, and there will always be those that will cry out "Lies, we are the just!", or "Who are you to judge, or base us!". So really all I can say is trying to make a post claiming or insisting that Polaris is in the wrong really only contributes to the general murkiness of the entire situation. It does not help your cause. It does nothing to garner you more support, other than the limits that your armies can impose (allies included). I suggest you stick to your guns, play the game of politics and realize that on the PR side of things, Polaris got the upper hand this round. You do have one thing going great for you now: That being I do not think many people expected this to engage a wide ranging array of alliances. It appears to look just such the case.
  5. There goes the neighborhood. Anyone seen the recent attack screens recently? Looks like more and more groups are getting sucked into this swamp...
  6. Hate the new style but I'll deal...
  7. Looks great! Looking forward to working with you guys!
  8. Wait, I can see the lines! There they are, being drawn!
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