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Everything posted by Wabooz

  1. Best wishes to you USN!!! o/ It's truly an honor. Regards, Wabooz
  2. Common sense would tell you that you don't need to ask them to join the fight, to work together once they have. I'm not sure how you turn that into LB lying.
  3. I'm sure everyone will listen and it'll calm down here..
  4. Was that post meant as a joke? OP vs TPF was going good? bandwaggoners? Have you already forgotten the 21 Pork members, 31 from LC , 17 from Ozland, 12 from kleos, and 22 OB members that your brought to the party? Am I missing anyone? I mean no insult, nor am I looking for an argument but you can't be serious... edit: damn, I looked all of that up in-game and it was already posted two posts up^^ haha
  5. You have 115 tech for your 569 infra, an airforce of 29 planes and 1 BR. That's improper nation building. If you followed a guide or two you can easily remain in the top 5%, granted you aren't attacked, without donations. Also, the admin needs a few bucks to run the servers and compensate for his time..donations meet that need. edit: The most likely reason you went from 8% to 13% is due to higher NS nations bringing in a lot more cash after collection...so they're able to buy chunks of 50 infra at a faster rate...plus a little tech and whatever else they're buying themselves to grow.
  6. Exactly, so a quick white peace seems in order. Then everyone can brush themselves off and go about their business.
  7. It should.. and could begin new diplomatic relationships as two AA's work the problem out.. or.. the worst thing that happens from a policy like this is war!
  8. What's going on? I couldn't take my eyes off of that flag!
  9. At least for today Merry Christmas Roman Empire.
  10. Oh yeah? who was paid Foreign Aid in SE to join OP? And nobody will have to choose sides, that's silly. But if they did, I'm sure most know RE is dead weight and puts up next to no resistance during battle...so, with that said, I guess most would be wise to ignore your "side". No need to feel insecure, man.. there's room in Steve for many many more Nations and Alliances...
  11. Poor rogues...not sure why folks want to pick on somebody that already lacks an alliance >< Rogues need loving and war, too.
  12. Well this goes without saying G'luck and have fun, TPF o/
  13. OP doesn't feel it owns blue sphere.. we respect WAPA, GDA, Aztec, SoS and the others...most of them at least..
  14. Good luck fellas. WAPA YA GLASS
  15. Nice flag, and I wish you luck also.
  16. Blue team eh? Art thou scorned?
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