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Everything posted by Banksy

  1. Ninja's- interesting. One day we are going to run out of themes
  2. So much hat Athens- I almost feel bad for my previous comments now
  3. Guys, it's getting closer and closer to new years- those warmongering 41% of you need to get your act together...
  4. Citadel- it's okay- we know that you guys are better than the rest of us because of your superior stats- chill out.
  5. I'll admit I voted Homeboy. Please don't hurt me
  6. Kosherness? Really? As for Arsenal.... I thought GR had standards.
  7. Citdadel: Titus Pullo a.k.a. Longbowe FB: Tygaland is great. I rarely agree with what D34th says- but I still enjoy reading his posts CnG: Archon SF: Wickedj
  8. Try the Resistance- they are about 100 members strong and going places. I'm sure they would like an experienced member like yourself. #the_resistance http://www.cn-theresistance.com/index.php
  9. Bumped because it appears that this thing actually works and has so far attracted at least 5 recruits!
  10. No- Fury's fine- it's the Minister of Finance who fails hard
  11. Well, people who go rogue tend to have IC death wishes :/ It's sort of the point.
  12. Smooth - way to have a dig at your former protector and current ally. You do realise you have an ODP with the International don't you?
  13. What this is I don't even.... Congrats FoB and Troy!
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