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Status Updates posted by kulomascovia

  1. I accidentally this profile. I hope you don't mind.

  2. You should start the round 15 casualties race. :P

  3. You need to get rolled.

    In bed. :)

  4. I am enthralled by your avatar. Where did you get it?

  5. Yeah, I added you as a friend. :P Do something about it.

  6. Oops, I did it again. D:

  7. Darn you! Now you're out of my range!

  8. Yay. I can now comment on my profile.

  9. Bama - TE needs you now more than ever.

  10. Noooo! You've desecrated the face of Treize Khushrenada.

  11. Hey, is the crazy mother from Lords And Ladies in your avatar?

  12. No! >:( BJ's are for John Michailovich only!

  13. Who's the guy in your avatar?

  14. What does Haflinger mean?

  15. Your personal statement is broken :P

  16. You better! Otherwise, I might be forced to disclose vital information to you and BEazy! Think about that for a moment!

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