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Everything posted by Baltus

  1. I support this. Afraid so. Get in the shelter.
  2. Hmm..this war just got more interesting. As a side note, isn't it "weird" how no one is declaring on Ragnarok? I wonder why..lol
  3. uh huh...you have this in the wrong forum..probably the wrong site. You apply for an alliance on their forums. Not these, this is for recruiting.
  4. Nice job, OS. This will be an interesting war, no doubt of that.
  5. This is pretty much dead on. Alliances are integrated into the game, for 4 years now. You won't be able to remove it. You can try, but you won't succed. I don't mean to be mean, or whatever, but that is the truth. When you join an alliances you willingly give up some of you soveriegnity for protection. And as to raiding, most large alliances: WF, NpO, VE, MHA, etc. are against raiding. Raiding is typically only found in micros or in those that have always raided. And your alliances never forces you to do anything, ever, and on top of that you can leave at any time. One final thing: Some people have put in lots of work into their alliances. Writing and editing charters, having a domain name forums, keeping their alliance nice and organized. For some reason, some newer nations assume that running an alliance is easy. Well, I can honestly say it is the complete opposite. You, yourself are a new nation, no offense but it seems you have almost no idea what you are talking about. Everything done in CN is because of the players. We made the alliances, we signed the treaties, we wrote our charters. And if you don't like it, then I don't know what to say. And, one final thing, you say you are fighting for complete strangers. Most alliances have forums, where you can talk to other members, and discuss things. On those forums, you will find out soon, that they are not strangers instead they are people just like you.
  6. Thank you, everyone! Just a note:Voting is still going on (sort of). The charter however is mainly approved, but it is still in the works..a little bit. Also, WF members, remember to get on the forums.
  7. o/WF And give me my credit, compound. I wrote the whole thing
  8. congrats and good luck And..with an address like that for your forums..you won't get tons of apps. Why not just CN-UCAE.ipbfree.com?
  9. Another 18 page thread.. And I doubt it was Warbuck, and I KNOW it wasn't Hoo. Whoever faked them is low..really low.
  10. Not on new years..that's just wrong.
  11. That must have taken lots of courage.
  12. Congrats to both alliances.. friendship >allies.
  13. I would not suggest Disney World. With all those kids running around, . Instead, I would go with...some Xbox. Congratulations.
  14. Yeah..seriously, 3 nights? If something doesn't happen during the next 2-3 days, I doubt anything will.
  15. Well,I think this is a definite eye opener to lots of people. ADI..I will say that I expected something better from you. Good luck to both parties.
  16. Short and Sweet. That's how treaties, should be. o/VE o/Athens
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