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Everything posted by silentkiller

  1. [quote name='bb111189' date='22 February 2010 - 04:44 AM' timestamp='1266813886' post='2196253'] Rep in long form is call reparation. It is for repair work after destruction. Legion did destroy some stuff over at Asgard, so it is fair that they pay for the stuff they destroyed. [/quote] I knew all the reps we took from Mk in WoTC war were justified, I mean 82k tech for 3 mil ns damage. They should feel lucky we were so forgiving
  2. So wait a minute, because a few members of Legion insulted Spartan member(s), Legion had to pay reps to Asgard etc. Does anyone see anything wrong with that?
  3. [quote name='Matthew Conrad' date='22 February 2010 - 04:34 AM' timestamp='1266813266' post='2196216'] I challenge you to find a "fair" number of Spartans making accusations at NPO during Karma. For the most part, we were not vocal whatsoever in throwing blame around in terms of the past. Also, I apologize for not controlling what everyone during that war said. I always thought MK were the puppetmasters? [/quote] I think GTG would be a good example. Although from what I understand he is no longer a Sparta member.
  4. [quote name='sethb' date='22 February 2010 - 03:50 AM' timestamp='1266810637' post='2196015'] I'm guessing you missed all the !@#$ they pulled. [/quote] They did'nt surrender according to your timetable. Oh my Legion I hope you disband for this.
  5. [quote name='Hyperion321' date='22 February 2010 - 03:41 AM' timestamp='1266810071' post='2195973'] You're right. We're so amateur. We should have given them a viceroy. [/quote] Ah yes ofcourse the old "no U" reply, It's ok I did'nt expect anything better from Sparta anyway. Although Liberia would be unhappy you didnt get 3x the damage done to you
  6. So Legion has to pay reps because Sparta jumped ahead on peace terms with no sigs. Brilliant
  7. [quote]My complaint is that you're hiding the largest NS nations. That has nothing to do with the fact that some of your nations are actually fighting. You're correct. Not all of you are cowards. It's really only your "fearless" leader and all of those nations who have hidden in peace mode for the entire war. And let's not pretent they've just sat out for a round or two. 8 out of 10 of your largest nations haven't had a war in more than two weeks. Most of them haven't had a war the entire time. For the majority of the current hostilities, one full third of your NS has been hiding in these 8 nations. No fighting. Just cowering. While your allies take the hits they should be taking. While your allies fill the slots they should fill. NSO claims to stand by their allies, but their allies are in ruins because NSO is cowardly. CSN wants more wars. There is no one nations left to declare on. If you think I don't have enough wars, please, please, please, declare on me. I beg of you, up our war count. I can't wait. We only have 299 wars LEFT. We just got all of our opponents to surrender. If only you were so successful... but then, you'd have to actually come out of peace mode to have our kind of success.[/quote] Translation: Baw Baw, we can't get your big nations :'(
  8. [quote name='mhawk' date='20 February 2010 - 09:50 PM' timestamp='1266702603' post='2194132'] Under handed tactics? Excuse me, it seems they hit our MDoAP Partner and we declared war on them as a result. What exactly was under handed about that? Did we use such underhanded tactics like nuclear weapons? [/quote] Nukes You terrible person, you realise WAPA has no warchests, how are they supposed to rebuild now. Not to mention taking all those POW's, pretty underhanded tactics TPF. Burn in fire.
  9. [quote name='Hyperion321' date='20 February 2010 - 08:31 PM' timestamp='1266697878' post='2194053'] If you weren't too busy using underhanded tactics to try to force a surrender from WAPA, maybe you would have been in there. [/quote] And I am sure you won't mind telling us what these under handed tactics were right?
  10. [quote name='Aloop' date='18 February 2010 - 12:49 AM' timestamp='1266454152' post='2188411'] The NPO was more than welcome to finish paying our reps before the war started. Most of us had slots open for NPO reps (which we were told were coming) all through the autumn. Deliberately dragging your feet, and wasting our aid slots when we could have been using them for other things did little to convince me that you were sincere in your efforts. They never lacked rep targets. They had the list almost immediately after they surrendered. They chose to drag their feet as much as possible. For those who don't know (most of you) I'm the ex-LoIA. I got the wonderful job of trying to convince people that Pacifica was actually going to be sending out the reps soon. Yeah. They sure came through on their end. When it was a deliberate tactic, or just malicious inaction, Pacifica wasted a ton of our aid slots every month. [b]It's true that they've managed to do the absolute minimum to meet the requirement. When they've taken advantage of the wording of the ToS to stretch our patience, don't be surprised that we're not really inclined to be nice to them.[/b] [/quote] Hi there we are not asking you to be nice, we have figured out you are incapable of doing so. What we want now is that you also fulfill the terms that your alliance signed. Hint: that term is not "if we want to " or "if we are not busy" term as well. Thank you.
  11. Yes it is an act of war, No I don't see C&G supporting GOD in extracting reps from NPO(atleast not publicly) so I don't understand where the hypocrisy claims come from :S
  12. [quote name='Penkala' date='17 February 2010 - 03:28 AM' timestamp='1266377304' post='2186891'] I love the propaganda about OV where you call them bad at war, seeing as you're complaining nearly a year later that you're still paying reparations to them. [/quote] Lets see your arguments in this thread: a) rogues attacking you are too low in ns b) We are busy! c) your sigs suck!!! It looks like your arguments are getting worse by the minute. 2 points about my sig. 1) My sig is outdated, I am not bothered about finding a new one. 2) OV doesnt exist anymore, the more you know.
  13. [quote name='Benjamin Arouet' date='17 February 2010 - 03:15 AM' timestamp='1266376524' post='2186843'] All I see is a trail of unnecessary public whining starting with the OP and continuing some 20-odd pages. There was never any particular reason for this spectacle, it's just one drawn out and unwarranted shot at GOD. As has already been stated, you guys should just be happy that the people you agreed to an instrument of surrender with are far more tolerant of such juvenile antics than NPO ever would've been. [/quote] Thank you for your opinion, it has been noted. Now to look for someone who gives a hoot about it.
  14. [quote name='Benjamin Arouet' date='17 February 2010 - 03:08 AM' timestamp='1266376105' post='2186816'] I wonder how that came to be.... Forgive me for my lack of sympathy. Regardless, NPO knows very well that no one on the TOP/IRON side of this is likely to regard NPO fulfilling its terms as an act of war, making this nothing more than a gigantic BAWWWWW session. We get the point, go away and live up to your word. [/quote] Have you read the OP? yes we are living up to our word. We expect GOD to do the same. Some people
  15. [quote name='Lord Brendan' date='17 February 2010 - 03:04 AM' timestamp='1266375888' post='2186799'] The Instrument of Surrender is unclear. I am offering up a very reasonable interpretation of the terms. I am, of course, a 3rd party with no authority over the enforcement of said document. The true interpretation is up to the G15, and I repeat once more that your alliance has done nothing to make anyone want to interpret things in your favor. [/quote] I am sorry I must have misunderstood your post. In that case: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=80948&view=findpost&p=2186763 (I should add that FOK is one of the few alliances who actively protect us from rogue activity)
  16. [quote name='Lord Brendan' date='17 February 2010 - 02:59 AM' timestamp='1266375592' post='2186778'] [b]Unlike the reparations section, the protection section is rather vague. Have any real alliances declared war on you so far? Any coordinated rogue attacks? No? Well sounds to me like you've been protected pretty well.[/b] Also, GOD isn't "asking for reps", that makes it sound as if they've made some kind of change. They haven't. They simply have chosen not to grant you an exemption from the terms. [/quote] There is obviosuly no point in talking with you if you are going to try and spin the ToS. Have a nice day Edit: [quote]If you weren't prepared to deliver reps if there was a war going on, maybe you shouldn't have agreed to terms without an exception for such an eventuality. This level of whining is really ridiculous from an alliance of NPO's historical stature.[/quote] And if GOD was'nt prepared to protect us during a war they they should'nt have signed the terms. Works both ways doesnt it.
  17. [quote name='Timmehhh' date='17 February 2010 - 02:52 AM' timestamp='1266375153' post='2186763'] FOK is sorry we can't uphold our obligation to defend NPO against rogues for the time being, due the global war. When the war is over we will be ready again to deal with the rogues who are attacking NPO. [/quote] I dont believe we have any problems with FOK, as you have suspended rep payment during a war, so it is only fair if we consider rogue protection to be suspended from you guys as well due to you being busy in a war. But in GOD's case they want the reps mid war causing us to commit a war act against NpO etc while not providing the protection in return.
  18. [quote name='Penkala' date='17 February 2010 - 02:51 AM' timestamp='1266375077' post='2186758'] Yeah we're all a little busy right now. See, this is what happens when you purposely drag your feet, hoping that in the ensuing war your old allies will come out with the upper hand and free you of your terms: you end up having to go without protection for a while and send aid when you don't want to. Your fault for making terms that could have been accomplished in 4 months take 3 times as long (purposely). [/quote] And we don't want to commit an act of war against the opposing coaltion dont see that stopping GOD from asking for reps. If G15(and specifically GOD as they are the ones who want reps in the middle of a war) didnt think they could protect us they shouldnt have signed the terms. As our reps our "compulsory" so is their protection.
  19. [quote name='Penkala' date='17 February 2010 - 02:45 AM' timestamp='1266374742' post='2186746'] It is impossible to defend against 172 NS "rogues". Pacifica couldn't defend their members from it before, so how can they expect the G15 to do it now? [/quote] http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=95803 I have pointed this nation out many times. and there are 2 more that are within range.
  20. [quote name='Lord Brendan' date='17 February 2010 - 02:32 AM' timestamp='1266373936' post='2186725'] For GOD to waive reparations payments, even temporarily, would be a nice thing for them to do. A charitable favor. It's the kind of thing a guard might do for a well behaved prisoner, one who does what he is told without complaint, in the hope of easier treatment. The New Pacific Order is the complete opposite of a "well behaved prisoner". I have never seen such complaining and constant potshots from a prisoner alliance. And in public no less! If nothing else the G15's patience and tolerance in not tearing you all to shreds a dozen times by now is a shining example of how they're a million times more merciful than Pacifica has ever been. You make periodic threads calling out your captors, repeating the same tired insults to anyone who will listen. And then you're surprised when they don't grant you favors! Reap what you've sown, seriously. And I'm not talking about actions before your surrender, or even before your change of Emperors. tl;dr if you spit on the guard every time he turns his back, don't expect a recommendation for early parole [/quote] Thanks for ignoring so many posts about how GOD needs to fulfill their part of the TOS(protecting us from rogues). but dont let that get in the way of singing you songs of praises for the G15
  21. It's just silly thing some of us like to do, and apparently we arent alone in this. Edit: now I remembered why first did it, started doing it during the Karma war to get pm's from Shinra about how evil NPO is and how we shouldnt join it. Thats my first AA refresh iirc. A lot of other members did just that to see how many would get the same message.
  22. [quote name='Earogema' date='16 February 2010 - 10:58 PM' timestamp='1266361088' post='2186378'] I don't have any data [i]myself.[/i] I'm sure that somebody has statistics from that time. Even if not, one could Order the NPO by seniority and count the number that joined At the start of the Karma war to the end of the Karma war. [/quote] I and many others refresh our AA's every once in a while, so no you could'nt
  23. Fair enough. I would disagree that they are different things mostly because it was your rejection to give them white peace in the start that caused them to damage you so much, so cant use that as justification to not give them white peace(which btw I dont think you should offer them anyway).
  24. From what I know G15 gave us permission to suspend reps during TPF war as well. Although that could be wrong. Edit: nvm [quote]Actually the likes of you and others who are trying to wage a transparent as glass PR war against GOD in this announcement are who make this place a complete crapfest. It is entirely within GOD's right to continue an agreement NPO signed on. [b]The alliances that fought NPO also have an obligation to protect them in case someone considers this an act of war against NPO[/b]. I certainly hope the amount of aid NPO is sending isn't considered an act of war by those fighting GOD (and let's be honest, everyone's got their hands full enough as is).[/quote] I think at this point we do not expect a lot of protection from G15 against rogues and whatnot due to the global conflict. But seeing as GOD wants one part of the surrender terms to continue they should also be ready to continue the protection part of the surrender terms, and I am still seeing no wars from GOD against the 37k ns nation.
  25. [quote name='anenu' date='16 February 2010 - 08:49 PM' timestamp='1266353389' post='2186095'] So different people can't have different opinions that lead to the same conclusion in your alliance? Plus even arguing off Sunstar's post your comments make no sense. TOP attacked CnG for no reason other then they wanted us dead. To simply agree to peace right then to avoid damage would have been stupid as all it means is that we will have to wait for the conflict to come up again and it might do so in such a way that we would be destroyed. And now after hurting TOP and company their is no reason still to give white peace as. A) They are the aggressors and B) We have suffered damage as well and if we where to just let them go they would simply regrow and attack us later as they have shown no remorse for their pointless attack other being sad over the damage they have taken and i fully believe they would still kill us if they had the chance. [/quote] Hello it seems you have missed my point as well A) I am contesting Sunstars point that the reason TOP is'nt being given white peace is because they have done so much damage.(as this was not true when TOP was open to white peace when no considerable damage had been done) B) I never said that you should give them white peace now, nor did I ever state that you should give them white peace at any point in the conflict. Thank you.
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