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Everything posted by Rajistani

  1. i hate TPF for stealing my idea... i was going to do this for GDA
  2. Doubt you care much..but that -5 should have been a plus five on GDA... p.s. Will an alliance that has dropped just need 200 members to be replaced in the race, or have to pass the add line again? I assume the latter, but I might as well ask since GGA is there.
  3. VOX 2.0 - The Hegemonys Revenge
  4. o/ NEW and the others for doing it right.
  5. Sparta no.. actually Alliances The game was better when there was noway to be on top.
  6. Wow. I'm actually coming around to the Karma Coalition... You moved above President Obama (in real life, not the one in Gramlins or w/e) on my list if that means anything to you. But I should warn you Obama's not that high
  7. WHICH FLAG IS NVs!?!??! new flag for protector + new alliance flag = confusion
  8. I am creating the Indian Empire, who else is in?
  9. I love how you come to existence right after NATO "died."
  10. :doh: why didn't they say so... Anyways the thing about reps stands :jihad:
  11. Bandwaggoning = warring on the winning side without treaties so you can have the spoils of war. Note: If you even attempt to put any reparations on NEW I will kill you.
  12. NPO wasnt on the losing side if people honored their treaties... MHA/Sparta/co all have MADPs with NPO
  13. So why does DF have any treaties papers? They could just sign nothing and attack whenever they wanted.
  14. DF doesn't need a paper to go to war.... coming from one of the many alliances that trolled others for not honoring their "paper" planet bob ftw
  15. 30,070 posts (49.45 per day)


  16. Why is it cinema toast crunch and not cinnamon toast crunch :sad:
  17. not really... look at SSSW18's terms. Anyways you all are missing the point. WHY did IS enter this war? To defend TFO... an alliance they have no treaties with. Their only connection is that they are both PROTECTORATES of PC... sequence of events: DT declares on TPF because of their treaty with PC PC declared on TPF because of their treaty with DT TFO declares on TPF because of their protectorate with PC TSI declares on TFO because of the OPP IS declares in defense of TFO because of their protectorate with PC edit: if shuru doesnt care, I don't.
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