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Everything posted by Nobama

  1. How about for the quality of discussing your decisions. Unless that's something you'd prefer to avoid.
  2. Hell yes. I support this statement. o/RIA
  3. For posterity, GGA just declared on the whole of Karma.
  4. Edit - I read threads one at a time. You're not all bad after all.
  5. How do we define bandwagon; unrelated, non-treatied partners jumping in?
  6. I think a viceroy would be a good idea. The consistent failure of the NPO to treat anybody else in the game with much respect is well documented. Maybe a month or two under the rule of somebody else will aid in breaking their spirit.
  7. The only point I'd correct you on is the fact that the entire Cyberverse wasn't really against them. Things were roughly evenly matched. Certainly they'd be at a disadvantage, but this wasn't a ditching-BAPS sorta thing. Oh, and they'd be fighting an enemy who would certainly have provided very fair, even generous, terms. There would be no EZI. There would be no alliance ending. There would be, at most, some reparations and military deduction for a few months. Basically, the toilet bowl voided their honor and word to avoid a moderately rough situation. Legion, GATO, ODN, and hordes more of "crap" alliances > Continuum alliances
  8. Please go to sleep Bob. Oh, and here's to hoping this is the first in a long line of diplomatically cutting off the alliances in that embarrassing announcement.
  9. Note to Continuum: This is what doing it right looks like.
  10. I feel strongly in agreement, Brother.
  11. I think we can honestly say... this is one of the most historic nights of CN. I'm glad I could be a part of it.
  12. Valhalla! The tough guys! Chefjoe, you love a good war! Come on guys, you're honorable! No? Nothing?
  13. No, TPF! You're tough and crude and ready to roll, remember? You guys are fighters! What's next, Valhalla dropping out?
  14. After an hour and a half of delaying and getting nowhere, yes. Should they give you 90 days with interest-paid late options?
  15. What I'm amazed with is the NPO leadership's ability to sit there, with a straight face, acting annoyed that Archon, Karma & Co. don't feel like negotiating up to the update when they would obviously be hitting them. NPO seems to think if they can stall and um and uh long enough about semantics, then the other party across the table should be completely understanding and hospitable to this. Oh, and I've seen Pacificans get tattoos of the flag. How about one of you chips in and starts paying for Moo's connection so he can get something decent enough to work with.
  16. Always honorable, always true. VE has been a class act since even before the NPO pummeled them to make space for GGA. Their War of Retribution has come.
  17. I had no idea this was coming.
  18. Hahaha. Are you sure we're talking about the same alliance?
  19. D- for effort. Posting this will get me warned., lock, after fail, etc.
  20. Is it still 4/20 in your time zone? I honestly can't muster much respect for TORN after this. Regardless, the difference between TORN's week and NPO's week is the space between j-walking and shooting an old lady.
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