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Everything posted by dockingscheduled

  1. [quote name='Schad' timestamp='1328159753' post='2913004'] Couldn't be happier to renew relations. [/quote] yup yup BN-UMB lives again.
  2. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1326248626' post='2897147'] To be fair I think Val is being rated lower than expected in part because measuring up to BN's ability at war is damn hard based off what I saw. !@#$%^&* making others look bad by comparison [/quote] sorry
  3. [quote name='EViL0nE' timestamp='1326169551' post='2896698'] I have heard from numerous alliance mates that Basketball Ninjas truly brought their A game and were, by far, the most coordinated and well prepared alliance that we fought this war. [/quote] [quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1326172268' post='2896727'] BN-8, if only for lack of lower tier combatants. I didn't fight any personally, but from a lot of our other people, they were every inch as prepared and extremely active pretty much everywhere. Probably one of hardest battles GOD's ever fought and it showed. [/quote] thanks for the kind words!
  4. shoutout to Donut of GOD, we went at it for 3 rounds without holding anything back. it was fun.
  5. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1325826702' post='2893760'] Good war, guys. Props to BN on being the most impressive alliance I've fought. [/quote] thanks! the BN war machine marches on.
  6. [quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1324874824' post='2886460'] I'd like to know who these people are, because anyone that is trying to spew that GOD isn't getting their teeth kicked in, is full of !@#$. [/quote] i approve of this message.
  7. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1323234042' post='2866837'] Praise Allah! Too bad BN and Asg get all of the fun, I wanted to fight Gibs. [/quote] it shall be fun.
  8. [quote name='Clash' timestamp='1322416102' post='2853833'] We don't have that many nations, and I'm still not so sure that you don't lol [/quote] lol! you point me to one that isn't in LE (i don't want to violate our NAP) and i'll get him! i just one of my slots, so only two left.
  9. how many of your AA's nations even got hit? c'mon now. anywhoo, end round rouges/chaos is par for the course, people acting like something new. would it make people feel better if we said our reasons for this is that we have a flag runner aiming for the win? people seem to accept that in previous rounds quite easily.
  10. LE attacked some of our most delicate flowers, PS hereby cancels this truce.
  11. [quote name='Razgriz24' timestamp='1322283321' post='2851572'] You declared for something from 2 years ago. That's the load of crap [/quote] there is no statute of limitations for such evil acts
  12. [quote name='Clash' timestamp='1322250673' post='2851093'] 3) Pork Shrimp [b]39 nations[/b], 32 active, 276,097 total ns, 7,079 avg ns, [b]39 in anarchy[/b] Glad you guys are having fun. I think everyone has been nuked two or three times by now lol. Many appear to be turtling, considering their warchests. Interesting. [/quote] turtling? like CD said, name names!!! seriously though, some people haven't logged back on during the holidays, but many turtling, i don't see evidence of it.
  13. schad messed up his trades, that bum.
  14. [quote name='Diomede' timestamp='1322101480' post='2850173'] Hang on, where was the comic?! [/quote] dammit, we told Jack this would be a serious issue. apologies on behalf of Jack.
  15. shazz and i got his attention long enough to assign him some targets we give the people what they want.
  16. hodor has earned the 2nd most money in TE, and those murphys law guys have been doing nothing but trying to avoid conflict then rushing off to hide in other AA's.
  17. nah, speaking for myself, i enjoy ruining the round of people that talk too much.
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