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Everything posted by apriland

  1. OMG! Ejay, are you the Cybernations rant dude???? I am not going to lie, I kinda idolized her when I first joined CN because of that video. And yeah, she mentions it whenever I mention it.
  2. You are my hero! I tried so hard to find that a while back and couldn't. This pretty much. But poor Mary the Fantabulous. This is my favorite alliance propaganda video (NPO) This is my sentimental fav as it's what got me into CN and the GPA... war kills kids! And on the bollywood note, I've always REALLY wished that someone would turn this into a CN video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bAN7Ts0xBo Please???
  3. I find our lack of communication mildly disturbing. :P Also

  4. dy Cazaril, I feel like the sheer volume of time you apparently have is being underutilized by your alliance. Also, unnecessary bump for old time's sake from a mildly infamous and mostly just forgotten ex-prez.
  5. You both screwed eachother. But you did it first. I guess that makes you the man in the relationship?
  6. This is funny because I was going to say "SpiderJerusalem for not destroying nearly as many things as he cares about that he could and general failing to reek havoc and self destruct" On a more serious note, me, for many, many reasons. But I've learned not to care to keep my sanity. Also cause it's a game and I like having a life. Also Dilber and Syz for disappearing LiquidMercury for leaving me ElBruc for failing how to figure out how to come back without the Admin detecting him... maybe??? Archon for picking HannaH Tumin for being the stupidest CN players ever, god love him... Azaghul for leaving so he can't nationsit me anymore Alliance: RoK's fighting in the last major war Elysium for merging TPF into them and keeping the worse flag and name among other things that were bad about this VE for defending their ally in the last war despite sethb being insanely retarded... honor and loyalty aren't the same things GPA for not nuking the hell out of NPO TORN for being too dense to realize NPO was going to screw them NPO for not amassing any kind of evil revival yet TOP and Citadel for not being more evil to make the game more interesting
  7. I think your statement is true and yet also not true. I had way more OoC friends on the opposite side of the last big war than on my own, and I suspect that many people in CN play like I've been playing lately. However, I am fairly certain that I've been a part of deciding that my alliance should like another alliance because I trusted the individual leader (for OoC and IC reasons)and then working for that diplomatically. The reality is that while we can be worse than our true RL selves in a game, we can't really actually play more virtuously and more intelligently than we actually are successfully for any sustained length of time. So if you know someone OoC it doesn't necessarily mean you can trust them IC, but if they're a jerk OoC they're not going to be worth anything IC either. I think I can recognize what constitutes OoC and IC better than most people, and have been annoyed when people have tried to get me in trouble in game for my OoC actions. And yet, despite being aware and annoyed by the blurred line, I have (back when I cared) not been ashamed to play within the system of the game that you fairly accurately described either. I don't think people realized how much I was doing it though. Now what are you doing posting books again? Are you sure you don't want to keep playing so you can periodly babysit my nation when I start actively rather than passively disliking the game again???
  8. My fav posters are: For posting with dramatic flair: Archon, mhawk For wit: Blue Lightning, Stumpy, Rebel Virginia For overdone sense of self importance to the point it's amusing: Ivan, Rebel Virginia Role Playing champ: Gentle Person Hime Themis Reasoned presentation of the truth: Syz, Azaghul, jerge Ability to twist arguments to make it sound like he was always right even if that's not quite what he/they initially meant - BobJanova... I mean, I love you? Other: Ejay, The Pansy I really want to add a "relentless ability to post pictures of themselves" category, but I'll abstain
  9. Aza, you have always been, and will always be one of the best and most honorable people I've met in this game. You have always had good ideals, you were willing to make sacrifices for them and to say hard/unpopular/dangerous things because they are true. Your opinions are based on intelligent insights and wise perspective. I will never stop appreciating the fact that you stayed in the GPA longer than you wanted to because you didn't want to desert your friends in their time of need, and you never stopped sticking up for them when opposing parties were wrong. I will miss the times in #XGPA where you were a sounding board for truly objective thoughts about current events. The real world will be better for you quitting and I am psyched to see where your life goes from here, but I can't help but think that you leaving makes CN even more of a moral wasteland and intellectual vacuum than I already do. PS. Some day, you me and John are all going to meet up together and plot the revolution, k? PPS. Who is going to nation sit me when I get pissed off at CN and disappear for 2-3 month intervals now?????
  10. i hate you for not mentioning me
  11. Hoo: Have fun with Kaitlin. Mykep: QAT <3 Also, what Tails said is sooo true Hoo... you were the only one who could ever keep him under control.
  12. Well, I wanted to post "I love you" but I am guessing that is probably not my official alliance stance. Sooo.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIUv3dOBbCk Also, my last comment about Ayrrie not wearing that flag x 10 now.
  13. apriland

    CN Top 10

    Thanks for the effort Drai, I love it when people pull together worthwhile stats like this. It's nice to see the GPA on these lists. Uhm no... cause they are our allies. Unless you were encouraging the rest of CN to be scared and then carry on. But seriously, It's nice to see that the top two folks in nearly every category not just being the steriotypical guy at the top, they're trustworthy allies, have high moral standards with a good sense of fairness and have good leaders. Throw in the GPA in the top of the mix again finally and . It's a good time for Planet Bob I think. The second I saw that image I knew that post was yours. Hi I am glad I didn't vote for you. Haha...
  14. lol... this quote is so ironic since the GPA's nukes were incorrectly perceived as agressive by NPO in the last alliance level tech raid....
  15. I am definitely in. I have been in my current circle for 8 months, and they have been very steady faithful trades. Thus, I would like to give them "one week or when you find a replacement, whichever comes first" notice. If any of you need to temp with me in the meanwhile, send me a PM and I am sure I can arrange that. Thanks!
  16. Given the color of the NPO, the fact that P stands for Pacific, we have these all the time in Southern California, and the fact that I am a science dork, I just immediately thought of this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_tide Swimming in red tides is supposedly dangerous, I don't even know what drinking it will do to you.
  17. Hippy!!!!!! Cause he's a hippy, yes! People in this thread that don't think KFG and Imperator are good sources of info (people in TORN gov at the time, but have no reason to lie in pursuit of political gain because they aren't in TORN anymore) are almost as silly as the people who are assuming what The Grâmlins desires are and questioning The Grämlins's honor based on the simple fact that BobJanova can't help but point out obvious future events when no one else has seen/mentioned them yet. Last but not least..... I don't ever want to see pics of Ayrrie wearing that flag.
  18. Ender I miss Tryp.... if you talk to Tryp, pass on a hello for me please.
  19. Did you just call BobJanova dumb?
  20. I would consider at several Pacificans my true friends, and I know there are many people with good hearts there, and that there must be a worthwhile community if those people choose to stay there. I sympathize with your sentiments, and though you are quite naive for how long you have been playing the game, I commend you for your sincere heart. With that said, I would never join the NPO, and I don't think your reasons for staying there hold water. Community can be found.... well.... anywhere, with nearly anyone. True friendships do not cease with alliance changes, or even "whether you're playing CN" statuses. I have made and kept good friends from each alliance I have been in. Most of my closest friends in CN are in alliances that I have never been in. The reality is that IC you will be known by and held responsible for the actions of your alliance. While there are people who can and will look past that to get to know you as a person (as I would upon encountering anyone in CN) here's the simple truth: NPO has been fair at times, impressively intelligent nearly all the time.... and willing to compromise nobility for the sake of winning too often. That last point is where the hostility is coming from in this thread. Too many of these people's communities have been forced to disband or were destroyed by your community. Is that fair? I joined CN because a friend of mine (former gov for CIS) committed suicide and I wanted to learn more about his thinking in his last days since he was away at college when it happened. Do you think it doesn't hurt me every day that the community that knew him doesn't exist anymore? That all that he worked for in game is decayed and dusted? I don't really know a lot of the details since I had already lost interest in CN for other reasons and I can hardly stand to let myself feel anything in this game anymore. I walk around each day numb to the greater happenings of Planet Bob. From that desire to "win at all costs" your alliance has lost it's soul... heck, it's pushed me toward the direction of losing mine. You seem like a good guy, and I hope that drivenness that chooses to win, and avenge at all costs, does not poison your own soul with time. With that said, your alliance has always had my respect because they have always been able to accomplish what they wanted to do. I also have a lot of hope for the NPO in that part of my core that is stubbornly idealistic and hopeful about the future of people that I love and see so much good in. Your alliance really is full of very brilliant, thoughtful people who have been, are, and will be successful in RL as well as CN. You have three great ideals that you claim to hold to as an alliance. If you pursue those as your "North Star" (and interpret strength as, well, strength, rather than absolute power and control) I think you can prosper again and the community you love can have a true, lasting place at the table in Planet Bob. Until then, you will always live in isolation... whether it is by your own choice, or the choice of others. So, uhm, have fun with your brothers over there on the island. I'll be over here on the mainland crossing my fingers.
  21. April enters a thread quietly in solemn remembrance and sheds a tear... For all those who left CN during the events leading up to, during, and after the War on Peace.... For the nations that died because their leaders believed there was not a place for their ideals on Planet Bob or who burnt out from convincing people to see the good intentions in their hearts. April sheds another tear for the cynicism, sometimes confused with wisdom, that has grown in her own heart over the last year and a half of her time in Planet Bob. April says a silent prayer for the dream that peace really does work, and flourish, and endure. April backs out of the thread slowly, gently laying a flower on the ground as she exits. Good luck GPA
  22. I am sincerely flattered, especially since I have been so inactive of late, to be thought of at all.... but moreso by three people I respoect so much. I know I have had some less than wonderful moments in this game when I've let RL or in game stress get the better of me in terms of my interactions with people here, but it has always been my goal to love the people that come across my path here first, and then worry about the game stuff second. It's landed me some random, and frequently conflicting IC friendships, and gotten me hurt many times, but has been a meaningful ride. I think a lot of people miss out of that because they're so focused on IC goals. Pretty much this. deathcat manages to be kind, even IC, all the time, despite rough life circumstances. You are the best kind of man, sir. OoC I think this award goes to Pansy. He can be a bit of a crazy warmongerer in game so it's probably not that obvious to those that haven't spoken to him personally, but he has an incredibly big heart and has undoubtedly cared for and encouraged too many people in this game to count. Azaghul is also a really good pick, he's always conducted himself very well IC and OoC.... with thoughtfulness, kindness, and honor. Other picks would be Sage Masters and Emperor Fu, two of the three little brothers I've accumulated through my time in the game, and Catronos and Cornelius. I would actually think the most misunderstood guy in CN is probably Moo. In my interactions with him I have always seen him as someone with a reasonable, thoughtful, and kind heart. Even when I was the GPA president in the convos leading up to the war on peace. It's a real pity that his position doesn't allow more people to get to know him better.
  23. Haha... welcome guys and awesome picture! I think you'll find IRON a worthy opponent. I know my 2500 missing infra do. :lol:
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