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Sigurd Odinnson

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Everything posted by Sigurd Odinnson

  1. First of all, the word you are looking for is "swastika". I won't go into the history or the etymology, as you can find that out for yourself and it has nothing to do with NoR. The symbol of our alliance is the Odal Rune (proto-Germanic Ōþalan, Old English Éðel); like all the runes, it had both a phonetic (equivalent to Ω in Greek, in fact I believe the similarity in shape is quite pronounced) as well a symbolic meaning to the ancient Germanic peoples who employed its usage both for magical and mundane purposes. To be specific, its meaning "property, immobile wealth, heritage, homeland". It was chosen because it accurately represents our over all identity as a Germanic/Northern European cultural alliance, in much the same way the harp might represent an Irish cultural alliance. And if you're referring to our political affiliation, you will be relieved to find we have none. Nordreich welcomes citizens of all backgrounds and political affiliations, so long as they keep those OOC, RL backgrounds and affiliations out of CN. This is a game, and we take the OOC/IC divide very seriously, knowing what difficulties can arise if OOC ideologies are allowed to interfere with IC gameplay. Games like CN are supposed to serve as an escape from the real world and an avenue of relaxation; OOC ideologies serve in general to serve as obstacles to enjoying the escapism of such games. If you are interested in the history of Nordreich, her iconography, and identity, you can contact me or any of Nordreich's government listed in the OP. We are very open about our identity and our leadership is well versed in the history associated with the Germanic peoples.
  2. Bump for my Medieval brothers and sisters. o/ RoA!
  3. See the fleet foot hosts of men Who speed with faces wan From farmstead and from thresher's cot Along the banks of Bann They come with Vengeance in their eyes Too late, too late are they For young Roddy McCorley goes to die On the Bridge of Toome today Up the narrow street he steps Smiling, proud, and young About the hemp rope on his neck The golden ringlets clung There is never a tear in his blue eyes Both glad and bright are they As young Roddy McCorley goes to die At the Bridge of Toome today When he last stepped up that street With shining pike in hand Behind him marched in grim array A stalwart earnest band For Antrim town! For Antrim town! He led them to the fray And young Roddy McCorley goes to die On the Bridge of Toome today Ne'er a one of all young men More bravely fell in fray Than he who marches to his death On the Bridge of Toome today True to the last, true to the last! He treads the upward way And young Roddy McCorley goes to die On the Bridge of Toome today Tiocfaidh ár lá Bump for Sinn Féin.
  4. We're more than just another alliance. Join the Nordreich community today! http://cybernations.nordreich.eu
  5. Bump for the bushi from Nordland! 君が代は 千代に八千代に さざれ石の いわおとなりて こけのむすまで Kimigayo wa Chiyo ni yachiyo ni Sazare-ishi no Iwao to narite Koke no musu made
  6. I originally joined in May 2007 from the !@#$%* region Germany (formerly The German Empire, formerly Imperial Germany), recruited to the New Imperial Prussian Order by Kaiser Freddy right before he formed The German Empire; I was around for the Deutscher Volksbund war and then left for about two years because of school, and came back in late September 2008 back to the German Empire, found out our old enemy Nordreich wasn't around, was pretty upset that TGE had become so communistic, and got kicked out for talking to Kaiser Martens. then I was out again until the end of the Karma War and joined Nordreich in late May.
  7. No one is ever left behind in Nordreich.
  8. I can't believe any Nordlander let this go to page three. HAIL NORDREICH!
  9. Hail and Good Luck from a [OOC]RL Sinn Fein supporter. Tiocfaidh ár lá[/OOC]. *starts idling IRC channel*
  10. o/ AZTEC Looks like the sandbox just got a little more crowded. I wonder who else will want to come and play.
  11. Congratulations, my fellow Nordlanders. To another successful quarter, and another successful year. I also look forward to working in conjunction with our new MoFA. Es lebe Nordland.
  12. Hail and Congrats to the winners! Also, OP sig = full of win.
  13. I actually rather like the craftmanship there . Why the helmet though? It seems odd with the communist t-shirt.
  14. From an [OOC Austro-Hungarian (at least by descent)] to The Austro-Hungarian Empire: Hail! I'm glad to see such an effort being undertaken. Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze Unsern Kaiser, unser Land! Mächtig durch des Glaubens Stütze, Führt er uns mit weiser Hand! Laßt uns seiner Väter Krone Schirmen wider jeden Feind! |: Innig bleibt mit Habsburgs Throne Österreichs Geschick vereint! :|
  15. In Nomine Patriae, et Gentis, et Imperii Sancti. Es lebe unser heiliges Nordland.
  16. Let us know when you're ready to move to Vegas! /ooc Indeed, though, hail and congratulations to NoR allies!
  17. You're right about us being in the 40th place for long-- Nordreich is always moving up and forward!
  18. A bump for the Russian Empire, because you were kind enough to bump our thread!
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