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Everything posted by Nobama

  1. Yes, continue living in the alternate reality where all the alliances fighting you are fighting you and you alone. It's all about you, Valhalla.
  2. Failhalla had it coming anyways. I'm glad to see this, RIA.
  3. I love this PM. Unimportant? Yeah. Clutter in the forum? Of course. Headed to page 10 in record time? Sure. But I love. this. PM.
  4. Arm wrestling for war slots will be held in the IoM embassy on the NSO boards this evening. RandomInterrupt will be the judge. He is completely partial. Heh.
  5. Let's make a concerted effort to ignore the attention-seeker and move along, if you wish. Also, I was curious to see if your organization had an IRC channel.
  6. Humorous lies boldfaced for the reader's convenience. Just a little editing, carry on.
  7. "Opportunistic" in the same way that you would walk into an elevator after the door opens instead of while it is closed, I guess.
  8. While I do not agree with your statement about the Red Cross' actions not requiring "balls," I will point out that the OP never advertised having mentionable balls, and that he was simply trying to form an alliance. Past that you have called this fine gentleman a coward, have questioned his integrity, have insinuated that he is some sort of opportunist, and have even unnecessarily brought into question his private parts. Is this the path you really want to take in this thread?
  9. It appears the childish rumor that Karma will be going after surrendering alliances with whips further proves itself silly. Good on everybody involved, white peace is setting a precedent for a new and better Cyberverse.
  10. In fact, many people would consider the first business owner to return to an area such as that as courageous. I hail Red Cross for their bold move, and wish their articulate, intelligent leader the best in his endeavor.
  11. His integrity being... that he waits for a door to open before walking through it? You seem to have confused this gentleman's forming of an alliance based on a particular color for some sort of act of cowardice. Your mistake will be forgiven and forgotten the first time, as I see no reason to make you look foolish for an elementary error.
  12. I read much more of this thread than I usually do, and it's because this subject piques my curiosity. I was a Legion member in GWIII. I fought hard against FAN until I was left with 7 infra and an alliance leadership (namely VL) who was satisfied to ignore my concerns about the war effort. Those of you who are bashing this gentleman for leaving seem to have never been in this position, but I can certainly and clearly see why he is in the right. The membership of an alliance have certain rights, and it certainly does not escape my imagination that NPO leadership would act much the same way Legion's did, only with a more aggressive spin that may discourage a member from even attempting to offer adverse opinions. That said, I have mixed feelings about this thread being created. While it is good for other NPO members to witness a comrade come to his senses, I would cringe if a member did this in an alliance I was leading. I suppose the difference here is that these threads are usually written by poorly-studied fools who are unable to grasp what is going on in their alliance, while the OP is obviously a man of intelligence. Good read, and I wish you the best.
  13. Good to see the honestly. This rumor should be ended, from my discussions with a few Karma leaders, it seems completely ludicrous. Anyways, I've got some errands to run, fellows. I'll return later.
  14. Or showboat, whatever is in TPF's interests. See you out there, mhawk.
  15. They are not, which is, as I said, why you are making silly, overdramatized three-offensive-war DoW's which won't do anything. The TPF PR machine
  16. You can quit repeating that. Everything you have would include the 50 peace modes. You have 500 wars for 228 nations. A good deal of involvement, yes, but you're not injured muts scrapping at the bear for another go. Quit pretending you are. I'm certain they will. Doesn't change the fact that you're overdramatizing a 3-man DoW in order to desperately scrap together some positive PR. Spy? Let me guess: you did a CTRL+F of the OP and didn't see it. I'm not even going to justify that with a response. The NSO is thrilled to see TPF making the decisions they made. Regardless of how symbolic, ritualistic, and PR-motivated these decisions are.
  17. Oh they've got BMTH. Nice. Also, way to make a boring announcement in a sea of flames. Nice work anyways.
  18. This. TPF has figured something out: there is no perma-ZI, there is no 800 million in reps, there is no hunting down the leaders as they make new nations. They've come to realize the rules of times past, the NPO's rules, are no longer in effect. TPF has nothing to lose here. They made a horrible blunder on the outset of this war, showed some true colors, and now can "attack" everybody who slights an ally. They are drunkenly throwing stones in a warzone, and it's winning them the PR battle amongst those who are capable of little more than hailing. Over-dramatized DoW for a three nation offensive. Of course this wasn't just a PR move
  19. Basically the slogan of my career Also, this is important.
  20. Come relax in the NSO lounges. We've got wonderful couches and an unlimited supply of gauze.
  21. Strange belief set. So the Karma alliances were plotting darkly over NPO's destruction, it was common knowledge, and yet, knowing this, NPO attacked anyways? Also, very few people in Karma, to my knowledge, disliked TOP. Maybe I'm just coming from an Orange (Vanguard) background, but they were generally seen as the nice guys of tC.
  22. A lesson the alliances of Karma are putting into action, finally. But I'm not going to take anything away from you Mhawk.... I'm just going to watch you give it all away.
  23. Although this is usually applied to treaties, I think RoK deserves better opponents
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