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Blog Comments posted by nippy

  1. I have a feeling that I could do this test a month from now and get wildly different results. Many of the answers will remain the same regardless of my particular mood -- the one about astrology, for example -- but the fact is that some of them are (in my opinion) misleading in a 'Have-you-stopped-beating-your-wife' kind of way.

    Yeah, a few of them were definitely geared towards testing one's emotions rather than retrieval of data. They might as well had the question "are you a blatant racist" in one of them.

  2. My only issue is that I think NEW deserves better than this. It's disappointing that no one has come to their aid yet, because they're blindingly loyal to all of their treaty partners, and I doubt they've ever hesitated to defend one of them.

    edit: I don't hate Pandora's Box, I like them, so please don't assume that I'm against PB here. It's just disappointment at PC, that's all.

    I like NEW, and I'm disappointed that they've gone and done this to themselves. The fact is, this is an offensive war that they've started. Protection was clearly declared over the DF AA, and they decided to test the protectors on their own. Everyone knows this. The mandatory defensive portion of PC's and iFOK's treaties with them does not come into play here.

  3. This visceral reaction to the post is not at all necessary. If you are going to constructively criticize, good for you. Most people instead chose to go to far, which says more (or less depending on how you look at it) about you than you said about the post/the author.

    The author posted this within a blog section of a nation simulator game. The author is WANA. WANA is fully aware of the number of people that think he is a joke, and decided to post this literary atrocity, regardless. The "oh why don't you boys be nice" argument isn't really going to work here.

  4. I would also like to point out that sex, let alone humans, has not even existed for billions of years. Early organisms reproduced asexually. I'm just saying....

    Also, this is one of the most profoundly stupid things that I have ever read. As an educator myself, I will say with some certainty that I would recommend the student for remediation just for this.

    This is precisely why we love you, RV.

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