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Everything posted by apriland

  1. hahahahahaahahaaaa... I love this thread. :lol: Yay, the ninja faces live! But yeah, they've been all given e-vaccinations, so we're good on this end I think. Also, moo, I am a vegetarian Grämlin. Just wanted you to know that.
  2. But... but.... who will make cute ninja face posts now??? Hehe, Celial, you're such a dork, but Also, I am your attack partner for one of your wars, how was I not invited to this?!?!!!?
  3. Yaaay! You are posting this and everyone believes you. All is right with the world.... in terms of you guys... right now. Also, in light of your neutrality KR, I claim Emperor Fu, darkestwish, darklordtim, friendly hazard and everyone else :P
  4. I just now actually read this... but OMG! This is going to be among my favorites declarations for a long time. Shan ...Also, lets be serious, I am waaaaaay to sexy to look like one of those gross nasty creatures.
  5. I love you! Also yes. There's a reason why you've always been one of my favorite posters... Very eloquently stating what I feel about this situation. There really are not many alliances who could combat IRON's upper echelons, so it kind of forced our hand. But it's a pleasure to fight someone we can have such classy interactions with in the midst of all this general war trolling and insanity the Planet Bob is embroiled in.
  6. apriland


    Yaaaaaaaay! Congratulations TOP! Long time deserved... nice to see you finally recognized. Also, hai Blue
  7. Dilber darling, first off... haiii Secondly, let's be serious... my feces smell like citrus with light amber and vanilla notes. I haven't been a Grämlin long, but I am very confident that we will uphold the codex.
  8. Oh Hai CN Seriously, I have always had a lot of respect for IRON, and I am sad to find us on opposite sides. I know you will be a worthy opponent on the battlefield. To Victory!!!
  9. I wouldn't say it's superfluous... the Q bloc is MDoAPs... an individual MDAP is a higher treaty. Does this post help? EDIT: PS. Anyone who thinks Reyne did something just because she was taunted into it or people told her she should is out of their minds and hasn't talked to her very much. She did this cause she thought it was the right thing to do... there is no option B.
  10. I knew you were going to attack. This
  11. Thank you! Also, I am very flattered that you started one of your seven posts in such a way
  12. First off, the statements in this thread are not that of Grämlins, at least I don't think... and I hope don't affect my nearly completed application. With that said...... This thread makes me so happy I think I am actually going to cry like a fool. TORN!!!!!!!!!! You found your soul and your honor again. HECK YES! There will be lots of people in this thread that have and will claim that you were just afraid for your pixels which is why you did this. I know better. What I see here is a TORN that has the courage to be who they truly are, because they remembered who they are... and my heart is very happy. Bigwoody, you are one arrogant dude, so I know you'd never do anything like this unless it was sincere and born out of conviction. I have always loved you despite our conflicts and differences because under it all is a good heart that wants to do the right thing.... I am glad you used your quick mind to figure out what needed to be done here and did it without looking back. The last several months have been hell for me as I've watched TORN blow off one diplomatic encounter after the other. There was nothing about you that made me feel like you were the alliance I had joined almost a year ago. I had truly lost all hope, and it was eating away at me, and my relationship with all of you, so I had to leave. In a conversation I had with Archon last night, as I read the forums with a broken heart, I said something to the effect that TORN had made so many of the right friends, like MK, and so many of the wrong ones... and that last night you chose the wrong set of friends.... the set of friends even YOU knew in your heart were the wrong ones. Today I am surprised and very glad to find that you've changed their minds. I wish you nothing but the best future, and so glad that seems more likely now. You will always have a piece of my heart.
  13. I so want to jump you right now. But seriously, nice post. You are among the best of the best players on Planet Bob. Your eloquence in times of war are unparalleled. I would say something here about how lucky everyone in MK should feel to have you, but they already know.
  14. hehe, this used to be the title of my extra super secret private channel with Sophia
  15. apriland

    WAE 2.0

    I can top that. I recently got this recruiting message. That, my friends, is the worst alliance ever.
  16. /me huggles enderland and tryp Congrats guys, and good luck.
  17. This could actually be my favorite Planet Bob thread ever. Hai DerekJones <3
  18. How soon may we expect more silly log dumps? :v I mean hai JB.
  19. heck yeah congrats to two of my favorite alliances getting together
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