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Everything posted by Rajistani

  1. Look to put it simply NPO doesn't deserve this. NPO helped us post-war. We defended polaris... we disbanded. They helped me when i made my alliance, IDC. IDC is now in a state of war with those who have attacked NPO. Call me small, yes, I am. Because I have been ZIed many times. Signed, Rajistani
  2. They would be. lol Thank you VE. ..you change your views by the minute don't you? I quoted these because they are the only good posts in this thread, and i think we can move onto discussion now. Also I should highlight that OV accepted this, and NPO has doubled the number of nations they have in peace.
  3. You haven't read a word of this thread.. have you? OOC: Lol though
  4. What do you hope to gain from doing the same things wrong that they "did wrong" ?
  5. and This is what I am referring too. The third quote reply on the linked post.
  6. Erhm.. NPO didn't you support your allies in GGA and Valhalla for doing the same thing? I personally asked many times for proof in the Hyperion war ( I was govt. of SOLID), and all I was given was links to the stat screens of NPO, GGA, and Valhalla. I hate to join the band waggon, but this screams karma.
  7. Well I don't know about IC. But in real life, I am perfect, and people do hate me. That's my only problem with your post.
  8. This pretty much summarizes my train of thought.
  9. While this may be true, it does not counteract my statement. Whether there are many defending the head or not, taking off the head will solve the problem, while taking off the hand does nothing.
  10. Yes, and IRON's neutral too with their 5k + n00ks.
  11. The harassment of his nation is unwarranted. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. The only problem I have with his post is that he probably only read 6 posts in this whole thread.
  12. Thats sig-able. and because of this: I am going to that. Good point; I don't represent Sparta!
  13. Cut off their hands, and they can teach others to steal for them. Cut off their heads and solve the problem once and for all.
  14. Ah so your all guilty of accepting false information then? We demand the ZI of everyone who has seen schills logs, since they have obviously accepted information from a spai. [/sarcasm] OOC: Can't Wait Well I meant by the "New" and the "Order" parts. ... and well hopefully the latter. The more wars the better, imo. Touche, i hate bandwaggoning myself. Edit: Honoring treaties is what I do. As stated above, I am new to Sparta.
  15. If they would clear your name, then Moos would release them himself.
  16. I dont know where to start. A) How do you know the logs are faked if he shared them with noone? B) I didn't "set up" anything. C) "Face us with honor" .. well we had a treaty with you, so I had nothing to do with that, I only joined Sparta a few days ago. But, since then, we have canceled our treaty (well treaties; when considering Q). D) It's not my decision, I am not the government of Sparta, but lets see what happens. . E) I don't know how you can live up to your name... you have been in power so long that the new order is now an old order, lets fix that. F) Annoy and spam you? I haven't spammed anyone, and if this does annoy you, do as others suggested. Don't read it, and don't post in it so it doesn't come to the top of the forum.
  17. ...they didn't have it before. I read it as "this means as of now Soldier will stop voting for Dark Fists senate candidate"
  18. Noone planted information... its not real information offered. It was an analogy of what happened to OV. If a neutral party came to you and had ACTUAL information showing that an alliance was planning on attacking NPO, NPO would take preemptive measures, none of which would remotely include reporting the person who brought the actual information to the alliance that was planning on attacking.
  19. What I mean is Soldiers support doesnt get them INTO a sanctioned spot, and without it they won't have a sanctioned spot either. So the OP is irrelevant. Come back when you have something smart to say.
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