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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. TFK recognizes TPC's attacks on them as an act of war. That is all.
  2. I've had this happen twice now, where my spies manage to get shot by an angry farmer :P
  3. Actually, it kinda looks like he's being ghost-busted :P http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=523429&Extended=1
  4. TFK'S 20th Round Oh hey, we're back for Round 27! :awesome: Gov Chancellor: Jumpingjakers4 MoFA: DaRuler MoD: Scrappy Doo MoIA: DaRuler
  5. I've got two defensive slots, and 440k casualties (my record was ~380k). Anybody wanna help me hit 450k? :P
  6. No link, nation, or anything? Also, try kicking him and then ban him.
  7. I think self-anarchy has longer effects than normal anarchy (?). Don't remember where I heard that. You might wait another day or two and see if it comes back up on its own.
  8. Anyone who believes we think this was a legitimate war to try and "legalize" our way out of a more destructive war, is delusional. Things went screwy about 30 minutes before the declare time and we were already prepped for war, so we went ahead with what we could. And Skia (Serraluta) was the first to ask for peace and (for the most part) no nukes. ;) Also, put your TE info in your profile :v:
  9. We already got our flag. Whatchu talking 'bout Willis? :ehm:
  10. I'm working on evening it out :P There was some mix-ups, plans changed, and stuff didn't go like we wanted :P
  11. You have to collect taxes (Or pay bills. Can't remember), and then change it in the Edit My Nation page.
  12. You might consider the Christian Coalition of Countries :) We're one of the oldest alliances in the game (over 7 years), so we are well-established. We don't go around starting wars, and we have ~90 members. We're always looking for sellers and have a couple TC holes to fill. We also have department positions available immediately (there's a wife range of them), and you can work your way up from there. You'd be given initiate status to catch-up on the game-mechanics at your own discretion (basically go through whatever you think you need :v: ). That'd be all the academy you'd go through. B-) Here's our forums: --> http://s7.zetaboards.com/CCC_Forum/index/ If you're interested/have questions, let me know :)
  13. I think Alternian Empire is included, and no nukes.
  14. Next time you guys war somebody, leave your Hakai at home :( It gives an unfair advantage -_-
  15. Yeah, I figured that out last night :P So let's all have fun, shall we? :D
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