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Everything posted by Enrage

  1. you really should drop the protectorate but good luck guys.
  2. hail enrage, the preteris imperator something something
  3. someone should make a poll which alliance has the most losers
  4. i was gonna put panda pics as well, but honestly i didnt want to spend the time looking for it
  5. thanks for your guidance seipher normally important people like you ignore us new micro alliances
  6. We're here today to announce the new leadership and change of structure of the World Federation. The change will begin effectively at the start of New Years Day which will also be World Federation's 6 month birthday. I thank my loyal members for sticking by me even in worse of times. I'll still be around sometimes, but if it involves me doing boring work, then don't speak to me Just don't have the time to do this anymore atm. Stay strong & fight til the death when your closest allies need you most. It's time to pass the flame. New charter will be worked on after Christmas. I present to you the new leaders of the World Federation Emperor: The Compound Regent: Edward Mass (Char) The person that will fill Compound's FA seat is gonna be Baltus. For the random people that wasted their time reading this thread...LOOK! puppies!! Happy holidays peeps
  7. good luck, i'm surprise you would put xr1 in your gov (a ZI target)
  8. With deep regrets, the World Federation is leaving the Tech Sellers Union. Reasons were discussed in private. Its been fun working with some of you guys & we wish you luck on your future endeavors.
  9. if you hate bacon...your ****ing crazy!
  10. dude, i thwarted 4 of your nukes before getting hit by one on your 5th attempt. i finally been nuked for my first time and, why did you have to nuke the TGE dude?
  11. It was not my obligation to protect you. TC were to protect you, not WF. Plus, you were on Invicta's ZI list.. I'm sorry that the leadership of TC lied to you, if they really told you that.
  12. TC never merged to WF. The leader came over and others followed and we were still protectorates ourselves that time.
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