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Marty McFly

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Everything posted by Marty McFly

  1. I don't think that announcement is relevant to this one. NSO didn't even sign the other one.
  2. I know that, but the way RnR said "good fight" to NSO made it seem like the fighting was over.
  3. So you thank NSO for fighting, but they aren't on the peace agreement? You guys still at war or what?
  4. I would hope thats not the case. Same goes for them. I can't tell you what will happen, but I personally am saddened at the moment 3 of our allies are out there alone.
  5. I really hope you aren't trying to scold the NSO with that comment and I'm misinterpreting it. If so, it speaks leaps and bounds about your alliance.
  6. OPSEC and all, I meant it as a rhetorical question. I just don't want to see my allies burn alone.
  7. The NPO should be the last to talk about "your own accords."
  8. Didn't I have like 1 soldier and 2k tanks? I thought you would defeat alert me
  9. GR? You don't know what happens in the lines of communication between us and our allies. Also, that wound is still tender.
  10. Stop oppressing us NPO, you are ruining the game with your neutrality!
  11. MK, I know this past week I've been harsh towards you because of your attitude towards my alliance, but this was uncalled for. I personally offer moral support, good luck.
  12. Mpol, we would be honored if you entered this war with us! I really want to see you guys in action, its been too long
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