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Everything posted by KingBilly1

  1. Not sure if i can be bothered with a second round of war, Life is too busy for this carry on. It's too close to christmas, i have too much things to do. See you next round citadel
  2. I think our name is fitting for this image :p
  3. We don't despise you cazaric, or even your alliance for that matter. Personally I like you, you are bringing something to TE that keeps it alive... competition. I wish i was as active as I used to be so i could recruit and compete. Our problem is simply with your policies. One thing for one alliance and one for another. I'm open to discussing things. It's about time there was a political aspect brought back to TE, for too long it has just been war every few weeks, i personally think that's what's slowly killed TE. There's no need for governments anymore.
  4. I can't remember those days :p been here from round 2, can remember the great wars though. The good old days of Mi being bullies and MHA stomping them out :D. In fact of all those years i couldn't possibly put everything i done in one post. I even remember the round OP were introduced to TE :p
  5. You will not get a Senate seat on TE. No one bothers with it these days and it will likely be removed if anything But I'll offer you 5 quid to dance with us?
  6. I was debating whether to add that part, sounds so unbelievable haha!
  7. So you are a legitimate target by your standards? Misfits had to post your DoW. Secondly, you must have checked NLoNs war screen before running the stats? Well i usually do so before declaring war. You had many options but went for the weaker alliance(being NLoN) and added the highest average smaller alliance to try make it seem balanced. NLoN have no chance of fighting you back because of their issues with RE. Your nuclear argument is invalid, i bet most of NLoNs nukes were spied away pretty quickly? Or used against RE. I mean i don't really care, but call it for what it is... you seen an opportunity to raid and took it. No DoW. Or was that avoided because you knew NLoN were at war? But don't go crying when i come back for my tech.
  8. I started playing at 13, 8 long years! I feel this game has been a part of my maturity though, how many 13 year olds were heavily involved in political simulation whilst still having a good social life :p although my girlfriend from i was 15 used to take the piss out of me haha
  9. The point is, NLoN are in an undeclared war with RE. NLoN and misfits combined average is lower than Citadel which can be counter balanced with the extra nations on our side, but a lot of them are half the Citadel average. It's an unfair balance, but i like the challenge as do all Misfit nations
  10. I also expect you will hold citadel accountable for their down declare? Adding an 8 man AA with an alliance already caught up in something, who(no offence NLoN) are not the best of fighters during good times.
  11. Can't say I'm against some justice. But two wrongs don't make a right
  12. Hold on, just wait a minute! You mean to tell me NLoN had been having a scuffle with RE when Citadel declared? On the plus side..... casualties! Let's just get this one over and done with, you've forced me into buying an MP
  13. It's been a while since you gents fought eachother, enjoy
  14. My point was they have a chance with 13k ns nations against 20k ns nations due to warchests. Nobody can have a solid warchest at that size this early in the round, not to say tour warchests aren't adequate, but they won't be the normal 40mil+ warchest of a 13k ns nation
  15. Yes you could take the top spot as could i quite easily, but that is over 22k ns not 13k. Anyone can be 13k ns with a 40/50 mil warchest. Krabz nations could build up with a solid warchest and have a chance to knock REs top tier down because their warchests are weaker
  16. RE's argument is a valid one, it's the first war of the round so krabz could quite easily build enough to hold their own. This tactic has been used before in order to force alliances into making mistakes, it's a perfectly fair tactic to me and i would encourage others to use it from time to time. RE has a top tier, yes.... but in terms of warchests Krabz are more sound, that is easy to see. So either use some of that cash and build for the war or take heavy damage and allow RE some easy xp. Like i said, it's the first war the number of nations on each side is similar so there is no advantage apart from the initial blitz.
  17. Haven't downdeclares been the norm lately anyway? Have fun out their Romans, may catching krabz feed your families for rounds to come
  18. I see a declaration of war, so to me it's legitimate unless USSR state otherwise
  19. Wouldn't it be better not telling them it's coming? That would help with their training? But i guess in a sense it would help them by giving them a rough idea of when wars start. We all know when a war is coming so i suppose it wouldn't make a difference I hope it works out and you can grab a few active members to add numbers to TE
  20. Misfits will honour the christmas ceasefire as per every round. Although i suggest it last slightly longer to get us through the new year too and then have a big war on like the 2nd or 3rd
  21. The point i'm seeing is that you are both the same alliance? Nick said they are considered members of NDO, so why the need to be separate? I'm not concerned, i just thought it would make sense if they were NDO
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